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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    No, you don't have to be a Dr. K patient. Most of us are, but there are several who attend who are not. We are meeting October 20th, Monday at the Red Robin on Arapahoe and I-25. We just talk and eat and then we take a monthly group picture that we post on the Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum thread. I have a good friend who comes up from the Springs. She wasn't banded by Dr. K. It's just nice to meet other Banders! We'd love to have you!
  2. Red Robin Gathering October 20, 2008 7pm Arapahoe and I-25 Join us for support, great conversation and some good food!
  3. I adopted that rule when I saw a program on speed eating! It said that it takes 9 seconds from when you swallow for your food to reach your tummy. So I count to 9 after I swallow before taking the next bite! Believe me I'm the worst when it comes to gulping! Inhaling! Swallowing huge bites! I have found that every doctor puts the port in a different place. Mine is about 4 inches below my bra, Maybe a bit more and a little to the left. I have a friend who was banded by someone else and her's is near her belly button! Isn't that bizzarre? My port area was swollen like an egg shape for about 8 weeks or more. And it was very sore. It's a perfectly normal part of healing. I talked to Dr. K about it in his office. There is plenty of room with me in the Centurion Club! Anytime Dear, just come on over! Are you going to be able to join us at RR on Monday the 20th of October? Say Yes, Say Yes!!! Thanks Jaime! Am I the yellow man or the blue man :thumbdown:? The scars will go down. My is more flat but still pretty discolored. I have to wear a shirt underneath anything shear because it does show through. But maybe I shouldn't be wearing shear blouses at my age anyway! A cami works well to hide it. Denvergirl got the low profile port, which is harder to find for fills, but it will not show after she's at goal. I have a friend at goal and she's pretty buff. You can see her port, but she calls her it her badge of honor! I'm sending you a big hug Lotza! My goodness that is a lot to digest. I remember you saying they paid for your surgery. Your parents sound like wonderful people. Take care of yourself too, Dear. I'd love to go to Zion! I hope you bring pics back! Could you have hiked Zion last year?
  4. Hey Girlie! I am so glad to hear your fill went well! Don't you just love Tom? It has been quiet here! Where is everyone? Busy with Life I guess! I was glad that Denise posted that let us know that Brandy is just busy and she's doing well. I had my second interview last Tuesday. I think it went well, but with my lack of research experience I'm not holding my breath... hoping but realistic. I'd love a new job. I'm so ready for a change and I need to work the 80 hours. Money is really tight right now with tuition to pay and the prices of things increasing. Are we still on for the 20th of October at Red Robin? I'll post a note to let everyone know. It would be nice to see everyone! Yesterday, I found a pair of pants in the upstairs closet that still had the price tag on them... brand new size 24 and they were too big! Way Way too Big! What a waste! I wore them because I denied the fact that they were too big. They are dress pants with a zipper, no elastic, linen. I was convinced they would be too tight. My mind hasn't caught up with my body yet! Then I wore a sweater that was huge! I must have looked like an idiot! My scale is finally moving. I need to figure out my password to change my ticker or just make a new one. I have so many passwords at work to remember, I have a hard time with the ones at home! Oh for the days of paper charting, meds in locked cabinets and doors that didn't have combo locks on them! Life goes on... Hope this fill gives you a little restriction! See you on Monday night! Hugs, dee~
  5. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    I ate at Red Robin during my pureed stage and I had the spinach dip, I could only eat about 4 bites and then I took the rest home to my family. I didn't eat the spinach part. There is also French Onion soup which is what most of the Banders get when we have our Red Robin group meeting.
  6. First of all, I am sorry you have to be on a Liquid Diet! That sucks! There are so many variations to the pre-op diet, it's insane. BUT the one that works to get the liver the smallest is the Ultra-Low Carb, High Protein diet. I don't advise anyone to go against their doctors' orders or to cheat, BUT if you feel you must and can't resist, then I say cheat with something that has zero carbs! Eggs, cheese, meat... NO CARBS! The carbs will just work against you and your liver won't get smaller. Just my opinion - from knowing that the liver is where glycogen is stored, to shrink the liver, you've got to stop eating carbs. No calorie or fat restriction is needed, just stop eating those carbs! Good Luck!!!
  7. You're so funny!!! Yes, I've been working a lot of extra shifts! Crazy! I am really short on funds lately and I need to find another job. I had a second interview yesterday morning for the research job. I used baby spoons when I first started eating. It helped me take smaller bites. But I haven't since the initial stage. I do eat from the much smaller saucers and bowls. The princesses plates are a must have! Can you imagine life as a Bander without them?
  8. Jaime Jaime Jaime! Dear Jaime! My rule is this. Take a much smaller bite than usual. (I'm a gulper!) Chew 30 times, not necessarily to mush! Swallow and count to 9 -- take next bite.
  9. Brandy! Girl!! Where are you? I have been missing you for a long time! Not a word, not even a drive by post in over 2 weeks. If you're lurking, PM me... just to let me know you're okay. We miss you Lady! We love you Missy! Come back and be with us! WE need you! And if you need us, we are here! Please. Love, dee~:seeya:
  10. I'm sad that you have to wear your coat from last year. I know how you wish it was too big and then you could donate it to a fluffier girl. Next year Darling - when you're MicroMinidriver!!
  11. I've been reading other posts on another WLS board for banders and there is a doctor here in Denver who requires a 48 hour clear liquid pre-op diet. Clear liquids, no Protein, no sugar, broths, sf popsicles, sf kool-aide, no herbal teas. Period, end of story! The girl on the diet is dying. She's vomiting and has the worst headache. I just thought how lucky we are to have a doctor who - makes sense. No offense to anyone else who might read this and had to do that type of pre-op diet, BUT I just think putting a WLS patient on a diet like that is just setting them up for failure, self-defeating thought process, a pre-op weakened physical state and torture. Oh boy, I feel so fortunate now!
  12. Oh Dorkable, that would be so nice! I'll pay you for shipping and handling. I need a 2XL. If you don't have one, that's okay. I can lay with my 5XL, no one really cares what you look like while you're walking through the parking lot anyway. Right? I know about allowing old habits to creep back in. I am doing the BFL and on one day a week you can eat what you want. Well, that is not what I needed. Once I returned to some of my old faves, I have had a hard time getting back on track. I think I'm not one that can deviate even for a day. It took me about a week to get back on track and now I am not going to have the free-eat-whatever-you-want day again! I made myself return to my pre-op diet for 3 days just to get me back in the mind set of being good! Tomorrow I'll go back to the BFL eating. They allow good carbs. I guess, I will always be a food addict. That's my cross to bear. I need to recognize and admit it and hope that over time - my old habits will be replaced with good ones. I'm with you Girlie!
  13. Can I buy it from you? It's supposed to snow here tonight! ARGH!!!
  14. Bummer Dude. I'm going to be in the 1x shirt soon and the 20-22 pants I'm currently in. When I get out of them, I'll contact you, but by then you'll probably be in 18's! My problem now is a good winter coat. My last one was a 5xl! I got a 2xl at Steve and Barry's for $7.99, but it's lightweight and won't do the work for heavy Colorado winters. I hate to spend money on a coat for just one winter!
  15. Shelbi!!! My long lost Bandito Pal! Why have you been gone for so long? We missed you!!! :tt2: People have been talking about my Gas problem! They were even afraid of riding in my car with Jaime (she has a gas problem too!) How's the BFL going? Oh how I wish I had had a recliner! I had to sleep on the sofa, sitting up with lots of pillows. It was hideous! I'd love to join you for lunch, if I can find someone to switch shifts with me. Sometimes, a fill is really quick! But sometimes they are really busy and you have to wait. I've waited about an hour. But not much longer than that. Dr. K's office isn't that far from the airport. You could ask Deb how long it took her to get back to the airport.
  16. Yup and You, Anita and Michelle are charter members of the Bandito group! You're my primary peeps!
  17. Bella, did any of the clothes I gave you after your surgery fit? Were the pants or shirts too long? I tend to wear longer shirts because of my huge pannus. I might have some shorter pants, I can pass on. I have a huge hamper in my bedroom, when something is clean and it's too big, it goes in the hamper. When the hamper fills, I go through it and send it to my sister or donate to the ARC people.
  18. Denise!!! Thank you so much for helping Jaime! I was worried about the ole gal wondering this big city alone!
  19. Oh NO! Lotza isn't not just you!!! It's them! Just as Mini said, I'd call and ask, "why would you tell me one thing and do another?" I know my PCP's billing dept. sucks! AND I am constantly getting billed in error. Many docs have 'stay at home Mom's' do their billing. The errors can be bad! I'd verify that price with the office and double check that you got credit for the 150 that you already paid!
  20. Goodie! I can't wait to see you! I'm wearing your clothes now that the weather is getting cooler and they are fitting me! I wore Mal's pants the other day! I love it! You guys rock! Are you still with the school system? I see. Then, Dear, 135 is not bad at all for a fasting. Stay extremely well hydrated and try to do some kind of activity post meal, those things will help with your blood sugars too. I just started taking Probiotics. I got them from GNC. I'll let you know if they help with weight loss. There are some claims that they do. I also have such a hard time with being 'regular' - I'm hoping that helps too!
  21. NO! You're not welcome!!! AND please don't show up on the 15th BECAUSE WE WON'T BE THERE! SILLY SILLY Girl! Of course you're welcome! You're one of the charter members of the Bandito Red Robin Groupies! You better be there! I can't wait to see you! We'll meet on the 20th of October! I don't want to miss the last presidental debate! I'm sorry to hear about your blood sugars! Really 90 to 135 isn't so bad, Dear. How much Metformin are you taking? Are you taking it in several doses? You can whine all you want! Your dinner sounded yummy! I lost 2.4lbs this week. Finally, I'm moving in the right direction! I was stalled. It might be that muscle weighs more than fat and I have been doing my lifting. I did get a hat. I am sending it to my girlfriend who is still in treatment. She needs something cute to cover her head. I talked to her yesterday on the phone and she has such a good attitude. She's about half way through her chemo. Such a brave soul! The BFL is a lot of work, I admit. I am also not perfect with the lifting, but I am with the swimming. I confess I have missed a day a week but I force myself to do something - cycling or swimming. I just can't always get to the weights. My weight stalled from water retention and hopefully muscle weight, but this morning I am down 2.4 lbs since last Friday. Shelbi? Are you out there? How's it going? I think the 20th is perfect for me! I hope it's good for everyone else. So let's say October 20th, Red Robin, Arapahoe and I-25 at 7pm. If anyone has a problem with it, I may be able to change - speak up Banditos! We don't want to miss your lovely presence! Well Gang, I've done a couple of drive-bys. I haven't had a chance to read everything yet. Chatty Cathies! (did anyone else have that doll?) I have a second interview for the Research Assistant job on Tuesday and then I have another interview for a Diabetic Educator in the Springs. I'd have to relocate early next year, I'd have a company car and have to travel south quite a lot to work with the patients in Pueblo and those tiny towns down south. I'm a little weary of this job, because of all the travel... Spring, Summer, Fall would be fine, but Winter would really suck! I really want the Research Assistant job, I hope I get it!
  22. Oh Sweetie! We missed you! I'm glad to see you're back sans your huge uterus! Nice to know you're okay! I hope you're feeling perky and back to your old self in no time at all! Can you believe it's almost winter again? ARGH!
  23. Seriously Sister! I don't mind switching for you!!! I want to spend some time with you. It would be my pleasure!
  24. Did you book your flight already? I feel so bad! Maybe after the schedule is out, I can try to switch with someone! I hate that you have to get a rental or take a shuttle! That's no fun!
  25. Yup, November 4th is our November meeting. Let's plan a date in October. I'm free on the 15th and the 20th of October. Will those dates work for anyone?

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