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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Of course, it goes without saying, My Guy is the Best Guy! He's the only guy for the job AND He will make me proud! He already has. (your guy, well.... enough said)
  2. I'm not sure how you would go about challenging it, but I would wait until they figure your 'hardship discount' and if it's not sufficient then I would talk to the billing department and ask if that is the "self pay" price. I know some facilities have - an "insurance price" and a "self pay" price. The "self pay" price is usually less because they know that the insurance will only pay a portion of their charge anyway.
  3. We can move together! IF Your Guy is My Guy! AND IF Your Guy IS My Guy, AND He Wins, we can both celebrate!
  4. I'm usually glued to the TV too, but this one is so important to me, it's just going to make me nuts if my guy doesn't win. I might be moving to Canada!
  5. Yup! We're still on for Tuesday! I'd rather be out with you all, then home watching the returns! I'll get too nervous waiting to see if my guy won! Here is the address for RR 8585 E. Arapahoe Rd., Greenwood Village, 80111 and their phone number is 303-771-3350. We usually get there just before 7pm. I'll be waiting on the bench by the front door, on the inside. I hope you'll recognize me, if not, I'll try to recognize you! Goodie! I can't wait to meet you.
  6. I love it! I think you guys look great! I'm not sure of the other nurses - but we aren't allowed to dress in costumes... how unfortunate!
  7. My MRI cost me $1300.00 (that's the total charge) when I ruptured my achilles tendon AND it was a state of the art "open MRI" -- That charge is nuts! Challenge it indeed!
  8. Hi Everyone! Happy Halloween! I have been gone for a while. At a conference out of town and just busy with work and feeling out of sorts! Life goes on... as we all well know. I don't think I can address everyone's post, so I'll just trying to catch up with reading, but start fresh today. Bella, Your ER bill is out of control! That is just clearly insane! I can't believe it! I remember my stupid insurance forcing me to go to a hospital for my ultrasound for a total cost of $1500 - when I tore my achilles tendon... when I could have gone to an outpatient rad center and pay $125.00. My deductible was 10%, so I just paid out of pocket and went to the more convenient - park outside the door and hobble in free standing place. Stupid Stupid Stupid! I know my surgery cost over $40K, because I had to have it in the main OR of the hospital and stay overnight. Can you imagine? I hope they are willing to work out something with you to lower the payment and let you pay monthly installments. That's only fair. Congrats on your total loss for the challenge. Mini! I lost 5.4 lbs this week! Finally broke my plateau!!! I'll have to check my calendar to see what my total was for the challenge. Yeah!!! Jaime! How are you feeling? Is the cold better? I'd say stay in bed all weekend, drink plenty of fluids and get lots and lots of rest! It's true as long as you don't have a fever or a lot of chest congestion i.e. weezing, etc. They should be able to do the surgery. Munchi! I also love funny men! I don't really care what they look like as long as they are smart and can make me laugh! I love laughing! My daughter is the same way, when she looks at potential boyfriends. Lapdancer! Let me know how the plastic surgery stuff goes. I'm counting down to the 39 BMI mark so that I can get my lower tummy and arms done. My doctor said the insurance will pay for the tummy and most likely my arms. I'm sorry to hear you're still having back problems, but I'm sure that the surgery will help improve things greatly! PLUS, I have a feeling that I am carrying atleast 20 lbs of excess skin and fat there! Okay kids! No political statement here, BUT please don't forget to vote on Tuesday! My daughter and I voted on Wednesday! It was her first time and she was thrilled! It was an event for her! It brought tears to my eyes to see how serious she took it -- she had her little cheat sheet with all of the amendments on it. She's researched the heck out of all the candidates and she just makes me proud! Vote People Vote!!! Thanks for the prayer Marcy! I need it! Hugs, dee~
  9. I'm so sorry you missed it too! I know you would have rather been sitting at the round table with all of us Banditos than at home, cleaning up puke! Poor you! Poor Kids! Nothing is worse for anyone!!! Don't forget we're meeting November 4th for Jaime's night before surgery! I'm excited to meet Jaime! Time does fly! I remember sitting there at RR my first time. You were sitting next to me and your perfume smelled so good! I had to make a new one! I couldn't get find my password. I have to admit that I keep looking at those pictures. I am so surprised to see the difference!
  10. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    You didn't talk too much at all Julie! You're doing so well and I loved meeting you!!! You are such a brave soul! You drove such a long way! BUT I am so pleased that you did. You're an inspiration to me! Look at what you ate last night? Such a good Bander! I posted a before and now pic on "Considering Dr. Kirshenbaum" - what a difference a year makes!
  11. Oh no Sweetpea!!! I still weigh much more than you do! So you're not even close to being the biggest girl on the block! I still have that title. My goal is still to not be the fattest person in the room. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. (I hope!)
  12. We had some girls from "Colorado Anyone" join us. They were so friendly and it was great getting to meet more Banders! BikiniBeachy (she was just banded, still on her mushies stage), Denvergirl, PrtyAntOvrYt Long2bThin and KayleighsMommy (seated)
  13. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    BikiniBeachy, Denvergirl, Prtyantovryt, Long2BThin, KayleighsMommy (we all gathered at Red Robin for some good conversation and a nice meal!)
  14. Munchie! Welcome back Sister! I know how it is to be down and feel like locking yourself in your house! I'm afraid if my daughter wasn't living with me, it would be too easy to do this all of the time. When I'm sad, I feel very antisocial. I think it's great that the lesser sex of the world is starting to take notice of your hottness! I knew it would happen! You're just adorable and with your cute personality, you're just sexier! Enjoy those guys! Have tea and anything else that is offered... just be safe. (if you know what I mean, Jelly bean!) Mini! I love the pictures! You're so cute! I can see a big difference in your face! You're looking great! AND Zion is just as lovely as I have heard. When do you leave for the UN? Thanks for keeping track of our weight loss! Dorkable? Where are you Honeybunny? Bahot! Have a good time in Cancun! Denvergirl! I hope you'll be at RR tonight! If you'd like we can start a thread of "what are you eating today?" They do that each day at Obesity Help and it gives me ideas as to what to eat. Breakfast for me is always the same, 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1/2 slice of very dense whole grain toast, toasted with 1/3 fat cream cheese or LF Laughing Cow cheese spread on it. Snack: fruit Lunch: Tofu steak, garden burger, veggie burger with avocado slices, with no bun. or 1/2 of a burger wrapped in 1/2 Flat Out Whole Grain Wrap, lettuce, pickles, onions, mustard. Snack: Brocolli (I can never spell that word correctly!) and/or Baby Carrots with LF Ranch dressing, or Celery with Natural SF Peanut Butter. Dinner: Steel Cut Oatmeal, dates, pecans, Skim Milk I eat a lot of edamame, hummus, homemade chili, cottage cheese, yogurt with frozen fruit. I usually get 60 to 80 grams of protein each day, 30% or less of fat and my carbs run 30% of total calories. Today so far, I had 1 egg & 1 egg white with 1 morningstar farm breakfast sausage. (24 grams of protein) -- I'm not hungry yet for lunch. Waiting!
  15. Please don't forget: Red Robin tonight @ 7pm I-25 and Arapahoe! I'll be waiting on the bench just inside the door! Come one - come all! (out of towners, you'll be there in our thoughts!)
  16. Shelbi!!! Ms Shelbi Girl! I hate when you leave us like that! I'm glad you would miss us because we would miss you lots! BTW, I'd love to see a pretty picture of you Missy!
  17. Oh my Sweet Deb! I sat here and read your words and tears rolled down my face. You're so honest. As you know I can only speak for myself, Deb. But I can tell you that I am so happy for you. IN our lives, we suffer many trials, big and small. If we are so blessed to find someone to love us and someone whom we can love - we deserve to partake in that happiness. This world is filled with too much anger, ugliness and sadness, for anyone to turn their back on anyone for whom they love. My heart is full for you. I'm so happy you've found the love of your life. And Deb, thank you for sharing this with everyone here. I know that took a lot of courage. You're a good soul. And Janet Lynne is one lucky woman! Love, dee~
  18. Jaime! I'd be having a bad night too if that happened to me! I am so sorry! Those jerks! They aren't worth your time! They are young and stupid and they don't know a good woman when they see one! You're always going to be hot! Whether you are 70lbs overweight or 7lbs because you have a sweet personality and a cuteness! I'm glad you're married and you don't have to date and deal with all of the jerks out there! Men! They suck and not in a good way!! Have fun in NY! Wow! You're so cosmo! I have been wondering the same thing! Where is our Munchie! I should call her, but it's late there. She should be at work! I miss our Munchkin Girl!!1 I'm so glad you're going to be at RR on Monday. I invited some other Colorado girls, I hope no one minds. They were asking if they could join us and I said, "yes!" The more the merrier and it's nice to meet others with a band! I have heard of others having a delayed restriction. It's not that uncommon. A fill party reminds me of a Botox party! Boy do I need some botox! Right between my eyebrows! Scary stuff!!!
  19. Wow!! You lost 5 lbs last week? Congrats!!!
  20. Yup, there are many many docs who don't require any pre-op diet! Even for people with very high BMI's. My doctor required the Low Carb/High Protein/No calorie or Fat Restriction diet -- but the number of days required to be on it depended on your BMI. I had to be on it for 14 days and I lost 17 lbs the first time and 13 lbs the second time. My first surgery was cancelled due to my Malignant Hyperthermia.
  21. Well, it's good that it wasn't diseased. Fatty Liver is a diagnosis but maybe he used the word "fatty" to be descriptive. As a layman's term. But I do know that even people who are slim and active - in shape can be diagnosed with "Fatty Liver" disease. I'm glad your liver was not diseased! I agree, we need to follow our doc's orders. They are the ones who have to get that band around our stomachs!
  22. Hey Girlie, Ms Zion Hiker Woman! Soon to be MicroMini!! I lost nothing, not one pound. I have a feeling it's going to drop off like crazy next week. I worked the last 5 days -- in a row! I'm cleaning house today! I already burned my shredder up! I hate all those credit card offers! I've been shredding for hours! I hope you're having a wonderful time! dee~
  23. Do you think it's because you're a little tight in the morning? I haven't gotten stuck on Oatmeal, but I do know I have to be extra careful at breakfast, but dinner, I can pretty much eat whatever and however! I totally agree with you. The Band was the best surgery for me and I honestly have to say, that I wouldn't have had surgery if it weren't for the Band. I think that any other procedure is pretty drastic. I felt bad enough having to have a tool implanted to lose weight, I would have had a hard time allowing part of my stomach to be removed and my intestine to be rerouted. I'm not against others having it done if they fully understand all of the ramifications associated with such a serious procedure and as long as they understand that there is a window of losing and afterward they have the chance of gaining their weight back. I have a very good friend who had RNY last September, she lost 175lbs really fast and now she's really struggling to lose even one pound. She's dieting. At least we can get a fill when we start having problems. IF, you can find a doctor who doesn't cost an arm and a leg to give you one! Sorry to hear about your dilemna! I do not understand how doctors can charge so much! It's really a racket! About the diabetes, the Band is really helping those people! It's amazing how 90% have resolved their symptoms after being banded. :smile:
  24. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Colorado Anyone

    No it's not the one by Park Meadows. I thought that at first too. If you just take I-25 south, exit at Arapahoe and then drive West. It's at the first light, on the northwest corner. I will wait at the door on the bench. I'm 5-10, with light brown hair, glasses and I look like I need the help of my Lap Band. Ha!

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