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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Shelbi Girl! You're one of the first people I thought of last night! I wished I had your phone number so that I could call you! I am so happy, so proud and just amazed at how things have happened in such a positive way! Yesterday was a day in history we will all remember! Unfortunately, in recent history, the days we all remember have been for tragic events, ie. "The Challenger and The Twin Towers" -- BUT this was an event we can remember in a positive way. A new start for this country! A time to be hopeful! I'm just smiling from ear to ear! Love you too! dee~
  2. Back at ya Sister! I am so happy! I'm so proud of so many volunteers, Michelle Obama, AND our Man!
  3. I'm ready!!! I am absolutely thrilled! What an amazing event this is! My daughter and I are so overcome with emotion!
  4. Thanks for the Hug Munchie! Jaime gave it to me!!! AND it was the best!!!
  5. Jaime and Her Mom are the best! We wish her good luck tomorrow, as little gas as possible, no pain and a fast and easy recovery!
  6. Mal, We saved this seat for you because we knew you were home working on getting a much much much smaller butt~ We missed you Girlfriend!
  7. Jaime's Mom Cindy, Jaime, Dee, Nora
  8. Oh My Goodness Deb!!! I am sorry to hear this!!! Well, I am 9 months out and having PB'd or slimed, but I got so stuck the other day, I feared that my record would be broken! The enemy is being too hungry and taking too large of a bite -- that's my enemy! The old inhale mentality takes over and I forget my new Lapband manners! I feel for you!! Don't be jealous Deb, but last night, I got to see "our guy's" wife! She was here for her last and final rally! I hope he wins today!!!! She's the sweetest woman! Don't worry! If it happens once, you'll remember next time. I am 9 months out and it hasn't happened yet. Stuck yes! Leftovers heated in the microwave and being super hungry was my problem! No PB or sliming yet. Boy was I scared it was coming back up! Okay Sister! I just talked to you on the phone! I'm home now and I'm going to get the soap and put it next to my purse, keys and camera! I'm going to the hairdresser at 1700 to get my color done, so I hope she doesn't fix my hair in an ugly way! If I am late, I am sorry. Denvergirl should be there - get us a big table, round is best for conversations and I'll get there as soon as possible! I can't wait to see you Jaime Girl!! AND all the other Banditos! GREAT! I haven't been hugged a long time! Probably since Deb and Denvergirl met me at the Atlanta Bread Co. So I'll take all the hugs I can get! A girl can get pretty lonely being single! Thanks for the singing! Very pretty voice!!! Hugging you back!!:thumbup:
  9. Yup! Red Robin - Tomorrow night at 7pm, Jaime's last supper! Don't forget!!!
  10. I can see a huge difference Mini! Your waist is smaller and so is your face! Did you do overall measurements? The girl at work was banded a month ago and has lost 15lbs and she is down a size! It's so motivating and exciting to be on this journey! BTW, your home looks lovely!
  11. Oh my goodness, really Deb? I never heard of that! I am so nervous, I can't stand it!
  12. Well, it's only wonderful if things go our way... if not, I have my bags packed and ready.
  13. I heard last night that over 1/2 of the registered voters in Colorado have already voted! Can you believe that? It's great!
  14. Oh he is so suave, isn't he! I especially find him Hot when he rolls up his sleeves -- nice! (i have a hand fetish!) I just adore her. She loves her hubby so much it's refreshing! We're all of the same mind on this one! Don't you love it Mini???:cool2:
  15. I think it was someone at RR who said it wasn't required anymore, but I cannot for the life of me remember whom -- or who --- what --- or ?
  16. Yup! I'm like you Patty! Not one morsal of remorse or regret! I was just thrilled to get my Band. I was ashamed of being that obese, but thankful I finally had a way out!
  17. don't forget to bring some chapstick with you! my lips were so dry after surgery! AND borrow a pillow from the hotel for your ride from the surgicenter -- you'll want to splint your tummy over speed bumps. I remember bringing a pillow for Munchkin. She was so cute! She looked at me like I had two heads! Well, I was fat enough to have two heads!!!
  18. I voted Lapdancer! He's the sweetest Babe! I hope you're not enjoying him too much!!
  19. Okay Sister Jaime! It makes perfect sense. I admit that I am still ashamed of having to resort to such drastic measures to lose weight. I'm more ashamed, however, that I ever allowed myself to weigh as much as I did! What on earth was wrong with me? What I blind? Dumb? Or just not paying attention and living in denial? Losing weight has always been easy for me. Gaining it back plus more has been easier! I am a smart girl when it comes to nutrition. I was raised in a home that was very health conscious... but yet with all the knowledge, I ate horribly -- in addition to my veggies and fruits. Nice, huh? It's a lot of money to spend on ourselves. I know. But somehow, Jaime, we have to convince ourselves that we are worth that and so much more. It's time, we step back and realize that the past behaviors are not going to help us in the future. It's time to change. It's time to protect our well-being, care for ourselves and feel good about doing it. I'm sure you love your hubby, just as much as I love my daughter. I couldn't imagine, leaving her due to obesity related health issues. I felt I had to do something... for me and for her. We all understand where your head is -- ours were there and some days are still there. Take a deep breath, grab another protein shake and settle into your new life -- the first day of the rest of a long - happy and healthy new Jaime. Just think! You'll have two Birthdays! The day you entered this life and the day you started living again! Hugs, dee~
  20. Remind me and I'll bring the soap to RR on Tuesday night. It's Hepacleanse (I may have spelled that wrong again! Munchkin>) I took regular soup and just strained out the solids and ate that. I hate broth, it's so salty and it makes me nauseated.
  21. Is anyone interested in doing a new challenge? Perhaps we could do a Christmas/Holiday challenge and have it end on December 25th. It is 7 weeks from this coming Thursday. We could do our first weigh in on November 6th. No weights, just losses or gains. I think Mini did a great job keeping up with the totals. Think about it Peeps and let me know! Mini are you interested in continuing as organizer? We can share the job if you want.
  22. Hey Deb, Let's just say, he's from the midwest and he can eat crackers in my bed anytime! Of course, I'd invite his wife and kids too! We could have a cracker eating party.
  23. Marie, I can't remember when you had your surgery, but it's common at the 4 month mark to lose hair. How much protein are you getting each day? I log my food in at www.fitday.com so keep track of my protein intake. My hair and nails are better than before surgery, but I also lost a lot around the 4 month mark. I have all this baby hair around my hair line from the hair that is growing back. I get about 80grams of protein a day and sometimes more. I also take Biotin. But I truly think it's the protein intake that makes the biggest difference.
  24. We must be talking about the same man! Because you and I both know, that only our Guy is Hot!!! He's one fine piece of male specimen! (is it getting hot in here or is it just me?)

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