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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. That is freaking cool! Amazing! She's a fortunate young woman to be able to take part in that study!
  2. Nothing lame about you! Or your words! I think like you! I love learning new things. Opening the findings of a study is like opening a gift!
  3. You have first bite syndome. I didn't ever have that until now. I have read that if you start with warm fluids before your first bite, you won't get that tight feeling. I drink some warm water or tea just a few sips and then I can eat. I think none of us will ever have all the answers, but we will learn as we go.
  4. You are Super Cool! I am not so cool. I'm a Stat's Nerd. I took a Stat's class at UNM as one of my pre-req for PA school. I just use Excel that way and make a graph. No biggie. You're much more advanced than I am! I am in awe of you! Would you like me to gather the names and goals of everyone so far for the challenge?
  5. You can be in our Spreadsheet club! Isn't it fun?
  6. Bella! HI! Congrats on being so close to Onederland! I just got a fill and I think I figured out something. If I eat slower, taking smaller bites, I get full faster and I eat less. If I take bigger bites, eat faster, I get that stuck feeling and then I am hungry sooner! I've been doing some experimenting. Try and see if it works for you.
  7. Oh My Goodness Marie! You are so WELCOME!!! I loved meeting you! I'm glad you're home! I was just sitting here thinking about you and hoping you had gotten home safe and sound! I bet your hubby is happy to have you home! Let us know how your fill goes!
  8. Coolness! You and I can be Spreadsheet Sisters! I love my Excel. It's nice to see the trend going down! Even when I have gains and plateaus! Don't forget to do all of your measurements!
  9. Thanks Challenge Partner! You're the best! I counted 7 weeks til January 1st. So I'm going to go for 25lbs! I know that sounds like a lot, but I'm going to try it. My new fill is the best so far! It's amazing how 1.6mls can make the difference! Jaime! Who's balls and what wall? Dr. K removed mine at the 1 week appt. He said no hot tubs, baths or swimming for 4 weeks. All of that makes perfect sense to me! It's sad that it can happen so easily! Bless your heart, Adorkable! You've been struggling a long time with these things... then you had the gallbladder problems in the middle of all of this! You've lost 80lbs! You can be so proud of that. I know you worked so hard to lose that weight, but you can be proud of yourself for doing it without the help of your band. Well, Sweetie, good luck! I appauld your efforts. I gained when I started solids, not mushies. It's might happen, just know it happens to most. Don't be hard on yourself. Starbucks Guy sounds wonderful! How sweet! AND I trust Jake! I'm glad you found someone nice! You're so adorable! I'm so happy that you are going to be able to wear your Princess outfit again! Queen Squirrel? That's hilarious! My daughter asked me what I was doing today and I told her I was going to pick Marie up at the airport to take her for her fill. She said, "Oh you're now the Dr. K mobile." I had to laugh!!! Mama Squirrel!! You guys were making me crack up here! Well, I've been Super Morbidly Obese - I guess I can be Super Squirrel! I'd rather wear that cape! TA DA! The Super Squirrel to the Airport! I eat slower than a snail, I cannot leap tall buildings in a single bound, but I can take tinsy bites!!! See ya!!
  10. Awww Shucks! I'm just a regular squirrel! Good for you!!! Isn't it great? I hope Tally can get her stuff figured out!
  11. Okay Marie, you're in luck! I had a computer class and they cancelled it today. I can pick you up on Thursday at 1:30. Tell me what airlines and I'll be there at the curb. I drive a White Toyota Highlander. It's not a problem, Dear! I'm glad I can help! I'll PM you my cell phone number and if you can send me yours. It's possible that you were fluid overloaded for awhile Mini. The Metformin helps with a lot of things and one of them may very well be fluid balance. Getting your glucoses in order will help. I'm getting my next fill, if I need it on the 4th!
  12. Honey, We all gain a little when we start eating solids. It's normal, BUT I promise you will return to losing after your body adjusts. My fave full was blended brocolli and cheddar soup from Safeway. It was so good! I could only eat 1/2 cup at the most. I think my fill is perfect! I ate 1/2 cup of my hummus last night and I was so full. It was so good! This morning, I had one egg and half of a slice of flax oat bran toast with 1/3 fat cream cheese spread. It was so good!
  13. How are you feeling Miss Jaime? Are you on to fulls yet? What are you eating? Are your GI problems improving? I agree with others that it's most likely the antibiotics. Some antibiotics are well known for causing GI disturbances.
  14. Deb, It doesn't make sense to me. So let me get this straight - perhaps you didn't have a leak, but now you do? How is your restriction now? It's very confusing! I would think there should be a test you can do to check before having another surgery.
  15. Oops! Mini and I forgot to post the initial weigh in for the Holiday Challenge that was supposed to start last Thursday! So we decided that we will start it this coming Thursday! That will give us 6 weeks until December 25th! It will get us through the worst of the holiday eating events! Is everyone down with that?
  16. Are you kidding Deb!??? Everyone else looks great! I'm still huge! I am only 1/3 of my way there! I have a long long way to go! Hey! You're in Twoterville!! I can't wait to get to Twoterville!
  17. Mal give Buster a big birthday Hug And Kiss from his Auntie Dee! I am so proud of you attempting another 5K. When do you go for your next fill? Everyone should know they are moving the office to the building next door - where the pharmacy is located. Actually, they are moving today, I think. I'm glad you're home and safe! I was going to call you yesterday and thought, I better not. Since I wasn't sure if you'd be sleeping. How was the flight? Your Mom is so sweet, Jaime! You're so lucky to have her support and love. Thanks for coming to Panera. I'm sorry you weren't feeling so good! I bet you're so happy to be home! If nothing else Tally, he'll be thrilled to find out that he doesn't have to do another surgery and that you don't have a leak. Take care of it before you leave town. Keep us posted! It was so nice meeting you!!! This is an amazing time in our history, Deb. I'm just so upset and disappointed with all of the ugliness! He's not a socialist and regardless of the color of his skin HE IS THE BEST president for this country! We are in a big mess with the economy and the war and many other things, we need someone with intelligence and understanding to get us through this time. He's gathering some of the best minds in Washington to help him. I am tired of hearing the ugly comments. Sorry! I had to vent! Congrats on getting back down to 304. What a scary time for you. I hope they can get your band figured out! I wonder if there is a teeny leak. It all doesn't make sense, does it? Magaines, I hope you can join us next month at Red Robin! It would be great to meet you!!! Hi Jeremy! I'm not from out of town, but I know that the Holiday Inn Select that is very close to the hospital is a nice hotel. I've stayed there during snow storms when I couldn't get home and had to work. I work at the hospital. If he is going to do your surgery at the Parker facility that is a good choice. You've made a good choice of surgeons! We are all very pleased with our choice. Dr. K is top notch and his staff is wonderful! I've had my band for just over 9 months and I am thrilled! I am a new person!!! AND I'm only 1/3 of my way to goal! Lotza!! You look beautiful! You're going to be such a Hottie!!! BECAUSE you already are!!
  18. Sorry I'm so late getting this picture posted, but I got busy! Jaime, we didn't do the pic while you were there, since I know I would have killed anyone wanting to take my picture after my surgery! In the picture: Brandy, Dee, Nora's friend, Denise, Nora and Deb aka Tally
  19. Good Morning Sweetpea! Our newest Bandito! Did your Mom get you some Gas-X strips? I wish I had given you mine. I have an entire box that I never used. I didn't have any gas pains, but I had the worst port pain! I had a very hard time sleeping because I'm a tummy sleeper. I had to sleep for about 4 days on the sofa, sitting up with 4 pillows. I would take my pain med and go to the sofa. My daughter insisted on sleeping downstairs if I needed her. She said sometimes I'd wake in the middle of the night and cry out. I don't remember that, but she said it scared her. Poor child! The worst day was the third. After that it got much much better! Did you guys get your Antibiotics? Your refrigerator? Mini is right about the pain meds, stay on top of it. Don't allow time to lapse between doses. You want to get to a "steady state" and stay there. I have to tell you, I allowed myself regular popsicles and jello. I felt I was hardly eating anything, I was entitled to a regular popsicle - esp. since I could only eat half of one at a time. Once I ate an entire popsicle (both halves) and I thought I was going to explode! Bizarre, huh? When I got to full liquids, I drank V-8 Low Sodium a lot because I was sick of the sweet stuff. Did you get some Isopure - clear protein drinks? I could drop some off after I get my fill. I'll just come up to Parker from his office. One thing I did add to the Isopures was some Splenda Cranjuice. I was pre- diabetic, so I figured I shouldn't push the full sugar juices. A splash of Splenda Cranjuice with the Isopure over crushed ice tasted good to me. BUT Munchkin hates those drinks. It's totally a personal choice. I don't mind bringing you a couple to try so you don't have to buy any. If your new friend who was just banded wants to come to meet us, she is more than welcome and your mom and her daughter!!! Deb, Nora and I will be doing soup!
  20. I do believe you get the award! Wow! You posted so fast! I was thinking about you this morning! :crying: I'm happy to hear you're doing okay! :ihih: Your after surgery anxiety is normal. Anesthesia can do that sometimes.:crying: Keep us posted Sister!:smile2:
  21. Thanks Nora!!! I hope some people can join us! I'll be there! Good Luck with your fill! I can't wait! I am so ready for mine!
  22. I knew it!!! I just knew it!!! I knew you were at the gym working on that much smaller butt! One day you might fit in that chair! We did miss you Mal! We missed Anita and Michelle and all the other Banditos. It was a nice evening, but it's lonely without our girls there!
  23. Mine is at 1:30pm and I think that Tally and Nora's is at 9 an 930. (if I remember correctly) What time is yours?
  24. I'm getting a fill tomorrow too! I'd love to meet! You name the place and time and I'll be there! Soup sounds yummy to me!!! AND I'd love to meet Tally!
  25. You're welcome Sweety! It was so nice meeting you and your Mom! Your Mom is very nice! You're a lucky young woman to be getting the Band so early in your life! A new day for Jaime! Yippie!!!

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