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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. I know! Can you believe it? I interviewed for the job 8 weeks ago. I interviewed twice with the management and the staff. They were supposed to make the official offer over a week ago, but things go messed up. I knew for certain I hadn't gotten the job. I had already resigned myself to just staying at Parker's NICU. After my money getting stolen yesterday, I was thrilled getting good news! AND then my daughter getting accepted to the CIA! I was thrilled! She has dyslexia and has really struggled with finding her passion. It's been hard to do well in traditional school. She has a gpa of 3.9 and has worked hard to maintain that! Her father wasn't thrilled with her choice of careers, but I am. It's wonderful to see how happy she is now! :drool: edit: BTW, there is nothing wrong with Parker's NICU! I love it there! I will miss those peeps a lot! But I've realized after 20 years in nursing that there are a lot of other areas and a lot of other experiences I can have! I've ready to enjoy my career in a different area now!
  2. I have some beneprotein too, but I've been afraid to try it! My friend gave it to me. She was at the pharmacy at Dr. K's building and they sold it to her for 50% off because it was about 60 days to expiration! Wow! Now I think it's expired and I didn't use it!
  3. I haven't tried the Low Carb Ketsup, I should! I love it on everything! I usually gross people out! I think if you could chopped your veggies in a Magic Bullet or a blender, they should be okay. You know like a really fine chopped salsa? Or just chew really really really well. When I was banded, I missed salads too! I really enjoy them now! I'm going to die! I am so close to my daughter! Her and I are buddies and have always been extremely close. She's an only child and I've been her Mother, her pal and her playmate since she was very young! She's very respectful of our relationship and has never crossed the line. I'm going to miss her like crazy! I love Paula and Giada! Actually Giada was my same sex crush last year! She's just adorable and I love the food she makes! I've done several of her recipes repeatedly. They are simple and really good! Paula has a Low Fat, Low Carb cheesecake that is so good! I make it every year for Christmas because my ex was pre-diabetic.
  4. btw, i love scrambled eggs and ketchup. i missed my ketchup while i was doing my pre-op diet!
  5. The Culinary Instiute of American in Hyde Park New York is the most prestige culinary school in American. She was shocked to get accepted. I wasn't. She's a great student and has worked hard in her life. She's working two jobs now and going to school full time. She'll start at the CIA next spring! I'm like you, I love the Foodnetwork. My friend who is banded hates watching cooking shows now. They make her angry! I am totally opposite. I watch them almost exclusively and I feel it's almost satiating. I also love reading recipe books. I am happy to see there is another person like me!
  6. Adorkable! I am so sorry to hear about your hubby! That really sucks! I hate that employers can do all sorts of things to their employees like that and we have no recourse! I hope the attorneys have some good news! It is good, however, that your restriction is back! Or present for the first time! AND congrats on losing that weight! You have really worked hard to lose every single pound! You can be so proud of yourself! Hi Shirlee! My name is Dee! It's great to meet you! Dr. K, Tom, Natalie, Mary, Marilyn!!! They are all the best! I love those guys! I feel Dr. K saved my life! He was willing and very able to give me the tool I needed to start me on the path to good health! I now weigh what I did the day I was admitted to the hospital to have my daughter! 21 years ago! Of course, I've been here a couple of times, but always always always gained it back and more! BUT this time, I'm here and I'm going to just keep losing! The Band is a wonderful tool! Good for you and that loss! I think removing .05cc was brilliant! I hope it helps with the night coughing! A teeny bit like that can make a world of difference! I have to agree with you on the bank business! I fear that it's internal! As I posted previously, I worked in the banking industry for 5 years and I know that they have a big problem with employee fraud! They don't publish this problem because it does cause customers to distrust the industry, but during my time there, I saw so many employees escorted out of the building in handcuffs! AND it was always around the holidays! Because of this, I opened another account at a different bank and plan to slowly move my funds there! I have to give them the name, amt. and date that my electronic debits will hit the account or they will reject them! Causing me to not pay my bills on time! THAT is the part that is causing me stress! Makes me sick! I have an excellent credit rating and don't want to lose that! Even in the lean years - we ate pb and J so that we could pay our bills on time! It makes me sick! Sucks with the oversleeping! BUT Congrats on the 4lbs! Thanks Mama Squirrel! Well! Guess what? Some good news yesterday! After the banking news! I got a call and was officially offered the Pharm Research job! Yeah!!! I start on December 1st! I'll stay on at Parker PRN weekends since I need the money for my daughter who was just accepted to the Culinary Institute of American in Hyde Park NY! I think you're wise taking it slow with your eating! You never know what that fill will do and you certainly don't want to be sliming! Yuck! :thumbup: So far so good on the restriction. I feel like I am eating more but then when I figure out what I've had for a day, I'm not. I think I am just waiting for the appetite to come back. I did have two warm yummy oatmeal raisin cookies tonight that the hotel gave us which I wish I could have resisted but... Dr. K had Natalie call me today which I thought was nice. That is nice of Dr. K and Natalie! Don't you love cookies? I have realized much to my chagrin that cookies are much higher in calories than pie or cake! One cookie at Panera is more calories than the entire bowl of soup or a slice of pie or cake! BUT they are so good! As I log my food to www.fitday.com, I am learning how I got so fat in the first place!! Portions are so large and the calories can be out of control without us realizing it! Just simple things! Things I ate regularly! Like salads from Red Robin's! Wow Julie! That's great! Sounds like you have some good restriction still! Ride that restriction wave Baby!!! I loved the ricotta bake! Yum! I also loved my refried beans with extra salsa, LF sour cream and LF cheese! YUMMMY! Congrats on your loss! 5 lbs is very good! I am freaking out about the bank crap! I trusted my money was safe there! When I found out and was on the phone for hours trying to get things settled! My band just tighted up so much that my first bite of soft scrambled egg just got stuck! I know it was the stress that caused my band to be so tight!:wub:
  7. They said I must have given my information to someone! I honestly have not! AND I shred everything that enters this house! I also have never spoken or written my PIN number! EVER! I think it's a problem within the bank itself. Esp. since I've heard of this happening with several other account holders. I was so nervous I hadn't eaten, but I finally did and I just weighed again and I lost another 1.4 lbs! Screwy scale! I'll weigh again tomorrow and see if I lose more! That puts me at 4lbs lost. I wonder if it's something to do with their employees. I worked for a bank for 5 years and I know of the fraud that happens with employees. I'm worried about my bills!
  8. I'm getting email alerts to the max! I got about 20 of them and there weren't 20 new messages! Things are bizarre! Well, this morning, I logged onto my bank account, as I do everyday to check my account and found that some girl named Sara transferred almost $1K from my account ot hers! I didn't authorize this! She apparently has my PIN#, account number, SSN#, and password! All those things are needed to make a transfer! I've been sick about it and I need to resolve this! I weighed this morning. I lost 2.6lbs as of this morning. I had lost 4, but my ankles and feet are pretty swollen from working the last 4 days! I'll just lose more next week! Would you like me to do the monitoring next week? Thanks!
  9. I have realized I have to eat extremely slow and make sure I avoid anything dry. I can't do pasta anymore! But that's okay. Congrats on your 3lb loss! That's great! You got your fill less than a week ago! Wow! Brandy, Everything I've read says that night coughing = reflux = being too tight. I read that you can try to eat 3 hours before bedtime and drink 8 oz of water 1 hour before laying down to rinse your upper tummy through. Let us know what Tom says. Before being banded I coughed constantly. night and day! I had horrible reflux! I never cough anymore! Welcome back from Hawaii! You look great! So pretty! AND good job just enjoying your time and not dwelling on the bad stuff with your sisters. I know that must have taken some work. Also, I think your puppy looks like a Lexi! Good name! You're a smart woman for getting your prep work done now. And I agree with having your Mom drive instead of your hubby. Good luck getting the rest of the stuff in order! Don't give up - things will work out!
  10. Yes, I did make you a fill prayer! A fill prayer for all of us! Well, my 8 walnuts were 105 calories and my pear was 95calories, so I did get in over 800 cals. Can I weigh on Friday? I'm working and I always gain with the edema in my feet and ankles. It's much improved since banding, but still persists. I'm hoping as I lose more weight it will get less and less! I think that's a great idea! Did you get a date yet for your surgery? Ask if you can get an early morning procedure so that you're not driving after dark. You know that 1-25 stretch between Northglenn and Cheyenne can be bad in the dark! People drive so fast! (sorry for being such a Mom!) It's bizarre! Yesterday and the day before it was in the 70's here! I went outside to walk a baby out and I didn't want to go back in the hospital! It was absolutely beautiful out! Tally! how's that restriction? Still there? What you wrote about a slow leak makes perfect sense! I hoping for the best for you! No leak and some sweet restriction!
  11. You're right! We are fine! Aren't we? Especially Mama Squirrel - she's a little firecracker!
  12. Well, if I were married to a Hottie Hubby Babe, I'd be as happy as a 6 year old on Christmas Morning too!!!
  13. That's an adorable picture! You guys look so sweet together! AND you're right, your hubby is a Babe. Yup! Now I hardly ever think of food! Unless I wake up at 2am starving like I did this morning! I hope your fill is all it's meant to be! I hope it brings you much restriction - but not too much! I hope it takes away your hunger and offers your that sweet satiated feeling! And may your scale move in the right direction - lower and lower toward your ultimate goal to good health AND Skinnie Ville~ Mama Squirrel, I'm trying! Truly I am! This morning, I drank a slim fast low carb protein shake, 4 hours later, I had 1/2 slice of flex oat toast, 1 fried egg and 1 Morningstar Farm Veggie Sausage Pattie. 4 hours later, I had a small salad with lots of veggies (well, not a lot) and some veggie chicken strips. Now, when I get home I'll have my pear with 8 walnuts. I logged the calories and it's 681 with 54 grams of protein. I am hoping the walnuts will bring me up 60 grams of protein. I think that's okay, don't you? Say yes, please Mama!
  14. Hi! How about if your Mom or Dad went with you for the surgery and your husband stayed and watched the kids? You won't be given any pills after surgery. You'll get a liquid pain med. It actually works very well and makes you pretty sleepy. Or atleast it made me sleepy. We are all different in so many ways. I had a lot of port pain and absolutely NO gas pain. Others have less port pain and more gas discomfort. One person went to Walmart after surgery and walked around. I was lucky to walk to the bathroom without crying. I'm a lot bigger than most here. Probably the biggest in fact and that might have had something to do with my pain level. I've had other surgeries, but never had a C/Section. Perhaps others can speak to that. If someone else can't bring you to the surgery, maybe someone can come with you guys to help take care of your kids. Could one of your parents come with you?
  15. I make my own granola and granola bars. I just add peanut or almond butter and lots of walnuts and pecans. they are higher fat, but it's the good fat. Yup, the picture didn't come up for me either! ARGH! And I was in the mood to see your Hottie Hubby! I've been having horrible trouble getting on this site too! I thought it was just me! All I say is I better be losing! I'm not eating a whole lot! I woke up this morning at 2am and I was just starving! I've been eating my ripe pear and 8 walnuts every night for dinner. I guess, it's not enough to last til the morning! Grrr! Hey kayleighsmommy! Nice to see you posting here! We missed you last month RR. We're going to do a Panera group this month. I'll post the date for everyone.
  16. Hi! I don't know what to tell you other than to sit down with your support system - either in person on the phone and see if you can figure things out. I know others who have driven from Albuquerque for surgery and then driven home. It's about a 6 hour drive. Of course, they stayed the night right after surgery. Staying in Cheyenne might work if you're surgery is early in the morning. The short drive to Cheyenne wouldn't be too bad. Can your husband or a friend stay with you so that the kids could come home earlier? Where does your Mother-in-law live? Can your Mom watch the kids in Cheyenne just for the day of surgery? I hope you can work it out. Dr. K is the best and his price can't be beat when you consider the care that you will be receiving. Another thing to think about is - do you have a doctor close by to do your follow up care? Someone to do your fills? There are some doctors who are very reluctant to do fills on patients whom they didn't band. Good Luck Dear! Come back and post to let us know what you figured out! dee~
  17. It is pretty good! I've lost 4lbs since my fill. I'm hoping to keep losing.
  18. It's insane to even consider it, but who ever said I wasn't a little insane? Did you? Nope! I think not!
  19. My goal is huge! I want to get to Twoderville by my one year Bandiversary! I have 11 weeks left! Maybe this fill will get me there!
  20. Well, I do have a Super Squirrel Cape and I do have Flying Squirrel Arms! (much to my chagrin!) Okay, yes! I'm eating like a squirrel! A squirrel with a Lap Band!
  21. Dorkable! I hope you don't have a leak and it was just some strange thing! I hope you have restriction now! Let's all hope for the best! AND let's hope you don't PB like that again!
  22. Marie! I agree! I love fills! I haven't had many - in fact - Deb was right, I'm also an oddity! I had restriction coming out of the shoot! (hahaha!) And kept my restriction for a long time, then I got a fill and had great restriction! I hadn't had a fill for 6 months! Insane! Anyway, I have really good restriction now AND I do mean really good! I can hardly eat! Yesterday I was lucky to get in 500 calories! My www.fitday.com is shocked! Yesterday, I made my one cup of chili and sat down to eat, after 2 tbsp my nose was running, I was hiccuping AND I had to stop! Sadly, I covered it and put it back in the fridge. It was so good!!! AND I didn't get hungry for over 5 hours!!! I better lose a lot of weight over this! Because I'm eating like a bird!!! (tweet tweet tweet!):cool:
  23. Yes, but your mind is far superior to mine! You actually posted it! I only thought it!
  24. You took the words right out of my mind!!!! I was going to say that exact thing, he is exactly who I was thinking of when I wrote that!
  25. It just shows you that anyone can be anything IF they have support and motivation.

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