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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. I think an occasional beer, soda or champagne isn't going to hurt anything. We have to live out lives and enjoy ourselves. Some docs say tell their patients to never eat carbs again - including any sweets. IF I could do that, I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place. I don't want to diet the rest of my life. Sure, I want to eat better and smaller portions, but if I want a bite of a cookie or something special once in a while. I should be able to!
  2. I miss my straws! I only use one when I'm on vacation - a road trip - and I always feel this bloated feeling and couldn't understand why until this last time - then it hit me, it was the straw! I had this 'lump' feeling in the throat for hours! then I had a bloated feeling and a horrible tummy ache! it happened when we went to vegas, when we went to cheyenne and everytime we've taken a road trip, because I use straws.
  3. You're right! It doesn't make sense to me either! Packing the pouch does and from experience using straws makes sense too, but carbonation on an empty tummy doesn't. Even with really good restriction, it would just pass through pretty quickly - esp. if you didn't chug it!
  4. it's the carbonation that can stretch the pouch over time. we won't feel the pain or have problems immediately - it's could be doing the damage without us knowing. the same thing happens when we overeat and ignore our soft stops. I don't think band problems happen overnight, I think they happen a little at a time.
  5. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Which foods can you not eat?

    Taking bites of food, chewing and then spitting out is not good and you will still be getting some of the calories. It is a first sign of an eating disorder.
  6. There is a huge learning curve with the band. It's not that easy to learn how to eat properly and if you vomit and PB all of the time from being too tight you can damage your esophagus and have severe problems. You can have your voice permanently change, you can have an erosion or a band slip. The doctors take it slow to help us learn our new lifestyle along the way. If you want to lose weight fast, this is not the surgery for you. The band takes work from you, other WLS, can do it all for you. Restlessmonkey is totally right with her advice, the Lapband is adjustable and you can still use it years later! Whereas some other surgeries you have a window of opportunity to lose weight.
  7. I had restriction pretty fast after surgery from the swelling (some do, some don't) then I had a fill and had slight restriction, but I faked it and measured everything and just ate smaller portions more frequently, I lost weight and could pretty much eat anything I wanted, I just forced myself to eat smaller portions. I am now 10.5 months out, down over 118lbs and just had my 4th fill and voila! I can't eat bread unless it's toasted and I can't eat any Pasta, even whole grain pasta! BUT if I chew well, everything else goes down! With each fill, your food options decrease because you have a tighter band. After my 3rd fill, I couldn't eat white meat chicken or turkey! NO WAY too dry!!! I have a 14ml band and I have 5.5mls in it! AND I am not longer faking it, my band is doing most of the work! Everyone is different, it usually takes 3 or 4 fills to get good restriction. My doc does the "fill, drink, fill, drink" method of filling and I think that makes a huge difference is getting fairly decent restriction. Some docs just give you 1ml at a time. Some don't feel restriction until 2 weeks after a fill.
  8. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Surgery and Medications

    Once you have full restriction, after several fills, most likely -- your passage between the top pouch and the lower stomach is about the size of a pencil top eraser. A baby aspirin size is about as big of a pill you should take whole.
  9. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Surgery and Medications

    To be honest with you, my doctor says NO whole pills after surgery. I have to crush all of my pills. Now, I do admit that I know others who take whole pills and haven't had a problem. A friend bragged constantly how she can take any size pill without a problem. She got a fill and had great restriction, took her pills and got stuck! She was stuck for 3 days, had to go to the ER to get a total unfill! She's now back to square one with no restriction and has gained 10lbs back. She had lost 84! I think you have to be extremely careful. If you have excellent restriction, which we all strive for with our band, whole pills won't work well. Is there a way you can at least cut the pills to a smaller size? Or do any of your meds come in liquid form?
  10. I think that would make a wonderful Christmas card! Now tell me, did you bring those hats to his office?
  11. OH I'll kiss your ring Missy!!! Just bring it over here!!! Oops, where are my manners, thank you very much!!!
  12. Try getting malaria! I got skinny Dude! The malaria diet is a miracle! Mini, Could I get special dispensation to not weigh in until Sunday? I'm having some major dependent edema issues this week!!! Thank you Kind Weight Loss Challenge Moderator-Girl~
  13. You're completely correct Mini! The sizes aren't universal at all. It depends on the cut of the item and the fullness. I haven't even started looking for a new bra. I have several smaller sizes here at home that I'm just wearing. I'm sure I could have more support and better coverage! Don't you love the "uniboob" look and the "muffin top and sides?"
  14. Thanks!!! But in all honesty, the 18-20 size pants were those stretchy pants, so I'm sure if they were actual pants and not "fat girl" pants, they probably wouldnt' have fit! But I'll take the NSV's where I can get them!:wink_smile:
  15. Hey Girlie! I am weighing less than my DL too! I remember the last time I got a license in New Mexico, the lady said in a very loud voice, "Do you still weigh ____ lbs?" I was in a MVD in the mall, I said, "yes." She didn't hear me and repeated it louder! I felt like telling her, "lady, could you announce that overhead on the PA system, I think there are people in the food court on the other end of the mall who didn't hear you!" I can't wait to be at goal and get a new license! Yeah!! I wish I wore the size of clothes you're donating. You have the cutest clothes! But alas, I'm not there yet! I did however, fit into a 18-20 the other day! I am having trouble with jeans because my thighs are so big! I have freakishly big thighs! Not good! The plastic surgeon said that will be his one difficulty - my thighs are bigger anteriorly and posteriorly but not laterally. Life goes on... I hope you can join us at Red Robin!!! I'm sending good wishes for you and for your husband's job search! Having a local might be faster for recovery. Let us know what you decide. I think 50lbs is a great mini-milestone! You're doing so well! Do you have rewards set up for when you reach your milestones? I'm a water baby at heart, so any thing related to the pool makes me excited! Enjoy those water aerobics! Deb, I think your Mom sounds like such a sweetie! I love how she supports you and how she is dreaming of a healthier and happier you. It's very loving of her to be there in such a real and special way! Fills are interesting to me too! I can't feel the water pass the band, but I can now decifer when the fluid goes down slower and certainly when it doesn't go down at all! Did you see I planned the january RED ROBIN on the 8th! I can't wait to see you guys and meet all the newbies! Julieann, it's the fat pad around your stomach that shrinks with weight loss and that makes us lose our restriction, once we have it. When the swelling decreases from the actually fill procedure and we still have our sweet spot, it will last until we lose enough weight to loosen that band up. I think I'm pretty snug right now. Not too snug that I can't eat normally if I chew chew chew but certainly snug enough that if I take a big bite, I know my band is there!!! I'm hoping it will kick my weight loss back into gear! You're so freakin close, I bet you can taste it! In 4 days you'll have your one year Bandiversary! Just think, did you even dream of being this close a year ago? You've done amazingly well! Welcome!!! Did you see we are going to plan the fill for January 8th? It's at 7pm at the Red Robin on Arapahoe and I-25.
  16. Hey Bandito Dudettes! Let's do a Red Robin meeting on January 8th at 7pm at the Red Robin on Arapahoe and I-25. Mark your calenders Peeps! Nora and I talked about a meeting for December, does anyone have a date to suggest? I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now with my new job, so I haven't had a lot of time to be here online. Sorry!! It's not that I haven't missed you! I have!
  17. I've missed you guys too! I had to read a lot to catch up! I hadn't been that ill since I was a little kid. My mom said I was so stubborn as a child that when I had the tummy flu, she'd have to threaten to take me to the hospital - to make me eat. I would have recovered, but was still so afraid of throwing up that I'd not eat or drink. She said I'd say, "I don't wanna "frow up" Maybe that is why the band is working for me! The perfect tool for someone who hates to frow up!!!:thumbup: I'm not so sure about being a smart cookie Mini! I certainly don't feel so smart!!!
  18. Mini, No change on my weight this week! It's been an insane week. I had the tummy flu and vomited for 24 hours. (not straight! - thank goodness!) It was the first time I have vomited since getting my band! But luckily it wasn't band related. I also got another fill yesterday. Just a small one, but it's working! I need to remember to chew chew chew! As our fills get looser, we tend to return to not chewing as well. I, also started my new job! A massive learning curve! I left a job where I was an expert and accepted one where I am a total dummy! AND believe me I feel like it! :tongue2:
  19. So Mini, how is the eating today? Any better or are you still only able to eat the tiniest of amounts? Maybe you do need a teeny bit taken out. I think I have first bite syndrome. IT's happened two days in a row for no apparent reason on rather soft foods -- oatmeal???? WTH!!! So I am going to prime with some warm fluids first - before eating. I am, however, worried about you Mini-girl, so let us know how the eating is going today! Welcome Home you Party Girl and your 80 Talking Boobies! I bet those Marine-Dudes loved those girls!!! I can't wait to see the pics! Did your Mom go too? Thanks Deb!!! You're doing well too!!! Congrats! Isn't it good when you finally break a plateau? I hate those darn things!!! Welcome to the club Missy!!! We've all been there! WE have all sworn we wouldn't gain, but yet we did! I gained a lot when I started solids! I cried and just knew I would be a big band failure!!! Then the next day I woke up and refused to let it get me down! That's when I climbed on my recumbent bike and decided that stupid scale wasn't going to get the best of me!!! It's common, Babe, just take it in stride and know it happens to all of us! And yes it sucks!
  20. Sweet Mini, It's okay and perfectly fine to eat frequenty very small meals! Actually, for you it would be preferable. The frequent smaller meals will stoke your metabolism and keep your blood sugar at an even level. Try it. There is nothing wrong with grazing on small amounts every 2 hours. Are you able to stay satiated at least 2 hours? Are you getting stuck? OR PB'g? I can't remember what I weighed last week, but I know I am 8lbs down from the beginning of the challenge. I remember my initial weight. I'm out of town and my weigh calendar is at home!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone here!!! I am thankful for my band, thankful for my bandito peeps and thankful for my better health!!
  21. I know how you feel. I hate that I wasted all of that value time being stalled. I devised a new way of eating. I eat protein only for breakfast. IF I get hungry before lunch, I have a piece of fruit or a little steamed veggies. IF I don't then at lunch I have protein gain. Again if I get hungry before dinner, I have another piece of fruit or a little steamed veggies. Dinner is nothing usually if I have had that second snack. If not then I eat my apple or pear and 8 walnuts (I'm doing an experiment to get my cholesterol to normal without meds - it's in the good range, but I'd like my LDL's to be less than 70 and my HDL's to be greater than 50 - Walnuts are known to help with both of those values) The fruit keeps me regular and they are low in calories.
  22. Thanks Mini! I have to admit, I've had to learn to eat a lot slower and smaller bites. I was eating too fast and I'd get full fast and then hungry in 3 hours. Now, I'm back to the old Bander rules and I'm satiated for much longer period of time. The scale is moving - slowly. I haven't had the issue with being tighter in the am, but I now cannot eat pasta. Sad, but true. I'm sorry about your gain! Things will get better. I know they will.
  23. I bet that was a hot concert! I just love Daughtry! He's so sexy! AND Bon Jovi's appeal goes without saying! Yummy!!!
  24. You guys are killing me with these misheard lyrics! I love 'em! I do that often just to tease my daughter! Then she gets irritated with me, saying, "now I will never hear the real words of the song again!" I'm bad! I am a closet singer! Outloud and like I'm performing in a concert in Central Park for millions! But only in my car with the windows rolled up! I know more than once I've sang the wrong words! Well, my fill is spot on! I'm loving it and glad to have restriction before Thanksgiving! Today is my last day in the NICU. I'm excited and sad. I love my babies! I love their tiny hands, sweet faces and the way they just snuggle with us. I've been so blessed to be a part of their lives. I've asked to stay on as a PRN nurse! I have to wean myself away from the little ones slowly! Hugs you guys!!! dee~
  25. Thanks Mini! Where is our Deb!!??? DEB!! Where for art thou?

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