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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. These are the goals and people I have in the challenge so far. Remember to weigh on Saturday (tomorrow) and note your starting weight for reference next week. Amethystjade - 15lbs Bahotmomma - 10lbs Deboregon- 10lbs Jmegirl - 10lbs Julieann - 15lbs KayleighsMommy - 15lbs Lapdancer - 20lbs Lotzasunshine - 13lbs Magaines - 5lbs Minidriver - 10lbs PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs Shelbi - 7lbs I hope I didn't forget anyone! Forgive me, please if I did. I am trying for 31lbs that will get me to Twoderville. I know that is insane, but you know me, I always dream big!
  2. Patty! I"m so happy to hear that your pain has decreased slightly! I hope and pray that the new meds will do what they should and you can be more active! I love your picture! You're so pretty! This is a New Year and a time for new beginnings! We can close the book on 2008 and the hardships of that year.
  3. Just think, this was the holidays! Don't worry it will get better as you get more restriction! I promise! At this point, you're working without restriction, on your own! So you lost 1 lb during the holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Have you ever lost during that time? Having a NO gain during the holidays is good! Truly, it is!
  4. Don't get discouraged. The weight gain with TOM is just swelling and fluid weight. It will drop off. That happens to me every month - and every time I work! I can gain 7 to 10 lbs over night! Don't dispair, it will improve!
  5. especially if you're going with Frontier Airlines! What a freaking rip off! I had to change my flight from San Diego since I'm not going to that Research Conference and they are charging me $150.00 change fee! That's just insane!!!
  6. VD challenge!!! Ha! We could challenge each other not to get an STD for the new year! I'm in!
  7. You got it Sister! I am sorry about the pool! Stupid Pool!!!
  8. I'd love to hear the Carb Cycling that you read about. I'm doing okay, but you know, I'm always looking for a new and better way of losing weight!
  9. I want to reach my 200lb weigh loss goal in 2009!!! We should all decide what we want to achieve in 2009.
  10. For anyone who is interested, we are going to start a 6 week Valentine Day Challenge on Saturday.:laugh: Weigh yourself on Saturday and decide what your goal will be and then post it here. You don't have to tell me your weight, just how much you want to lose! Valentine's Day is for Lovers - let's love ourselves this holiday!
  11. Mini, Can you mark me down for an early weigh in? I am working today and tomorrow so I thought I better weigh in for the challenge this morning. I lost 3.8lbs this week making a total weight loss for the challenge of 24lbs. One pound shy of my goal, but I'm okay with that! Thanks again for keeping track of our totals!!!
  12. What absolutely adorable Babies! Mini and Patty - your grandbabies are so cute!!!
  13. i'm not a Magic 8 Ball or anything like it, but my head is pretty large and I see Size 9's in Mal and Mini's future 2009 is a good year for size 9!!!
  14. thanks for answering the question. I always wonder if there will be symptoms to tell us when there is a problem with our band.
  15. Our next Red Robin gathering is the 8th of January at 7pm. I am going to have to work that night at the hospital, so I won't be able to attend. Sorry Guys! My schedule is kind of a mess because I came in after everyone else had already signed up. I had to just pick up a shift where ever I could get it!
  16. Congrats on breaking your plateau! That's great!
  17. MissMom, How did you know you had a tilt? What were your symptoms?
  18. Shelbi, My Dear Shelbi! I have missed you! I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Barkley! I know how special he was to you. Don't beat yourself up for his last days. You love him and he knew that. It's so difficult to let go. You're human and you did what you had to do. I know he understood. I am glad you had a good Christmas with your Dad. I'm sorry to hear he is not improving. You've had a lot going on with your life. Gaining 5lbs is not so bad, Dear! And you're right, the Band is there when you're ready to climb back on that wagon and start fresh. You can do it. And Baby, if you fail - as we all do now and then, it's okay. Sometimes it's a struggle just to live our lives during the difficult times, be patient with yourself and take it one moment at a time. Maybe write yourself a list of reasons why you want to get back to the basics. List the basic rules that have worked in the past - this always helps me. Then I post what I've written on my refrigerator so I can see it everyday. You're a Mom, a daughter, a wife and more than anything you're a wonderful sweet woman who deserves to be healthy and happy. Don't be gone so long, come back and let us support you and love you! We need you as much as you need us! Got it Chickie? Hugs, dee~
  19. I am a New Mexico Red Chili Girl -- If you ask me, "Red or Green" I'm going to take Red everytime! Anyway, I missed my Red Chili!!! We haven't gotten any snow yet in the city! The mountains are getting hit hard, I think. They called this morning, desperate for help in the NICU, so I'm here today working with the Babies!
  20. "Poo" ???? do you think that's what it is? :thumbup:
  21. Mini! I lost 1.8lbs this week! Today was the first day of my Veggies and Fruit added to my protein meals phase of the Carb Cycling Diet. Things are moving right along! One week left to lose 4.8lbs to meet my goal! How was your Christmas? I prepared all of the food for our dinner! I was up until 4am this morning and then my friend called me from Iraq at 6am! I'm pretty exhausted! We had a Mexican Feast! Red Chili Enchiladas, beans, rice, chili con queso with homemade tortilla chips, pan fried potatoes, and biscochito cookies for dessert! Everything was so good!
  22. I love your new picture Patty!!! And your new avatar! You're looking great!
  23. Wow Brandy!!! What a great way to start 2009! AT goal!!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! I'm so glad to see you posting again! I hope you can make it to Red Robin's on the 8th of January!!! Hey Bella!!! Tell that sweet little daughter of yours, "Hello" from me! Congrats on getting to Onederland! I think you have done so well! Sorry to hear about your fill! How scary!! I'm glad to be back with those babies too! The challenge will end on the first day of the year! Jan 1st 2009! Merry Christmas Bella!! Sweetie! I know how you feel! I see how much I've lost and I'm not even close to being at goal! I still see people who don't even notice my loss! Sometimes it's so depressing! BUT we have both done so well! WE need to be proud of ourselves! I'm proud of you!!! Things will pick up once you start your water aerobics! You little fish you! Merry Christmas!!! Congrats!! I can't wait til I'm in the 260's!!! I hope you have a special holiday!!! Thanks for posting! WE all feel the same way you do! Dr. K and his staff are top shelf! If you live in the area, you can ask his counselor for one on one counseling. She has also had other support groups for people who are farther along in their journey. My friend has gone and found them to be very helpful! Well Kidlings! I just wanted to post a "Happy Holidays" to everyone! May the day bring much joy and happiness to each of you. May you find love and affection from those you love. AND Lastly may each of us make good food choices and if we fall short, may we NOT PB!:youcandothis: Love you all! dee~
  24. Thanks for keeping up with our totals! We have one week and 2 days left! I think I have 6.6 lbs to get to my goal of 25lbs! I did so well last week! I am not sure I'll reach my goal, but I'm glad I tried! I haven't been so good lately keeping on track with the Plateau Buster Diet. I did cheat a little yesterday and had some cream in my coffee.
  25. I loved the picture of you and hubby and the grandbaby! You are so pretty!!! I can really see the 40lb loss! You have lost 50% of your excess weight in 5 months! That's great!!! The odds look great to you being at goal before your bandiversary next year! Your daughter is lovely! Her dress is just perfect! I always wanted a winter wedding! I think they are just beautiful! You can do so many pretty things! Thanks for sharing!!

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