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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Hi Bella! I totally agree with Jaime! You have to really get on top of the smaller bites and appropriate band choices of food. Not all foods should be eaten with the band, I believe. If you're getting stuck, you're truly not prepared for another fill. It will just make the stuck episodes worse. Remember it's vomiting that causes the most band problems down the road. If you have good restriction, you're not supposed to be vomiting and PB'g but rather you're supposed to have good satiety. As difficult as it is, Pea Sized bites is what we are supposed to be eating. Pea Sized bites that we chew and chew and chew are optimum. I would suggest, really monitoring your bite sizes and chewing habits. Measure, take your tiny bites and then see how long it takes you to get hungry. IF you get stuck or vomit with a meal, that's not a true meal that can honestly be used to see how long you're satiated. Does that make sense? If you eat your 1 to 1 1/2 cup of food and are good for 4 hours, then you don't need a fill. But that's consuming your 1 1/2 cup of food (solid protein), no vomit or PB'g, no drinking for 1 hour and then it's time to see how long you're satiated. Feeling full isn't the purpose of the band. It's not good for your band to feel full, we are supposed to just not feel hungry. If you're feeling full, you're packing your pouch and can have a stretched stomach, which would require a total unfill and rest period. We're supposed to eat until we aren't hungry anymore and satisfied, not full. Think of this - 0 is starving 10 is so full you want to throw up (Thanksgiving full feeling) 5 is not hungry, not full feeling. You should be at a 5 or maybe 6. Seriously being full is not good for your band. I have to say I have only felt full once since being banded. It was about a week after banding when I drank an entire Low Carb Slim fast drink. IT felt horrible. It doesn't feel the same as it did preband. What does everyone else think?
  2. Oh my Goodness Deb!!! You need to adjust your goal now!!! You're almost there!
  3. Congrats! I've got to hit the gym like a mad woman this coming week. I've been working a lot of extra to save money for my daughter's tuition! So I've neglected my body! ARGH!
  4. Amethystjade - 15lbs Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4:wub: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8:wub: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9:wub: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs Lapdancer - 20lbs Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4:wub: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2:wub: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9:wub: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0:wub: Shelbi - 7lbs
  5. Thanks Julieann! You're the first to check in! I've got you down for 3.9lbs. I'll put myself down for 2.0lbs! Slow, but steady wins the race! Even tho this isn't a race!!!
  6. I know exactly what you mean. That happens to me almost everytime, but usually a couple of pounds remains off!
  7. Welcome to the Loser's Bench! It's a great tool! I am thrilled with mine. I was banded on 1/29/08 and I've lost 129 from my highest.
  8. Thanks Deb! I have to admit everytime I need a fill and am not able to get one for whatever reason, I return to the Pre-op diet of Protein and veggies and I keep myself in line.
  9. That's great!!! I always get a headache the first day I start back on the Low Carb. Then I do okay after that! As much as I hate it, I have to admit, it does get the scale to move!
  10. I prefer the Low Carb Slim Fast shakes myself. The carbs are low and the protein is 15grams. They are especially good if they are extremely cold. I put one in the freezer before I get to the shower in the morning and then it's pretty cold by the time I drink it with my meds in the morning. They had them on sale at Walgreens in our town. You might check and see if they are on sale at your place too. I also have gotten them at Sam's club - pretty cheap. The Atkin's shake is good too and they sell those at Sam's also.
  11. I'll look it up on google! I am similar with you. I do much better if I have a plan and I don't mind if it's pretty strict. I know I have to learn a plan that I can do the rest of my life and adopt as a way of life. Watching Oprah yesterday and then this morning watching so other programs on "diets" -- it's clear and always has been that it has to be a way of life. I'm not sure why that is so hard for me to understand! I understand it, but I reject it for the most part because of whatever reason! I do know I am very carb and sodium sensitive. The good thing about the Band is that I can eat less and feel satiated for a much longer time!
  12. I'd love to find out more about this "Crack the Fat Loss Code" diet. It sounds good! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!
  13. I'm going to miss you on Thursday too! I haven't missed a RR night in over a year! I am a Sad Girl!
  14. I think you're right about our bodies! I think my body is used to very low calories and that is starting to scare me! The only way I can think about getting through that and back to being able to eat more is to work out like a dog! I can't think of any other way of getting my body to need more calories. I have to admit I have had to really increase my working out, frequency and duration. Without working out, anytime I go over 1000 calories, I gain. The carb cycling has been working, I am just sick to death of eating low carb. I can't wait for the 9th, then I can eat fruit again!
  15. Thanks Jaime! I thought the picture turned out pretty cute! It's truly been years and years since I liked a picture of myself! I'm proud of you for switching the yogurt for the ice cream! Good for you! Baby steps is how it happens! This is only a tool, it's not going to do the work for us, we have to work it! I wish I could see you all at RR. The address is right! Good job and it will be great if many can show up. Don't forget to get a picture for us here!
  16. Hey Julieann, I would say that you don't need a fill. IF you are satiated for 4-6 hours - then you are in the green zone. Losing weight isn't always the litamus test, it's rather how much you're eating and how long you're satiated. IF you only eat your 1 cup to 1 1/2 cup and are able to be satiated for 4 hours or greater then you're not ready for a fill. Everyone of us is different. Some of us have found good restriction early on with minimum fill! I was one of those people and it seems Deb might be too. We have to remember that "head hunger" is not the same as "tummy hunger" and we have to learn the difference. So if we are able to eat more than our 1 1/2 cup of food,perhaps it's not because we are truly hungry, but because we desire it. Before a fill, I do something that helps me. I diligently measure my food and eat. I take one day and eat solid protein for each meal, I write down what time I complete my meal and how much I ate, I don't drink for 1 hour post meal and then when I start feeling hungry, I note the time. IF it's less than 4 hours, then I am pretty sure I need a fill. IF it's longer than 4 hours, I don't get one. I have to confess, this isn't easy. But being too tight isn't easy either! If you talk to Natalie or Dr. K about your fill, I bet they would be more than happy to accomodate you, should your restriction leave before your next appt.
  17. Thanks Patty! I loved your badges! Mine are very much the same! You can watch my weight go up and down through the years and finally back up and then I got the band. I've been a nurse since I was 25 years old and my weight has fluctuated drastically over those 20 years! I hope you have a GREAT WEEK too!
  18. That does suck! I am sorry to hear it! Well don't be embarassed! It's not your fault! I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't have restriction! I would have easily gained a lot!!! Start fresh with your new fill on the 8th! AND you're back on the wagon! I love that picture! Such pretty girls! All of you are so pretty! I will always remember how sweet and welcoming everyone was when I met Anita, Mal and Michelle for the first time in 2007! It seems like a long time has passed, but not really! We have all changed a lot and our lives have all taken many turns! It's a journey that I'm glad I haven't had to take alone! It's cold here today and will be tomorrow, but it's supposed to warm up pretty soon! Yesterday and the day before was absolutely gorgeous! In the 60's! I got you down for 15! You can do it! I'm still working toward Twoderville! Patty! I saw that same program! I love watching those shows! I can't wait to get my pannus removed! AND my batwings! I am figuring if I can continue in the right direction, I should be able to have my surgery by the end of March! I'm scared to go into the OR again, but excited at the thought of not carrying this huge glob of flesh around anymore! My arms are getting so bad!
  19. I agree with you on this one Patty. A vomit episode is more from the gut, a PB is higher and the purpose is just to productively burp out the item of food that is stuck! For me it's been apple peeling, dry chicken breast, broccolli. ARGH! the slime formation helps it be expelled without causing a full on vomit episode. I was really curious if this is what everyone else experiences.
  20. I used to think this also, however, about a month ago, I had the tummy flu and I vomited for reals. It was different. When I slime or PB, I burp and the saliva and food item that is stuck comes up and it's over. Is that how other's PB? Yeah! This is a gross discussion! You're welcome Sweety! I wish I could see you when you're here! I am so bummed that I have to work the night of the 8th! I hope your fill is good too!!!
  21. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Thanks! When I got home from the hospital from getting my band, my daughter had Happy Birthday Balloons all over the house, my friends sent me birthday cards and a Birthday Cup for my liquids. It was all so sweet! I've lost 129lbs in 11 months.
  22. I have a question for all of the experienced Banders. Is there a difference between PB'g and Vomiting? I went 10 months without a stuck episode/PB/Vomiting episode. I have had several PB's since my last fill. In my mind and how it feels, it seems PB'g is not vomiting. Am I wrong?
  23. PrtyAntOvrYt

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    I'm trying to get over that too! People who didn't know I had surgery are starting to notice! Sad! It only took 100lb weight loss before it was noticeable! BUT when someone tells me I am looking good, I have a hard time accepting it! You are an incredible inspiration to me! You lost 200lbs!! I am so excited to be where you are! My BMI was 63 when I started, it's now 46. I have a long way to go, but I am going to make it! My BF says, "Slow and steady wins the race!" I know it's not a race, but I think it's a sweet thought that those of us that keep with the journey will get to our goal! You will!!! Congrats on your upcoming Banding! For me, it was a new birth! I celebrated it like my birthday! My first Bandiversary is coming up in 27days! It's a wonderful journey, a struggle and a time to learn so many things about ourselves! Happy 2009 to you too!
  24. That's great! You know, I realized something a couple of months ago. I usually weigh immediately after waking up and pee'g (sorry TMI) - then I take my shower. I then drink 1/2 of a protein shake with my meds. I decided I'd weigh again after my shower and I noticed the weight is usually lower. (I know I'm adddicted to my scale) It made me wonder if the body needs a little time to shift after waking up. So now I weigh after my shower and that's the weight I take as my morning weight. I'm glad the TOM weight is moving out of there!

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