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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Congrats on your weight loss this week!! I read something last night on Obesityhelp that the Band is only good for 50% weight loss of excess weight in the first 3 years. I strongly disagree with this statement and hate to hear people say those things - trying to discourage others from getting the band! You and I and so many others are proof of that! Oh, I know how that is! I actually need til next fall!
  2. Adorkable - 8lbs -2.0:smilielol5: Amethystjade - 15lbs-7.0-2.0-4.0:smilielol5: Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Bella - 12lbs-2.0-0.0:hurray: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4+2.0+2.0:smilielol5: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8-0.4-1.2:smilielol5: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9-3.1-3.1:smilielol5: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs-2.0-2.0:hurray: Lapdancer - 20lbs-1.04-8.0-4.02:smilielol5: Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4-1.0+0.0:smilielol5: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2-2.0:hurray: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9-1.5+0.0:smilielol5: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0-0.0-2.0:smilielol5: Shelbi - 7lbs
  3. Adorkable - 8lbs :wink2: Amethystjade - 15lbs-7.0:wub: Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Bella - 12lbs-2.0-0.0:hurray: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4:wub: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8-0.4:hurray: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9-3.1:hurray: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs-2.0-2.0:hurray: Lapdancer - 20lbs-1.04-8.0:hurray: Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4-1.0:hurray: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2-2.0:hurray: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9-1.5:hurray: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0-0.0:hurray: Shelbi - 7lbs These are the results I have so far. Anyone else want to join! GREAT to see you joining the challenge Adorkable!
  4. oh how Sweet of you to say!!! thanks!!
  5. How about Monday, February 9th for our Red Robin gathering?
  6. You are so pretty!!! I think you're doing great! And you're right, 5 years down the road, we won't care how long it took us. We'll just be so happy to be there!
  7. Hey Missy! You should post a "during" picture of yourself! I bet you're looking great!

  8. Me too Bella! I didn't lose a lb! BUT then this morning, I lost 3lbs! We'll see if it lasts til the next weigh in! Did you get your fill on Wednesday?
  9. That's great! I figure the percentages too! It's fun to see how far we've come!
  10. Amethystjade - 15lbs-7.0:wub: Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Bella - 12lbs-2.0-0.0:hurray: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4:wub: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8-0.4:hurray: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9-3.1:hurray: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs-2.0-2.0:hurray: Lapdancer - 20lbs-1.04-8.0:hurray: Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4-1.0:hurray: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2-2.0:hurray: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9-1.5:hurray: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0-0.0:hurray: Shelbi - 7lbs
  11. Oh My Goodness Patty!!!:eek: Congrats!!! I am doing the Happy Dance for you! I haven't weighed yet! I just got online since I couldn't sleep. I'm so happy for you!!!
  12. Hmmm, that must be the same one deboregon was mentioning. Does it come in Vanilla? I'm just not a big fan of chocolate shakes. I wonder if they make it in vanilla. Cost Co only sells the Chocolate. And I looked at the website and Chocolate was the only one they had.
  13. I agree with you. I didn't think Vicki was all that bad at the beginning, but then she started talking revenge. Please post the shake you had. Sure! Here is the protein drink I got at Cost Co. "Premier Nutrition Protein - High Protein Chocolate Shake" Cal 160 fat 3grams 0 sat and trans fat carb 5grams fiber 3 grams protein 30 grams!
  14. Marie! You're beautiful! I can see a big difference! You're looking great!! And doing very well! Happy 6 month Bandiversary!!!
  15. Welcome Karita! WE all agree! Dr. K is the best! AND his team is GREAT! I just love them all!
  16. Patty! Here's wishing you a good Friday! I hope your dreadful pain stays at bay! I'm with you. I won't fit into a size 9 until my pannus is gone! There is just no way!! I'm glad to hear from you and it sounds good that your leak may not be! We all were bad during the holidays! Don't fret! Having a no gain is the best! Truly! Jump aboard our Valentine's Challenge! Tomorrow is week 2 weigh in! You are rocking that band of yours Missy! Good for you! I love Jillian and Bob! They are so cute! AND BUFF! I just saw Jillian on the View! I bought a protein drink yesterday at Cost Co. It has 30grams of protein and tastes really good! Not too thick! I hate when they are too thick! This one has very low carbs too! If anyone is interested I'll post the name. Yes! You're my partner! I feel so sad sometimes when I see others reach their goals so quickly while here I am down 130lbs and I am not even half way there yet! It sucks! But you're right, it took me 20 years to get here - God willing it will take me only 3 or 4 to reach goal! Life goes on... I saw a Tummy Tuck on TV not long ago where the woman had a Lap Band. The surgeon knew what it was when he saw it inside her, the port was flipped. He turned it back into place. But then his assistant pulled on the tubing and said, "what is this?" It really made me think about my Plastic surgeon choice! You have to find someone who has experience with Lap Banders. I'd hate my surgeon to ruin my Band during my TT. I'd love to get my pannus removed this year. Yes! I see that everyday at work! The girls (always skinny!) sit there and eat chips and chocolate all day! I sit there with my cottage cheese and apple and then gain a pound! It sucks! I love Biggest Loser! I was so happy to see Michelle win the last season! I did NOT want that Vicki to win! She was such a game player and was only there for the money! I didn't like her! (sorry I hope others aren't offended by my comment!)
  17. I get very tired of it too Mini! The other day I was looking at before and after pics from another site. I came across an absolutely amazing one. The woman had lost over 200lbs. She went from looking very old and very bad to looking like Miss Fitness America! Someone I was with said, "why would anyone do that to themselves?" I'm not sure why that comment bothered me so much, but it did. Why? Sure this woman wanted to look old and haggered. She wanted to ache from every joint with every movement. She wanted to be laughed at and spit on! NOT! We all make decisions in our lives that we regret. Overeating is just one of those decisions that I made! Sometimes, I hate myself for being obese. I look at my body with all of the excess skin and wonder how uglier I'll be after I reach goal. And seriously no plastic surgery is ever going to make me look like I could have IF I had never gained this much weight. Did I do it on purpose? NO! Does a smoker think each and everytime they smoke what they are doing to their body? Does someone who engages in unprotected random sex partners think of their risks each and every time? Do we think about our risky behaviors? I didn't. I lived my life. I stuffed my emotions and I ate. I can't ever remember eating an entire pint of ice cream or a whole loaf of bread or a pound of bacon. I didn't eat like that. I would fast days on end - then I'd eat a larger sized meal because my body was starving. I'd work three nights in a row and not eat for 20 hours or more and then eat at 2am hoping it would help me stay awake. Bad decisions made over and over again ruined my metabolism. As the scale went up, my activity decreased and my self esteem bottomed out. Even at a decent weight, I watched my marriage hit the rocks and thought, "how ugly am I?" Then I'd do some bizzarre - "drink your meals for a week diet" -- lose some weight only to gain what I lost and more! The self loathing increased and I felt uglier and more like a failure! I'm not making excuses, but losing weight is not that easy. It's the toughest thing I've ever done AND believe me, I have done some tough things in my life. Living in a bad marriage for 22 years wasn't easy. Just getting up and getting dressed and going to work at over 450lbs wasn't easy! BUT struggling with trying to figure out the key to lose this weight has really been difficult. Keeping my calories, my carbs, my proteins, my fats, my working out - in line so that the scale moves has been a task that has kept me obsessed for almost a year! edit: Sorry, it's just been one of those weeks! Hormones have gotten the best of me!!!
  18. Great Advice Patty! I totally agree with not skipping meals. It seems now that I have the band, I do not skip meals unless I'm at work and we are in an urgent situation. Even if I can't eat a meal, I'll have a piece of string cheese or a tbsp of Peanut Butter. I love my steel cut oats. I bought some dried fruit (cranberries, blueberries, cherries and apricots) yesterday to put in the crock pot at night with my oats. I love 'em. I then put walnuts and pecans over the top with a little soy milk. Yum! Right now, I'm doing the Carb Cycling because I need to get my mind back on track. When I do get off track, the low carbs get me strict and doing what I need to do. It destroys my cravings and then I'm able to re-introduce whole grains and fruits and veggies back into my diet. I love that the band is always ready and willing to help me! I hope the Tai Chi helps your core strength so that you can get through these tough times! Any word on getting your pannus removed? I know after work each day, I hurt so much because of my huge pannus!
  19. That's great Tally!!! You guys did get very lucky AND I am very glad to hear it! Has anyone heard how Adorkable is doing? She possibly had a leak too.
  20. The feeling sexy part is great! Isn't it? I find that I feel ultra sexy after I've worked out! Unfortunately, I'm alone right now, so feeling ultra sexy isn't always that enjoyable! OR is it?
  21. I know my years of fasting and not eating for days really messed up my metabolism. It slowed it way down, I gained more and more weight and became more and more sedentary. It was a downward cycle that lead me to a life of Morbid Obesity.
  22. PrtyAntOvrYt

    self-pay plastic surgery anyone???

    Yes Good Luck! You're already beautiful this is just going to be the icing on the cake! Let us know how it goes! I'm halfway to goal. I have 260lbs to lose, I've lost 130. I need to have my pannus removed and I understand the insurance will pay for that. However, they won't pay for a Tummy Tuck. I wonder how difficult it would be to travel for my plastics.
  23. Mini, I track my food intake including my Fiber Chews and Calcium Chews! (I know! I'm a freak!) Anyway, I rarely take in more than 1000 calories a day! I think I need to really up my cals, so that my metabolism can increase too! I'm back to working out daily so it's time to increase my cals to 1200 at least. I fear that once I get to goal (years from now) I will gain weight if I ever eat more than 1000 cals. I know it's better for your body, your blood sugar and your metabolism to eat every 3 to 4 hours and eat around 1200 to 1500 cals. I just have to eat better foods. After I complete my carb cycling, I'm going to start Dr. Oz's diet again. It's whole and very healthy.
  24. Amethystjade - 15lbs-7.0:wub: Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Bella - 12lbs-2.0:wub: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4:wub: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8:wub: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9:wub: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs-2.0:wub: Lapdancer - 20lbs-1.04:wub: Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4:wub: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2:wub: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9:wub: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0:wub: Shelbi - 7lbs Well! Look at those numbers!!! My goodness! I am so proud of everyone! AND we've heard from everyone but Ms Shelbi! Ms Shelbi, let us know how your week went. Remember, we're here to support one another! MissMom, I can't find your goal - can you post that to me? I'm sorry! I must have lost it! Some of you are more than half way to your goal! AND we are just one week down! Deb! Amethystjade! Mini! The Biggest Losers! Good job Sisters!!!
  25. You're welcome Bella! A tiny fill might help. When you eat solid protein and don't PB or vomit, are you hungry in less than 4 hours? If so, then a fill is needed. I can't eat pasta if I have good restriction, but when my restriction is less, pasta is pretty easy. Remember carbs esp, refined carbs, i.e. pasta and rice will increasse your hungry. They cause a rise in your blood sugar and then when it bottoms out, you get hungry faster. When I eat solid protein and just tiny amts of veggies or complex carbs, I am satiated much longer, regardless of my restriction. Carbs always make me hungry faster.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
