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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Thanks Mini! I wanted some "hot for teacher" glasses! I need bifocals, but I've tried them twice and just can't do them! I have to lift my glasses or look above them to read. I don't need them for close up work, but I do for far away vision. With them, I can't do close up work! It sucks when I'm trying to place an IV in one of teeny babes. I think with since it's plastic and taping over your piercing it would have been fine. Sometimes medical professionals have these rules and they get stuck on the rules and don't learn to think outside the box. I call it, "they don't make sense" I hate working with nurses and doctors who don't make sense! They do things, i.e. labs, procedures, tests, only because that is what they were taught. Everyone doesn't always fit into a nice neat little box and every one shouldn't be treated the same. Insurance companies are that way too. thanks! I've now lost 133lbs. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome so I tend to lose slower. I have had to work very hard for every one of those lbs. I swim laps everyday for an hour and then in the morning I ride my bike from home. 6 days a week normally, but when I hit the last plateau, I pushed it to 7. I watch what I eat and do a lot of low carb options. That's not to say I don't eat bad things occasionally, but for the most part, I follow the rules. I get about 80grams of protein a day including one protein drink in the very early morning before I ride my bike. I log all of my food in on www.fitday.com. I know others have lost more in a shorter period of time, but having PCOS, I knew it would be slower and a struggle. I'm okay with that. I've got a lot to lose and I didn't gain it overnight. I also had kept my band very loose! Until my fill in December I had never known a stuck episode. I had only a few small fills. I forced myself to stop without the aide of the band because I wanted to learn how to live a new lifestyle. I called it my 20/80 plan. 20% band and 80% Dee. Tom says it should be the other way around. So I got a more aggressive fill and followed the Carb cycling diet I made up in my head and I broke my last plateau. Thanks Patty! When I consulted with the plastics guy, he told me that people who carry their weight the way we do usually look the best after losing massive amounts of weight and having body lifts. I gain weight everywhere! Not just in one place. My girls are smaller, my butt is smaller and my waist is smaller by 12 inches! The doctor's only concern for my weight is my thighs. My weight is situated not laterally, but medially. Laterally is easier to lift, medially is not. And I have a lot of weight over my knees. As my face gets smaller, I'm getting that turkey gobbler chin that is quite irritating! But the previous triple chin was worse!!!
  2. Ooops! I thought it was the bottom lip! Duh Dee! It makes sense, "Monroe" = upper lip! I guess, I'm not as cool as I thought I was!!!
  3. Oh my Goodness! AND you were just banded in October! You're doing great!!!
  4. I was wrong, I'm actually 4 lbs from the 30% mark for total weight lost. I have a chart that is on my fridge. I started at such a high weight, it will take a while to get to each goal! I think you're doing great Mini! You can't really complain! I congratulate you on your achievements!
  5. They want you to remove your jewelry for several reasons: Infection Control (we can't wear any rings at work due to infection control. there are cervices and places bacteria can live) Edema and restrictive problems with swelling during procedures or post-procedures Theft (if you wake up from surgery and your $24K wedding set is missing, it could get costly for the hospital) Lastly, there could be an issue with some electrosurgical units. This is not so much of an issue anymore, but it could still be an issue if they have an older generator or one that doesn't return the current to the electrosurgical unit. It could cause burns and if the electro accidently touched the metal jewelry, you still could be burned. With the Monroe piercing I can understand asking the patient to remove it if they have to intubate the patient. I would be nervous intubating someone with a piercing around the mouth. I got a fat lip from my intubation when I had my surgery. It happens often.
  6. take your initial weight and multiply by 0.10. that is 10%. I need to lose 60% of my total weight. to calculate your excess weight - take your ideal weight subtract your initial weight and then multiply 0.10 to get 10% of that. I am down molre than 50% of my excess weight. If your pre-op weight was 303, 10% would be 30lbs. 20% 60lbs, 30% 90lbs. You have lost almost 30% of your total body weight! That's excellent!!!
  7. Oh no! I could never do 10% each challenge! It has taken me a year and more to get to the 40% mark. I just need 4 more lbs to be at the 40% mark, so I'm altering my old goal to 4lbs more. Not the 24 lbs I have left from the original goal of 31lbs! Yikes! I would be nuts!
  8. Yeah that laid up woman lost 69lbs during her recovery when she was just sure she would gain since she was being so sedentary! This was about 10 years ago and she's now married with kids and a totally hottie! Her husband says he loves eating Dinner for Breakfast except when it's fish! He can't handle that! HAAAA!
  9. Congrats Deb! I'm going to try that too! I did it for a while with Shelbi when we were doing our Steel Cut Oatmeal challenge with one another. I ate my Oats at 5pm and then nothing else till the next morning when I ate Dinner for Breakfast! I think a Monroe piercing, if I'm not wrong, is the one in the bottom lip. Is that right? I'm old, but I have a 21 year old - with lots of friends who think I'm cool. Perhaps I'm not as cool as I think!
  10. Remember Jaime, without proper restriction it's like you're dieting. Sure you're following the bander rules, but you're still going to be just as hungry as you were before you got the Band. Don't be so hard on yourself!
  11. I should adjust my goal! I've broken my goals down to 10% of my body weight. I am 4 lbs from being at my 4th goal or being down 40% of my total weight. I'm going to adjust my goal! I hope no one minds!!!
  12. Are you due for a fill? Do you log all of your food in somewhere? Are you getting enough protein? Sorry! That sucks!!!
  13. Adorkable (8lbs): -2.0:smilielol5: Amethystjade (15lbs): -7.0, -2.0, -4.0-2.0:tt1: Bahotmomma (10lbs): -1:wub: Bella (12lbs): -2.0, -0.0, +0.0- Deboregon (10lbs): -8.4, +5.0, +4.0-8.2:tt1: Jmegirl (10lbs): -1.8, -0.4, -1.2-1:tt1: Julieann (15lbs): -3.9, -3.1, -3.1, -4.0 :eek: KayleighsMommy (15lbs): -2.0,-2.0, +0.0-1.0:tt1: Lapdancer (20lbs): -1.04, -8.0, -4.02-3.0:tt1: Lotzasunshine (13lbs): -4.0, -1.0, +0.0+0.0:tt1: Magaines (15lbs): -4.2, -2.0, +1.9-2.6:tt1: Minidriver (10lbs): -4.9, -1.5, +0.0+.5:tt1: MissMom: -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt (11lbs): -2.0, -0.0, -2.0-2.4:tt1: Shelbi (7lbs): Thanks Julieann for choosing our new smiley! I lost 2.4lbs this week! Yeah! Good job getting the scale moving again Bella! Amethystjade, I'm glad you got rid of those stones! AND kept your piercing! Sounds like it was a battle! Okay Kidlings, step on that scale and give me your result! We have 2 weeks left for me to lose 24 lbs! (I'm sure I'll be right there by the 14th!):thumbup:
  14. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Dr Garth Davis- Houston, TX

    Perhaps they prefer RNY for their patients, BUT when it came time to do WLS for their own sister/daughter, they chose the LapBand. I find that extremely interesting!
  15. Thanks Sweet Patty! I know! I sat here crying! I am very emotional thinking of the past years and thinking of this last year. What a blessing has been bestowed upon me this last year - a blessing for the years to come. May I take this gift and do good things with it. May I become all I can be and use my new self to enhance the lives of others!
  16. Everyone join me in singing - remember the Happy Anniversary song on the Flintstones? Barney is playing the piano and singing. He sings it over and over and over again, until Fred starts rolling him out of the room! "Happy Bandiversary Happy Bandiversay Happy Bandiversary Ha-ppy Ban-di-ver-sary! Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary Happy Happy Happy Happy Ban-di-ver-sary." This is truly a red letter day! One year! I'm emotional! I thrilled! AND I am in a celebrating kind of mood! "Celebrate Good Times, Come On!" (my daughter used to say "Salivate" Good Times - she was only 5 years old - if you're PB'g, I guess that would be true!) I can't believe it's been a year! I can still remember how excited I was the morning of my surgery. I wasn't scared anymore - just excited, anxious and thrilled it was finally happening! I have so much to be thanful for! I am thankful for Dr. Kirshenbaum. He saved my life! He took a chance on a Super Morbidly Obese woman in her mid-40's, who sat in his office scared to death he'd say,"no" - He worked hard to make my surgery happen and for that I will be forever grateful. He will always be my hero! I'm thankful for my bestfriend, "M" who turned me on to Dr. K, I'm thankful for the divorce settlement that helped me pay for my surgery, I'm thankful for Parker Adventist Hospital and the Medical Director there who worked with Dr. K and his surgical staff to help make my surgery possible in the main OR, I'm thankful for all my co-workers who adjusted their schedules not only once but twice to give me the recovery time off, I'm thankful for all of you here - each of you who comes here to post support and encouragement. This has been a wonderful year! Today is truly the first day of the rest of my life!
  17. Gir!!! You look 25 years younger! Oh My Goodness! You're just adorable!
  18. Adorkable - 8lbs -2.0:smilielol5: Amethystjade - 15lbs-7.0-2.0-4.0:smilielol5: Bahotmomma - 10lbs-1:wub: Bella - 12lbs-2.0-0.0+0.0:smilielol5: Deboregon- 10lbs-8.4+2.0+2.0:smilielol5: Jmegirl - 10lbs-1.8-0.4-1.2:smilielol5: Julieann - 15lbs-3.9-3.1-3.1:smilielol5: KayleighsMommy - 15lbs-2.0-2.0+0.0:smilielol5: Lapdancer - 20lbs-1.04-8.0-4.02:smilielol5: Lotzasunshine - 13lbs-4-1.0+0.0:smilielol5: Magaines - 15lbs-4.2-2.0+1.9:smilielol5: Minidriver - 10lbs-4.9-1.5+0.0:smilielol5: MissMom- -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt - 31lbs-2.0-0.0-2.0:smilielol5: Shelbi - 7lbs Hey Kidlings! We all did pretty good! We're at our half way point for the challenge! Good Luck to you all for the next weigh in!
  19. Wow Bella! You look great!! AND so young! Congrats!!
  20. Maybe luck will be on my side too! I hate jury duty! IF I do, I can pick you up after your appt - if I'm not held over too late and take you to the airport. I hope!!!
  21. I have eaten cereal. I think it's true that it does get washed down with the milk, however, cereal can be a good source of fiber and calcium/vit D. I was going to mention something I saw on the Health Channel. They did a show on people who have lost weight in a nontraditional way. One woman had broken her leg years ago and during that time, her friends and family would bring over meals in the morning. She had a hard time standing for periods of time, so cooking wasn't an option for her. She would smell the hot meal they brought and couldn't wait for dinner time, so she started eating those meals every morning for breakfast. In turn, for dinner, she would have a bowl of cereal or fruit. By the time her leg healed, she had lost a significant amount of weight. She couldn't figure it out. Then it hit her that she had flipped her day. She had dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner (Lap mentioned this in a post to Deb) Anyway, my point is, I think if you make good cereal choices, cereal is fine. I do, however, get really hungry if I eat cereal, because of the high carb content. Nice to see you again!!! I love your list! I also am really getting antsy for my plastics. At least getting this pannus removed! Don't be such a stranger Missy! I get hungry after working out! BUT I also get "frisky" too! The frisky part is just a waste since I'm on my own here! BUT for the hungry part, when I'm not doing low carb, I'll eat an apple, I've cut in slices and peeled - I take it to the pool with me and eat it with a tablespoon of peanut butter on top. That usually does the trick. Carb and Protein mix helps satiate that "I'm starving" feeling. Wow! The same day??? Maybe Deb will be able to make it that same day too! If you're exercising, you do need more calories, but good calories. Have something prepared, something with good carbs and some protein in it. Don't make yourself search for food... that's when the grazing starts. I love these Trio bars, I get at Cost Co. They are almost entirely nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. I eat half of one with some blackberries. No problem! Are you going to make it to Red Robin on the 9th of Feb. Chin up!!! You'll get back on track soon.
  22. Hey Deb! Unfortunately, I have jury duty on that date and it's impossible to know until the day before if I'm going to be called. I made my next appt. on the 19th of Feb. My appt is at 1015. I could pick you up after that. I'm starting a second job next week and with the jury duty, I'm not sure of my availability. Sorry Deb!!!
  23. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I love you to pieces too My Dear Mini! I know I have lost a lot, but I guess, sometimes I get discouraged at the fact that I am a year out and I am only 50% of the way there. I know that the last 50% is usually more difficult than the first. I looked to see what I've lost since my last fill which was on 12/5 and I've lost 20lbs. I guess that is pretty good. It just seemed like I should be losing faster. I really upped my workouts and have watched every morsal that has gone in my mouth. I'm going to up my calories to 1000-1200. They are hanging out, unintentionally around 800. I appreciate your support! I remember when you got to twoderville! It was a happy day! I did photos in a sports bra and my swim shorts. They are pretty scary to look at! I should do another pic on Thursday to see if I've changed much. I'm scary without clothes on! I've been trying the Bio-oil to see if my scars will be lightened, but no luck. At the last meeting at Panera's several mentioned using that. Does anyone else have any other ideas? Our bodies are so bizarre! I can't figure mine out! I bet it feels good to see that preceeding 2! Can you tell I am dying to see one on my scale!!! That's exactly how I was after my last fill. I had to be ultra careful with eating or I'd get stuck, sometimes PB'g. It made eating really a chore and I dreaded it! But I found some softer protein choices that I was able to eat until I lost a little of the restriction. Homemade refried beans with salas and LF Sour cream was one, LF/NF Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, I made my scrambled eggs on very very low heat, covered and they were so soft and good. I also figured I had first bite syndrome, so I would drink some hot tea before eating breakfast or drink a protein drink for breakfast (since breakfast is at 530am) and then eat around 1030. A protein drink with 30g of protein, cottage cheese with 15g of protein and yogurts and tuna salad, I got more than my protein in!
  24. Mini is right, everytime I do low carb, I lose really fast and then usually gain 1/3 or more back. I realize and expect this because it's a lot of water weight. It happened to me during my carb cycling plan that I was doing trying to get to Twoderville! ARGH! Lapdancer, I know what you mean! For me, I have lost over 100lbs and hardly anyone notices! It makes me think that people really don't look at fat people. We are just there!!! At least those of us who were Super Morbidly Obese. I think the Supershuttle is a good idea. AND Deb, if I'm off when you schedule your fill I'd be more than happy to come and get you from the airport, we can get a fill together and then return you for your flight. I did that for Marie and it worked out really well. I can't remember the exact timing, but it was a pickup, fill up, drop off in a matter of hours. I'm here for you Buddy! Just let's talk about a time! It seems you've had a good experience with the fill center. I'm glad. I think Atkins or diets like those - help you lose that water weight, BUT I always, without exception gain when eat normally. The carb cycling did that! I have however lost 13lbs since starting it, but I started it 12/15! That sucks! Over a month ago! Good for you Sweetie! Enjoy that wave and enjoy those pounds lost! I wanted so badly to be in Twoderville by the 29th, my first Bandiversary, but alas, I can't even see the signs pointing to the right hwy! I'm still in the town of 20's - and I keep going through the same roundabout! THE WRONG FREAKING WAY!!! I need out and on my way! I'll take my camera to RR so that I can get some pics! I haven't seen the Peeps in over two months! I bet everyone has changed!
  25. Hey Hot Babe! You're looking so good! Can you believe it's been almost a year for me? We've come a long way Darling from where we started! I'm so proud of you! We're meeting at RR on the 9th of February! Would love to have you join us!

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