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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Sounds Yummy! I'll try it! I do like the Atkins Vanilla!
  2. Wow! That's a great idea Mini! So do you make them at night in your Slow Cooker? And you replace half the water with a Vanilla Protein shake at that time? Do you add the dried fruit too?
  3. thanks Julie! I like your idea of the smilies!
  4. Ingredients 8 cups water (extra water is needed with steel-cut oats) 2 cups steel-cut oats 1/3 cup dried cranberries 1/3 cup dried apricots, chopped 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste I use a variety of dried fruit, I got from Cost Co. (the antioxident variety) Directions Combine water, oats, dried cranberries, dried apricots and salt in a 5- or 6-quart slow cooker. Turn heat to low. Put the lid on and cook until the oats are tender and the porridge is creamy, 7 to 8 hours. Stovetop Variation Halve the above recipe to accommodate the size of most double boilers: Combine 4 cups water, 1 cup steel-cut oats, 3 tablespoons dried cranberries, 3 tablespoons dried apricots and 1/8 teaspoon salt in the top of a double boiler. Cover and cook over boiling water for about 1 1/2 hours, checking the water level in the bottom of the double boiler from time to time. Ingredient note: Steel-cut oats, sometimes labeled "Irish oatmeal," look like small pebbles. They are toasted oat groats—the oat kernel that has been removed from the husk that have been cut in 2 or 3 pieces. Do not substitute regular rolled oats, which have a shorter cooking time, in the slow-cooker oatmeal recipe.
  5. Hey Julie, I posted back a ways what I wanted as my goal, but I can't remember what it was, so put me down for 30 lbs. That's 5 lbs a week and then I'll have those extra 4 days to make up for any weeks I didn't hit my mark. I've watched my carbs since being banded, I'm going to really watch my fat % now. I've tried to keep it between 30-40%, but now I'm going for the less than 30% plan.
  6. Sure girlfriend! 33 lbs divided by 6 weeks = 5.5 lbs a week, BUT I guess the challenge is for 6.5 weeks. IT's 45 days. Which is 33/45 = .73lbs a day. I think that's doable! I know, I know some will say it's not wise, but us big girls can do that. (or we can delude ourselves into thinking we can) I think you can! When you're able to move - if your back is better, you lose weight pretty quickly. I'll be your cheerleader!
  7. I got 33lbs Patty in 6 weeks - which would be 5.5lbs a week. 11.6% is what you'll need to lose.
  8. I thought you were asking about a Pre-op diet too. Dr. K charges a very low price for the surgery. He only does what is medically necessary. IF you are really uncomfortable with that you might want to go elsewhere. He doesn't do pre-op testing. I had to go self-pay and I checked many other docs in my area. The least was asking $17,000. He did all the regular pre-op testing and that was extra on top of the $17K. Dr. K uses his critical thinking pathways. He doesn't do tests that are not needed. I'm a nurse and I have worked with two kinds of docs - those who don't think about what they order - but just order anything and everything. When asked, "what are you going to do with those results?" They answer, "nothing, but it's standard to do these tests." So there we go, poking and proding and torturing our patients, because "that is what is standard." Many times we torture our patients, get results that we all expected - normal results and then the patient leaves with this huge bill coming to their home later. It's called, "Covering Your Ass" medicine. Not fun to be subjected to and NOT fun to have to administer. Other times we get unexpected results and still nothing to done and the patients goes home with a huge bill. I truly think if you're not comfortable with the way Dr. K handles things,you should go elsewhere. There are many other docs who will order every test available and be more than happy to bill you for them. Dr. K isn't NOT doing tests to save himself some money, that's not the way medicine works. IF a doc wants to order something, he orders it, then he bills the patient and the patient pays - as in our case being self-pay. He wouldn't be the one who is saving himself money! No doc orders tests and covers the cost of them, themselves. I address this because in one of your last posts, you asked if he didn't order tests to save himself money. I'm not getting angry or pissy. It just concerns me that you have so many doubts. This is perfectly okay, you should have doubts this is a life changing event in your life. I was banded by Dr. K - I knew upfront what he ordered and what he didn't pre-operatively. Just as you now know. I have a PCP whom I used to see regularly. Every quarter, I saw him to do my liver studies because I WAS on Lipitor prior to losing 133lbs with the band. I knew Dr. K wouldn't order things, so I would have asked my PCP to order them, should I have felt they were vital. IF you truly want to go with Dr. K, find out what other docs are ordering on their patients - go to your PCP and request him/her to get these tests done. Check for Sleep Apnea, do a CBC, get a Psyc Eval done, an EKG, Liver studies, a complete metabolic panel, and whatever else is standard. I'm not sure of everything. A think some do a Barium Swallow to check your esphogeal mobility. Get that done too - do what it takes to feel comfortable that you're ready for this surgery and then make your decision as to whom will do it. These tests can give you good information, but will this information make a difference on how the band is placed? Most likely not. Good Luck! edit: I remembered my friend who was banded elsewhere, also had to get a Glucose Tolerance Test done to see if she was diabetic and a Lipid Panel to check her lipids, LDL's, HDL's, Triglycerides and cholesterol.
  9. This is for Bella! Congrats on your 100lbs!
  10. :thumbup::huggie::rose::huggie::rose: Adorkable (8lbs): -2.0+0.0 Amethystjade (15lbs): -7.0, -2.0, -4.0-2.0 Reached Goal!!! Bella (12lbs): -2.0, -0.0, +0.0-1.8-3.0-2.0:huggie: Deboregon (10lbs): -8.4, +5.0, +4.0-8.2+0.0 Jmegirl (10lbs): -1.8, -0.4, -1.2+1.0+0.0+0.0:huggie: Julieann (15lbs): -3.9, -3.1, -3.1, -4.0-2.0Reached Goal!!! KayleighsMommy (15lbs): -2.0,-2.0, +0.0-1.0:tt1: Lapdancer (20lbs): -1.04, -8.0, -4.02-3.0-3.0Reached Goal!!! Lotzasunshine (13lbs): -4.0, -1.0, +0.0+0.0+1.0-3.0:huggie: Magaines (15lbs): -4.2, -2.0, +1.9-2.6+1.0 Minidriver (10lbs): -4.9, -1.5, +0.0+.5-2.9+0.20:huggie: PrtyAntOvrYt (11lbs): -2.0, -0.0, -2.0-2.4+2.0-4.0:huggie:
  11. I just wanted to write this, I am not trying to say that I am the Perfect Bander. I am far from it. I struggle everyday. Sometimes I fall off that wagon and eat something I know I shouldn't. I'm human. I fail, but I try to not beat myself up for it and I log it in on fitday and deal with the higher caloric intake because I ate half of a Panera Nutty Chocolate Chip cookie (half is 240cals)! I've learned, this happens, so I plan healthier treats. Low fat, splenda cheesecake or Magic Peanut butter cookies -- apples peeled and cut with LF caramel sauce and chopped walnuts, pistachios, whatever. I know when I get a craving for something bad, I have to have something good in reach or I'll have a very hard time staying on track. I also get off track with my workouts. In December, I went three weeks without working out. I stopped when I started that research job and couldn't get back on. It took forever and felt like torture returning to that daily grind! I guess, what I'm saying is it's not easy. None of us are perfect, but we all have had to find our way...
  12. Jaime, First of all, please don't call yourself a failure. You're not. You have to realize that we all have a food addiction. An addiction, not unlike, drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. It's been our obsession for many years. Sometimes, it takes more than a Lap Band to get us on our road to recovery, There is a reason, we overate in the first place. Have you considered seeking therapy? For me, I was just so ready to do this. I had been diagnosed as a pre-diabetic, I had PCOS and I had just been diagnosed with arthritis. I was scared straight! Just like when I used to take my juvenile probation clients to the state pen, I was scared straight! So scared of becoming a full blown diabetic, and so afraid of ending up in a wheelchair from my arthritis, that I felt I had no other choice. I had to force myself to make huge changes in my life. The Lap Band was the tool that I needed. With that being said, I must confess, it wasn't easy. Like I said above, I am a food addict. I overate for over 20 years. Food was a big part of my life. It took the place of feeling loved, of feeling wanted and of feeling worth. I had to find my motivation to get on the Bandwagon and stay there. I learned many years ago that I do best with a very strict regimen. I can't fly by the seat of my pants. This is odd since I am the least type A personality - you'd ever meet. BUT when it comes to meeting goals, I have to make lists, I have to make plans and I have to be very strict with sticking to them. The same happened when I graduated from college with my triple degrees at the age of 19. I had to make studying my life. It had to become me. The same when I returned to school for my nursing degree. I had to eat, sleep and live my studies. I have done that with my Lap Band and my new lifestyle. It has encompassed every part of my being. EVERY part of my life is associated in some way to my new lifestyle. My advice to you - is don't give up! You just got a fill today! A time for a new beginning! The Lap Band is good at giving us new chances to start fresh! Sit down and make a list of reasons why you want to be successful. List everything you can think of! Your health, your happiness, smaller sizes, more attractive appearance, better sex, all the NSV's available with a new body. List them and post them somewhere you'll see them daily. Then return to the good ole Bander Rules. Portion control is a biggie if you don't feel you have restriction. Measure Measure Measure! Buy yourself some pretty little measuring cups, several different sets if you want, I have 4. Measure all of your food 1 cup to 1.5 cup per meal. Eat slow, take tiny bites and allow your pouch to stretch properly. Write on a paper when you've taken your last bite. Don't drink anything for an hour. Then drink your water, crystal light, tea or whatever you drink. Get your 8 glasses in - through out the day. IF you get hungry before your 4 hours, that's okay, focus on foods that will feed your body. Foods that will help you meet your protein goal of 60-80 grams a day. Nuts, cheese, a boiled egg, hummus, whatever you want in that area is a good snack. Eat your snack. That's okay, if you're hungry don't starve, but make good nutritious choices. Log onto www.fitday.com or www.dailyplate.com or anything other service that helps you track your intake. List everything that enters your mouth. Try to keep your fats down around 30-40% of your total calories, if you're consuming carbs, if not, than a higher fat % is okay. Start moving your body. Don't try something that is impossible. Start with 5 mins a day for 6 days a week. 5 mins, walk in place in the morning or afternoon take a 5 mins walk. Anything, but do it everyday. After meeting the 5 mins a day for 6 days, increase it to 10 mins. There are three components to working out - Frequency, Duration, Intensity. Get the Frequency down first, then increase the time and lastly, once you're on track with 6 days a week, 20 mins a day, then you can increase the intensity. Don't do it all at once. Give yourself time to form a habit. 3 weeks makes a habit. Jaime, I have faith in you. I remember meeting you the night before you were banded. You were excited, motivated and ready to start your new life. Don't lose sight of that excitement! But as you know, it takes work. I know you can do it. Be smart about it. Plan to be successful and you will. Believe you can do it and you will! Truly, you can do this! I know you can!
  13. Hey Dorky! I love your before and during pictures! You are so pretty! You were pretty before and you're even more pretty now! Congrats Julie! I think working towards onederland is a great April Fool's Day goal! I hate being sick! It sucks!
  14. I did get to see Deb! AND she is looking great! We had a nice little chat on the drive to the airport. She brought some pictures and I am so pleased to have gotten to see her! When you come here on the 1st of April. Are you going to be here on the 1st in time for a RR meeting? I'm going out of town on the 2nd and won't be back til the 5th, but I'd love to see you!
  15. Congrats on breaking your plateau! I am like you, I weigh everyday! Because I feel, IF I had spent the last 20 years weighing everyday, I WOULDN'T have let myself gain so much weight. Being in denial of my true weight, is how I got this way. I will never again allow myself to NOT know what I weigh. Call me addicted to the scale, I really don't care. I am just thankful to be on the losing end!
  16. Adorkable (8lbs): -2.0+0.0 Amethystjade (15lbs): -7.0, -2.0, -4.0-2.0 Reached Goal!!! Bahotmomma (10lbs): -1:wub: Bella (12lbs): -2.0, -0.0, +0.0-1.8-3.0 Deboregon (10lbs): -8.4, +5.0, +4.0-8.2+0.0 Jmegirl (10lbs): -1.8, -0.4, -1.2+1.0+0.0 Julieann (15lbs): -3.9, -3.1, -3.1, -4.0-2.0Reached Goal!!! KayleighsMommy (15lbs): -2.0,-2.0, +0.0-1.0:tt1: Lapdancer (20lbs): -1.04, -8.0, -4.02-3.0-3.0Reached Goal!!! Lotzasunshine (13lbs): -4.0, -1.0, +0.0+0.0+1.0 Magaines (15lbs): -4.2, -2.0, +1.9-2.6+1.0 Minidriver (10lbs): -4.9, -1.5, +0.0+.5-2.9 MissMom: -5lbs:wub: PrtyAntOvrYt (11lbs): -2.0, -0.0, -2.0-2.4+2.0 Shelbi (7lbs):
  17. Sorry John! I just got home from work and I have a horrible headache. I'm not going to make it to Red Robin tonight. I hope you guys have a good time! Take a picture for all of us! I came home from work with a bad headache, so I'm not going to RR. Sorry for missing you guys! I'll post my recipe later, if that's okay. And about the internet guy, you're right, it is his loss. He's stupid and shallow and I wasn't looking for a Love Connection, just a friend to hang out with once in a while! Life goes on...
  18. it totally doesn't make any sense to me! just like someone else said here that when she eats poorly she loses and when she's good with her intake, she doesn't lose! It's just the strangest thing!
  19. Hey Denver Banditos! Don't forget our next Get Together is on Monday night! February 9th at 7pm! Red Robin at Arapahoe and I-25. I hope many can attend! AND you out of towners, you'll be in our hearts!
  20. That does sound like so much fun!!! Thanks for the idea!
  21. That's because you're married to a GREAT GUY!!!
  22. Oh I know! I know! It's just so disheartening to see the increase! It brings back those bad memories and makes you wonder if you're doing something wrong, EVEN tho you know you are NOT! IT's the old fat girl mentality! The thing about that guy IS that I wasn't interested in a Love Connection, I was only interested in being friends. My heart belongs to someone else! But to think that someone wouldn't even want to be your friend because you're fat is the worst! He knew I have a band and I've lost a lot of weight, but none of that matters, I guess. He's not even mature enough to write me back. I wrote him twice and then decided he's not worth my time! I agree 170 is best for me! AND WW says that I can weigh 150-170lbs to be normal! (atleast that's what they used to say in the old days) I'd love those Slumber Parties! I never went to one! Yeah! "together" use can be more enjoyable! IF you are with a partner who isn't intimidated by the toy! Those kinds of guys do exist, you know!
  23. Sheesh Patty! It's a little scary unzipping those pants and letting it all hang out! I can't believe I was so revealing!
  24. I appreciate your honesty Patty-girl! For me, working out makes me so 'frisky' - I can hardly stand it! AND I hate men lately! They haven't been so nice to me! I have talked to this one guy from the Springs for a very very long time. He's nice. He seemed sincere. He knew I have a weight issue and always said, "no big deal, you're such a sweety" -- well, he asked for a current picture -- Feeling like I'm not so fat and ugly anymore, I sent him the same pic as I have as my new little avatar! I haven't heard from him since! Not one word! AND he has deleted everyone of my email messages since that day! AFTER talking to him for 4 years, this is how he treats me? Just think if he had seen me 135 lbs ago! What a hateful, shallow man! Anyway, I think I'll go and see what treats they have at "Fascinations" - buy myself a new toy for Valentine's day! (aren't you proud of me for not heading to the brownies and cookies?) I can't say, I'm ready to unzip my pants and let it all hang out, but I've got some goals for myself too! I'm 22lbs from my 40% weight loss goal, that will give me a BMI of 43! I'm 52lbs from my 50% weight loss goal, which will give me a BMI of 39! Which is my goal for scheduling my plastic surgery! My final goal is to weigh 138, Tom and I think a realistic goal for me is 170 - giving me a BMI of 25 which is a normal BMI! I'm okay with 170. I'm 5-10 and feel I look good at 170. I noted the wink Bella! I got an electric ice cream maker for Christmas last year and haven't used it once. I'm going to try that! Maybe I could add fruit too! That sounds so good! Thanks!
  25. I am not in a good mood this morning! I hate that TOM! I gained 6 lbs this morning! So that's 2 yesterday and 6 this morning! 8 lbs!!!! It's PMS time and I tried to eat my egg this morning and got stuck! I'm always more restricted during this time! This last week, I upped my working out to twice a day! Swimming in the am before working my Triage job - 5am! Then when I get home, I ride my bike on the "weight control" challenge program that increases the intensity every 1 minute and constantly tells you to speed it up! Very annoying!! BUT DAMN you get a good work out in 30 mins! So that is 1.5 hour of working out a day! AND I gain 8 freaking pounds??? I know it's related to that TOM, so I just need to settle down! BUT it is so hard to work so hard and be so diligent with my eating and gain!:thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
