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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. the same exact thing happened to my aunt! she never was around abestos, never smoked, drank - never even lived around smokers and she got that same type of lung tumors. the doctors were very confused. she lived a long time with it and did pretty well. she took trips with her husband and eventually passed away from something totally unrelated. you need to find someone to give you a good massage. your shoulders will thank you. hugs Deb!
  2. You must have been looking at me in the mirror! I loved it! Hilarious, but so true -- and in a way a little sad for me! I see plastics next Wednesday.
  3. Congrats! :thumbup: That's great news!!! Yep! I love the Munchi-girl! She lives up to her name! AND she's just adorable! I met her in the recovery room and it was love at first sight! I have a friend who met her too and she still asks about her! The pic is great! Thanks for posting it!
  4. I know exactly what you mean by an out of body experience. I noticed the other day, "this hand driving my car" for a split second, I thought, "who's hand is that?" It was mine. My fingers are long and slim and my wrists are very noticeable. It's strange! Have you even flown Southwest Airlines? I flew to Albany for $99.00 and it was the best. I purchased two tickets on my own because I don't inconveniencing another passanger. Anyway if you purchase two tickets due to your size, you pre-board and if they are not overbooked, they refund your second ticket. The price is right and I was treated well. AND the best part is the arm rest was able to go into place and the seat belt fit without an extender. I was pretty comfy and actually could have flown with one seat. I hope Sammy is doing okay. It's been a while since his surgery. I love the Black Hills. I'm planning a trip there this coming summer.
  5. Oh Deb! I am so sorry to hear your news. I hope things turn out better than anyone ever expected. Miracles can happen and they do everyday. Having hope is very important. I know your parents are so important to you. I remember you talking about them previously. Please come back and post when you are able - I know you'll want to spend your time with Mom, but we will be thinking of you. Also, Sweet Deb, please don't neglect yourself. It's important to talk care of yourself when you can. I'm sure your heart is heavy right now. I am very sorry. love you lots, dee~ p.s. if you want to chat anytime, day or night, please call me. I work nights now, so I'm up at all hours of the night. Hugs!
  6. Wow! Congrats! I am very happy with my Band. I'm not always good but I am never regretful. It's not the easiest of all WLS, but it is the least invasive. Good Luck and you've chosen a great surgeon!
  7. oh bella, don't forget i lost 2lbs last week. i posted it really late.
  8. Hey Peeps! Dr. K is going to China for three weeks starting the middle of May. They will only be doing fills on Thursdays with Tom. If you think you might need a fill around that time, you better call and make an appt. I think those Thurs. are going to get pretty busy!
  9. Bella, put me down for a no loss, no gain! I have a lot of edema. I'm hoping by next monday, it will be gone! I started my 100 day challenge today! 100 days, 100 workouts! and then it will be my 18month bandiversary
  10. Welcome! How's the weather out in your area? I saw where some areas west of Denver have 34 inches of snow already! I'm glad to hear you made it home safely! Again, welcome to the loser's bench!
  11. Bella, I weighed this morning and I lost 2lbs for the Monday weigh in. I'm so surprised!
  12. Jaime! I haven't weighed yet Honey! I may have gained big time! You can't imagine how good NY Pizza tastes! Thankfully with the band, I can't eat more than half of a piece! But I could easily eat that 3 times a day!
  13. Don't let yourself stay too tight for too long. Is your tightness related to your TOM or stress or something other than your fill? If you're in constant discomfort or unable to get in adequate calories including your protein, you might want to consider getting a little removed. I'm not trying to scare you, Dear, I just want you to be safe. I care about you!
  14. How are you doing now? I wanted to respond to your post, but I couldn't. The computer kept freezing on us. I'm wondering if you're too tight. Make sure you don't get dehydrated and that you're getting in your protein requirement. Are you still having pain?
  15. not home yet Deb! I'm in NY still. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon! I can't believe this week went by so fast! I don't have a scale here in the hotel! I can't believe I've gone 6 days without weighing myself! I am going through major withdrawals! I'll get my weight to you when I get home! Thanks Bella! Thanks Mini! Yeah! Can you believe I didn't need a belt extender? I was thrilled!
  16. how's the fill going? Sounds like you guys did the right thing! It would be bad to be too tight when you have to return home by an airplane! I remember one lady on here when I was first banded. She got a fill, got on the plane and started being unable to swallow her saliva. By the time she landed, she had to be taken directly to the ER for a slight unfill. I'm glad you guys took some out before you left Dr K's office. I have great news! I am in NY taking my daughter to college. Anyway, I flew here without needing a seat belt extender! Can you believe that? AND I fit into one seat. I was so afraid I wouldn't fit well and I'd have to take up another's seat, that I purchased two tickets for my flight home (my flight over, I was with my daughter and she doesn't mind giving me part of her seat) -- now I have two tickets and I don't need the extra space! Body distortion! I still feel so much fatter than I am! How are things with your Dad? Oh! Have a great time! I love Disneyland! I grew up just miles from there! Every night we could see Tinklerbell flying around the Matterhorn (sp?) Mountain. It was so cute! I loved living there! You'll have a great time! How's Bandster Hell going? That's the period between banding and getting your first fill.
  17. Yup! Eating is pretty much over by that time!!!
  18. Have you noticed there are two different PB's? When I got stuck the other evening on zucchini, (this is really gross) I burped and a huge amount of thick mucous came up. I never had a pain, but a slight discomfort feeling. But I could have ignored it easily because it wasn't bad. After I burped and PB'd, I felt fine. Then about 5 mins later the same thing happened. Then previously on Broccoli, I've gotten stuck and the pain for extremely bad. I have burped loudly and the broccoli came out with no excess mucous. With the zucchini, it never came up. Sorry that is pretty gross, but I was wondering if these PB's are similar to others. I had no idea there were two different kinds. I didn't get stuck until 11 months out, so I'm still learning these things.
  19. can I change my goal to 25lbs? It will get me to one of my mini goals! Thanks Bella!
  20. Broccoli, zuchini (almost killed me last night) I do okay with everything else! But these are the worst! Hey! Did you all meet at Red Robin?
  21. Wow! Almost 100lbs!!! AND you were just banded in October? That's amazing! You're doing GREAT!
  22. Hey Miss Minidriver! How's the convention? Are you planning to stay warm tomorrow? The storm should be over by noon! I hope!!!
  23. I understand completely what you're saying. I think that would be extremely difficult to deal with - you want to have hope and believe the best will be your outcome, however, you also want to be realistic. My heart goes out to you. Bless you and your family. My prayers are with you, everynight. I'm always out of control with my goals! It's insane!:confused:
  24. Thanks Bella!!! How nice of you to follow our weight losses! Put me down for 20lbs. Is Memorial day on the 25th? Thanks Julie.ann for doing our last challenge! I lost another 3lbs this last weigh in. So I lost a total of 14lbs during the challenge. Not too bad, not goal, but I'm happy! Just remember, you're not gaining and still losing. That's okay! As for exercise, find something you enjoy. Walking, cycling, swimming? Make motivating signs to remind yourself. Remember that there are 3 components to working out. The first is frequency, second is duration and third is intensity. Work on the Frequency first. Even if you do 3 days a week for 10 mins, that is a good thing. Hey Girlie! I just wanted to say HI! I hope your father is feeling well. Did you make it to Red Robins last night? I live in Littleton and it was bad. There were cars sliding off the road. I decided I better not go. Then around 7pm, everything had stopped! I hate that! Hey! Welcome back! Congrats on your new job and your weight loss! You're doing great!! Dr K doesn't have any pre-fill restrictions, but after he suggests liquids and softs for rest of the day and then take it slow the next day. I met up with Mini today! I picked her up at her hotel and we went for her fill at Dr. K's. I wanted so badly to see her. I hadn't seen her since her surgery! So I sent her a text, "Wanna ride Pretty Lady?" Pretty Lady indeed! She looks great! I'm so proud of her! We went for the fill, saw Dr. K, Tom, Natalie, Marilyn and Mary! It was great to see everyone! Afterwards we went and had lunch. She had some soup! She was a good girl! I hope everyone is having a good day! dee~
  25. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Any vegetarians?

    I'm a veggie! I have not had any problems getting my protein in, but you have to really pay attention to what you eat and eat your protein items first. I eat tofu, Amy's Bistro Burgers, Morningstar Farms Veggie burgers, veggie sausage and etc. I don't really care for Boca Burgers, but I do like Garden burgers. I also eat lentils and other legumes. I tried to be a vegan for 3 months and found it rather easy, however, my weight loss stalled. I have no idea why, but it did. I go onto www.fitday.com everyday and put in my meal plan. This way I know if I'm going to get my protein in or not. Then if not, I tweak my plan. Good Luck!

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