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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrtyAntOvrYt

  1. Tell Janet Lynne - Thank You so much for supporting me! I think that is so sweet of her!
  2. Unfortunately, my insurance won't cover anything! That's why I am left going to Mexico. With all the procedures I have to have done, I don't think I'll ever afford it all. Getting the Pannus removed now will help with my back problems. I know several people who have used this surgeon and they have been very pleased with his care. I am still going to go to several other surgeons here in Denver - hopefully, I can find one here who will charge a similar price. I am wiling to pay more for the surgery here, however, I can't pay 50% more - as is the case with the previous surgeon I consulted.
  3. Thank You Deb! That is an amazing sacrifice for you! AND I do not take that offer lightly! I appreciate it so much! Let me get the procedure scheduled and then I'll call you! Are you sure you want to spend 12 days with me? You're one brave soul!
  4. Dr K's price includes everything related to the surgery. The outpatient center, anesthesia, preop appt and procedure. You have to pay for the pre/post op meds and your travel expenses. The price is very low because he wants to offer an opportunity for the Lap Band within the US. If you want to know how much it will cost, do some research, i.e. hotel, car rental, airfare etc. Add it to the $9950.00 and then you'll have your answer. Check with the doc in your area and make sure that his price is all inclusive and you won't have to pay for preop appt and tests. Those things aren't always included. Dr K is an amazing surgeon! But you have to do what is right for you.
  5. I do plan to complain AFTER I get my refund back! I hated how that entire incident made me feel. I felt like the old days, ugly and so disgusting! I hated feeling like that! I was absolutely humiliated! The plastic surgeon is Dr. Sauceda in Monterry.
  6. Thank you Deb so much! I'm waiting to hear about the schedule - I would like to do something in October or November. I'd rather do it tomorrow, but I'd like to lose a little more, if possible. You're so sweet to offer to go with me. Twelve days is a long time to be alone, but it's also a long time to ask someone to come with me. I appreciate the sacrifice it would mean to someone else.
  7. You know Patty, I was feeling pretty good about myself and my accomplishments until this last weekend. Having that happen to me in the airport really made me realize I have so much further to go and what I've lost is a lot for most, but for me, it's only 1/2 of the way. I still have so far to go! That event really brought me to my reality - it was humiliating!
  8. That's a good idea! I just think it's all so random! Albany is pretty strict according to the agent in Baltimore, however, Baltimore wasn't concerned. I know of a lady that had this exact thing happen to her in Chicago! It was almost the exact scenerio. Amazing!
  9. Congrats! Wow! Good for you! Do you have a fun haircut in mind? Something sassy?
  10. I appreciate that!!! I'd love to watch!
  11. The part that further angered me was when we changed flights in Baltimore, the flight attendent again asked me why I was pre-boarding and why I had purchsed two seats! AND then my daughter and I noticed atleast 6 other passengers in nearby seats who were much larger than me! BUT there I was with my two stupid seats!
  12. PrtyAntOvrYt

    Liquid diet, how do you do it?

    I had to do two pre-op diets - one over Thanksgiving and one was just after New Year's. (my first surgery was canceled just prior to the surgery) Luckily, I only had to do the Liver Shrinking Diet - Ultra Low Carbs. It was pretty simple, but I did miss Thanksgiving goodies! Low Carbs really help with the cravings, after the 3rd or 4th day. I lost 17lbs/13lbs with each diet. Good Luck with your diet!
  13. Low carbing it always gets me back on track. I do hate it, however. I miss my fruit!
  14. Okay Peeps! This post was difficult for me to share, but I wanted to let you all know this information! As some of you know, I was one of the only ones who stuck up for Southwest Airline's decision to ask obese people to purchase two tickets IF they took up two seats. I felt it was a matter of purchasing the space you were using and a matter of not causing another discomfort by crowding them on flights that were overbooked! Well, as some may remember last time I flew to NY, I proactively purchased two seats. I didn't want to be asked after the fact - so I just did it. I didn't mind. After being seated on the flight last time (in April) the flight attendent came up to me and told me, "you didn't need to purchase two seats, you're not encrouching on another's seat." Southwest Airlines refunded the price of the second seat because the flight was not overbooked. I was good with that. So this time, I did NOT purchase a second seat. I flew from Denver to Albany - the flight was packed, not an empty seat. I sat next to a stranger and we both were quite comfortable. No problem. I enjoyed the few days with my daughter there in NY and was in the airport in Albany awaiting our flight to leave when a ticket clerk (obese himself) came up to me in a rather loud voice and said, "has anyone asked you to purchase a second seat because of your large size?" I said, "I did last time I flew in April and was told I didn't need to!" He insisted that I return to the ticket counter and purchase a second seat. My daughter was furious! She said, "she'll be sitting with me and she doesn't take up any other seat but her own!" They called a supervisor over to talk to me and I did purchase a second seat. I remembered a woman being arrested at an airport back east for being angry and yelling at a ticket agent. I didn't want things to be worse! The supervisor then followed me onto the flight to check with her own eyes if I fit in one seat or not! I sat down and the seat belt fit, the arm rest lowered easily and I fit. HOWEVER, about 1/2 of an inch of my thigh was on the other seat. She said, "see, you do not fit!" Since losing over 150lbs, my thighs have so much excess skin that I do have problems with that. I conceded that she was right and my daughter (who takes up 3/4 of her seat) said, "look there is plenty of room." The supervisor left and then returned with the paperwork for me to get a refund for the extra seat. The flight left and I cried. Still - after all the weight I've lost, I am still being tortured for my size! I told her, I was one who supported the purchase of an extra seat, but after being told in April, I didn't need it, I am angry that now I am being told I do! On another topic, I have contacted a plastic surgeon in Mexico to do my pannus removal and my arms. I sent him pictures and he gave me an est. of $8,250.00 for everything! Hotel for 12 days for 2 people, anesthesia, procedure, all meds, hospital stay, compression garments, clinic visits post op and pre op and $600.00 toward airline tickets for 2 people. I'm going to do a lot of thinking about this. I am having trouble now with rashes and other things related to my excess skin. My back aches after my long shifts at the hospital because my pannus is so long. The one problem with going to Mexico is that I have no one to go with me. I'll be going alone. I have a friend who went to this surgeon and she went alone. She did okay. I am so depressed! I hate this body! And I hate Southwest Airlines and that stupid a-hole in Albany that ruined my flight!
  15. Those sound so good! Where did you get them? Congrats on your Bandiversary! You look so great! So YOUNG! I can't believe it's been an entire year already! I remember when I first met you - the day before your surgery!
  16. Our Freedom From Fat Challenge - F3!!! Bella - 6lbs-0.0-0.0+1.0-2:lol: Deb - 10lbs+0.8-8.6+1.9-1.7-0.4:lol: Dee - 15lbs-1.0-3.0-6.6-0.0-1.0:lol: Jmegirl - 10lbs Julie - 8lbs-0.9-2.4-0.3-1.7:tongue_smilie: KayleighsMom - 10lbs-0.8+1.8+0.6-3.0+2.0:lol: Lapdancer - 15lbs+5.0-5.0-2.5-2.0:lol: Laptastic - 20lbs-2.0+2.0-1.0-0.0-3.0:lol: Lotza - 9lbs-2.0-0.0-1.5-0.0-0.0:lol: Mem620 - 8lbs-1.5-1.0-0.0-0.0:lol: Snow - 5lbs-2.0 Okay Banditos! Would anyone like to do another challenge? I was thinking maybe one for Labor Day. Eight weeks if we start it next Monday. We can weigh in each monday. Let me know if you're interested! Sorry it took me so long to get this last post done! I just got back from NY. We had a great trip until the last day! I'll post about it!
  17. forget about the shawl, unless you're cold! you're not old and YOU DO NOT LOOK OLD! I think that person was just being hateful! There is no way that you look like anyone's grandma! I promise you that!!!
  18. Our Freedom From Fat Challenge - F3!!! Bella - 6lbs-0.0-0.0+1.0:wub: Deb - 10lbs+0.8-8.6+1.9-1.7:tongue_smilie: Dee - 15lbs-1.0-3.0-6.6-0.0:tongue_smilie: Jmegirl - 10lbs Julie - 8lbs-0.9-2.4-0.3-1.7:tongue_smilie: KayleighsMom - 10lbs-0.8+1.8+0.6-3.0:tongue_smilie: Lapdancer - 15lbs+5.0-5.0-2.5:tongue_smilie: Laptastic - 20lbs-2.0+2.0-1.0-0.0:tongue_smilie: Lotza - 9lbs-2.0-0.0-1.5-0.0:tongue_smilie: Mem620 - 8lbs-1.5-1.0:wub: Snow - 5lbs-2.0
  19. Hey Mem! How's the Wii Fit doing?
  20. Anytime the week of July 13th works for me! How about you? Premier Nutrition Protein Shakes, 11oz, Choc only, 160 cal, 3 g fat, 5 g carbs and 30 g of protein! AND pure YUM!! I love 'em! You can only buy them at Costco or online.:cursing: Congrats on the loss! 2.5 lbs is great! :tongue2:
  21. Oh no! the Swine Flu! That's horrible! I am so sorry!
  22. I wish you lived with me too Mal! I'm so damned lonely! ARGH! That's why it's easy to be a workout girl, I have nothing else to do! WHICH is good! I guess. Actually, I have become so selfish! I'm perfect at home because I have purged all the bad food from my house! I have absolutely not one good here! So when a craving hits or a head hunger is there, I don't have a choice to eat anything but some hummus! OR a banana! BUT with that being sad, I am really not good when I go out to a resturant! I want to eat it all! Sometimes, I'm strong and other times I'm not! I'm a food addict! I'll always be! My daughter loves it there! She's doing really well. They diagnosed her with dyslexia and helping her in areas where she needs it. I'm so excited to see her. We're going to the Stature of Liberty for the 4th of July. I'm like you Mini! I want to run so badly! The other night at the pool after swimming my laps, I decided I'm going to try running! In the pool! So I did! AND I could! It was freedom! I'm not perfect all of the time, only most of the time. Poor Deb! I am so sorry you're still dealing with your hamstring and now your achilles tendon. I've been down that achilles tendon road! It sucks! I will be partially disabled for the rest of my life because of my ruptured achilles tendon. I hope yours heals soon! What did the doctor say about your hamstring? Jill, you're smart. This isn't a time to lose weight, it's a time to heal and allow your band to set around your tummy properly. If you eat your 1 cup to 1.5 cup of food and then get hungry sooner than 4 hours - just eat again. It's better to eat several smaller meals than a few larger meals. Eating a few larger meals will not be good for your band or your stomach. Make better choices, i.e. fruit, protein shakes, soft proteins - cottage cheese - things that are on your eating plan that will keep you satiated longer. I gained after surgery due to fluid retention, and then again when I started eating solids. I think most of us gained. Don't worry, it will get better. Once you start getting some restriction, you'll be satiated longer. Sometimes it does take a few fills to reach that sweet spot. I do know that the bands come with a little saline in them, they are primed with a little. Hang in there!
  23. Congrats on that loss! Have a great time at your Crooked River place. AND enjoy those adult beverages! Live it up! You deserve it! I'd love for you to come back and visit! Red Robins was a blast! But I esp. loved our quick trip to Estes! Good Memories My friend!
  24. Wait! Don't go without telling us how your hamstring is doing!
  25. Hi Cassy, Looks like you're doing well too. You're almost half way to your goal and you're only 10 months out. Congrats on your 65lbs lost! I started at a much higher weight than anyone else here on this forum. Everyone here is very nice and extremely supportive. Don't hesitate to come here often and seek friendship of like minded people. I have lost 153lbs and I'm 17 months out. It's normal to hit plateaus and I have hit several of them. Each time I do, I return to the pre-op diet of protein and veggies. It makes me go back to the beginning and it kick starts my weight loss. It has worked everytime. I am currently on a 100 day challenge. I give myself these challenges frequently. I choose an event or a special time in my life to motivate me. My 100 day challenge will bring me to my 18 Month Bandiversary. I am doing 100 workouts and trying to reach a specific goal by the end of the 100 days. I am working out several times a day. I ride my recumbent bike at the highest level for 10 mins - 3 times a day prior to each meal. Then I swim 4 times a week at midnight (I work nightshift) And I am doing Barry's Bootcamp 6 days a week. (workouts with resistence bands) I'm trying to get my metabolism in gear! It wasn't easy when I first started and I didn't do all of this at once, but I started with one workout and added another and then another. The swimming came first, second the cycling and lastly the bootcamp. Now I crave my workouts. When I work and can't get in as much time, I miss them! It's becoming a part of my life. As far as eating is concerned. I have tried it all. After experimenting with different things, I've found that I do best with eating a balanced healthy diet that includes all the basic food groups. I don't eat white sugar, white flour, white pasta or white rice. I also hardly ever eat potatoes. when I do, it's a treat. (like dessert for me) I've learned how to tweak my recipes to include soy and whole grain flour, brown rice, whole grain pasta and sweet potatoes. I prepare all my meals once a week. So the food is ready when I am hungry. I make 7 salads, 7 yogurt with fresh fruit, 7 bowls of oatmeal with walnuts, and etc. I eat three meals usually. Breakfast is mostly protein, 1 egg, 1 egg white, feta cheese, asparagus and a Morningstar Veggie Sausage. When I work nights, I'll have my Oatmeal before leaving for work at 6pm. I always measure my food to 1 cup to 1.5 cups. If it's oatmeal, it's 1 cup and if it's salad it's 1.5 cups. Salad is so light that I can eat a little more. Lunch is the salad with goat cheese, cucumbers, green olives, jalapeno's, avocado, grape tomatoes and purple onion. (I recently found this great show "Cook Yourself Thin" so I bought the cookbook at Barnes and Noble) there is a recipe for Low fat Blue cheese dressing made with nonfat plain yogurt, nonfat buttermilk, blue cheese and white pepper. I use that on my salad. It's so good and so low in calories and fat. Dinner is usually an Amy's Bistro burger, a garden burger or a Morningstar Farm Griller on half of a Flat Out Whole Grain Wrap. (50 cals for half) half a slice of cheese and lots of spring mix salad greens (I buy the huge container at Costco - use it for my salads and my wraps). This is plenty. After I swim at midnight when I come home, I drink a Premier Nutrition Protein Drink (160 cal, 5 carbs, 3 fat, 30 protein) 30 grams of protein is amazing for an 11 oz drink and it's so good! That's my day. I learned on this journey to be prepared, keep it simple and enjoy all foods from all food groups. I rarely get hungry, but when I do, I'll have a half a banana, peach, strawberries, or other fresh fruit. When I'm working nights, I eat one snack and it's my yogurt with fresh fruit. I add blueberries and strawberries to nonfat vanilla yogurt (1 cup) and some chopped walnuts or pecans. All of this comes to between 1100 and 1200 cals a day. 60-90 grams of protein and 30% of total cals from fat. (I log all my food, everyday on www.fitday.com) Good Luck! Hope to see more of your posts in the future! dee~

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