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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shalee04

  1. Shalee04

    November Nymphs Pictures

    First one is Sept 2007 at 250 Second one is 12-18-2008 at 172 The last one is 12-18 also.
  2. Shalee04

    Car Wreck

    Glad your ok TX!!!
  3. Flower dress is me today at 172 The disneyland pix was 09-2007 at 250
  4. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Dec 15th update. saw my Dr today, not much to report different. I still have wound issue and he says it has stalled. Meaning not getting better, not getting worse. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is all I have to say. We are continuing wet/dry wound pack dressing changes 2 times a day, But with a new wet solution called Dakins. He wants me to really up my protein and to be strict in remembering to get in over 125 mg a day!!! I try I really do, but some days it's hard. sigh I asked him why cant he just cut and pull and sew the wound closed, he said becasue of micobacterias in the body and it would cause a bigger problem. So then I asked about if and when this ever heals what's the probability of this happening again with the new wound, he said very unlikely ... I sure hope that's true I don't want to deal with this after a revision. But WHO knows when that will be. He did release me to go back to the gym. WOHOOO that makes me very happy. 8 7 weeks with no working out makes a Kelly flabby. So it's still just a waiting game with the healing. I am trying to stay positive and not dwell on the hole I have in my nice flat tummy. But sometimes it's hard to not just cry. My breast are wonderful. I went from a very deflated B to a nice full D cup!!!! Bra shopping was so much fun the other day. and hubby is very happy with them also!!! Ok well that's my update. Thanks for the thoughts everyone.
  5. Shalee04

    HoosierDoula's PS Journey

    Good Luck on your surgery tommorow. we will be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way!!
  6. I had the anchor TT also, and I only had internal stitches, and glue on the outside. my Dr said it's alot of stitches.
  7. Karey, just a quick hello and hope all went well yesterday!!! Sending you healing thoughts.
  8. Dr J. Timothy Katzen is right there also off of Linden and Wilshire. He also specializes in weight loss patients. He too has a website and you can google it. Good Luck
  9. Frangipani???? where oh where art thou???
  10. Karey, I swear you are superwoman!! Good luck with the knee surgery, I don't knw if I could do another surgery after this one that has given me some problems, I know I know there was a risk, But I wasn't prepared mentally for them. Being able to get off of complete bed rest sure has helped me. I hated the helpless, everyone do it for me feeling. Also being able to take a shower was wonderful!!! It sounds like the way to go to postpone the replacement 10-15 years!!! Thinking of you!!
  11. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Sorry I haven't been online for awhile, My hubby has been rerouting the computer wiring, routers, modems, ect and I haven't been able to get online for a week. Last week Dr gave me the ok to shower!!! That was like Christmas to me!!!!! We are still doing the wet/dry dressings, dr says he see's it improving. He still doesn't want to use a wound Vac. I can already tell that I am going to have to have a revision when this finally heals, snd I am already stressing over it, I'm scared WHAT if this happens again after I spent all this time getting this to heal..... My hubby is ready to lock me in the closet. My lower belly below the BB is still swollen, my upper belly is flat flat flat!!! I love it. I went bra shopping, and I am no longer a flat 38B- I am a nice full 38D, and can say my hubby can't stop looking at them. Merry christmas baby!! We see the Dr again on Monday the 15th. I did gain 3-4 lbs with all my laying in bed, he gave me the go ahead to resume walking, or the eliptical, But no biking at all. and no weight lifiting yet. OK that's my little update.
  12. Shalee04

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving Fellow November Nymphs!!! I will actually be able to eat some turkey this year!!! I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday!!!
  13. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Notr much new to report. Went to Dr on Mon the 24th. He debrided my wounds,(took the scabs off and any gunk in them) and when he did that it made one BIG wound instead of a small one and a scabbed over one. So now my wound is about 2 inches wide and 4-5 inches long total I would estimate. He taslked to us about a Wound vac, then said to continue Wet/Dry dressings for 10 more days, and he will see how it looks on Wednesday when we go back and then if we need to get a wound vac. Thanks God for my hubby as he does my wound changes, I am a wimp and cant/hate to look at it, also where it's located makes it hard to do if your not laying down. I am off of bed rest, and he said I can walk on the tread mill if I want or just walk in general. No biking tho, that would pull to much on the wound. I feel so much better, and the pain really isn't too bad anymore, you would think with this wound it would be excruicating, but it's not.
  14. Old Navy and Gap carry Jeans and dress pants in Tall sizes.
  15. Shalee04

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    Congratulations on the insurance approval Juli!!!
  16. I didn't have an unfill. But I was not tight at all with only 4.5cc in my band. My last fill was in feb, so PS thought I would be fine, and I have been in that dept so far. good luck!!
  17. WOHOOOOO congratulations!! thats great news. take it easy and don't over do it. I'm happy for you!!! Me I am still waitig for that shower,,,,,, I am hoping he will let me monday after my appointment..
  18. Karey, keeping you in my thoughts that your band is A-Ok!! with no problems. I too wonder why I can't catch a break either. I ws very scared of my port being moved and I even told PS that I was, and that I can't afford to have anything happen to my band, so if he was in the least bit worried about it to not even move it, But he said he had to move it with the MR he was doing. He also said that one corner of my port was no longer stitched down when he went to move it. I know that right now I can't even feel my port, PS moved it and showed me where its at but damned if I can feel it. And I can eat any and everything I want right now. I thought I must have gained 10 lbs laying in bed for a month eating like I have, But I havent gained anything thak god. I am on a rezlly high protein diet for healing purposes so I guess that's good. But I know that when I am finally healed I will need a fill and have to be careful with my eating as I know that I don't chew slow and I have been drinking while eating, eating slider foods too. I am going to have to learn to be a good eating bandster all over again when healed. But I too want to take what I have learned and do it myself,,,, hopefully I can. Anyways Karey I think you and Fragni are super women, real insperation to us on the boards. Me I can tell you I wont be having anymore plastic surgery except revisional to fix this issue I am having now if needed, after that, Never, this has done me in. Keeping you in my thoughts!!!
  19. Shalee04

    Shalee's October Overhaul

    Just a quick check in, No worse here. I go back to the Dr on Monday. we are still doing wet to dry dressing 2 x a day. I stopped taking the pain meds this week. The stabbing pain I had been having on my right tummy side just stopped . I think it had to do with swelling and incision issues, not sure but so glad it's gone. without the meds I feel alive again. I have energy again. Dr still has me on bed rest, but after a month I am so sick of it. I don't see what it will hurt to walk around my house some , so that's what I did yesterday and I feel better then I have in a while. I am going to try and get hubby to take some pix this weekend finally. I want to see me..... thanks for all the good thoughs everyone...
  20. I go back Monday to see him again, We are trying to keep the middle insision from opeing up, right now its just a couple small openings , but it looks like it wants to open up into a big area. The other wound/hole I have is about the size of a 50cent piece. Hubby saus its looking much better and healing, to me it's scary looking. I dont see how it's going to fill in, but Dr assures me it will heal from the bottom up. I still shake my head in think No Way. I made hubby take me out to lunch today I had to get out of this darn house for even a little bit. it ws nice to get a change of scenery.
  21. Sex, whats that? hehehehe I just want a real shower dangit, then we can talk about sex. :-D
  22. I too am curious as to how the scar looks from the wound breakdown?? I look at my hole and think it's never going to heal and fill in.
  23. How are you doing Fragni??? I asked my Ps about the wound vac, he said I didn't need it, But each time I see him my wound is bigger. Right now the one on my right side is a hole about the size of a quarter, maybe a little larger. The wound on the middle of my tummy between my BB and pubic line is abut the size of a credit card, a little smaller. We are hoping that it doesn't open up, but it is showing small tears along some of the edges and I worry about it. He has us putting on Wet to Dry dressing 2 times a day, I dont see how that will help this hole close up, but he say's it will. Other then these 2 issues everythng else is good, breasts look great, my tummy is flat. I am trying to keep a positive attitude, but some days it's hard, I have a swiss cheese belly my hubby says... GEE thanks DH. hehehe Hope all is well with you, let us know. sending good healing thoughts your way...
  24. Shalee04

    In the spirit of Thanksgiving....

    I am thankful for my band. It has allowed me to lose over 70 lbs and keep it off. Sure it came off slow, But it is gone. and that makes me a happier person, a happier wife and a hppier mom. I have energy to do things I never thought I could before. I love going shopping now when before I hated to buy clothes. I am thankful for my hubby who for whatever reason loves me for me, no matter what my size was. But I know he loves the new thinner me more because I am Healthier!!! Thankful for the nymphs to chat with, vent to, listen and share with. Happy Thanksgiving
  25. Renewed, I am so tired of sleeping on my back, I tried to sleep on my side but it really irrates the problems on my inision, so dr said to stay on my back, Yeah sure dr whatever you say. Grrrr. Congrats on the 1 mile. I was telling my hubby this morning that it's sad. I went from working out at the gym 4 -5 days a week to nothing now for over 3 weeks, I feel myself getting soft again, all my hard work is melting away laying in this damn bed in this irratating binder. I think I mght take some benydryl to see if it will help me sleep thru the night. P.S. How was your date? :-D

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
