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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. Juli, I agree! I'm starting to think maybe it's not as organized as it could be in the fact that there's a date change and a venue change already... and I too worry about the out of towners... I know that at least one person has said they were coming to our meeting to meet people and help her make the decision whether to have the surgery or not... I'd hate to make it tough to find us. I too will go with the majority on this one... but I'm starting to lean more toward staying at Polaris the more I think about it.
  2. Let's see what the majority say... we have a few people coming from out of town, Cincinnati and Cleveland I believe. I'm not sure if trying to find Tuttle will be too hard. If the majority want to go to Polaris still then I will skip the fashion show and go ahead to Polaris and those that want to go to the Fashion Show can do Tuttle. If the majority want to go to Tuttle we can move our plans there. How's that sound?
  3. Sarah, Thanks for the heads up... as soon as we find out the time we can adjust our normal meeting around it and do both. :-) I'll make sure to keep all of the 12th open on my calendar and not schedule anything else for the family :-) I'm just bummed a bit... I was so hoping to see everyone twice next week :-(
  4. HeatherA

    Fill Misery

    Yesterday when I went in I was unsure whether I'd get a fill or not. Since Easter I've been pretty able to eat fairly well and had felt very little restriction. We discussed it and decided to do just a small fill. She gave me .5cc which brought me to 6.25cc. I was fine yesterday, starving and dying for today so I could eat. I was drinking easily last night and thought I might even need to go in and have it tweaked next week. So today I wake up and I was able to drink my water fairly ok this morning, but I felt some restriction. I was pleased. Then I stopped to get my lite frappuchino on my way to work (for my breakfast) and after 3+ hours I still had at least a quarter of it left. So into the trash it went. Then I sipped some water and it wasn't going down too easily even in sips... I have that ball in the throat feeling everyone talks about. So I go out at lunch and do my 1/2 hour walk. I come in and grabbed a protein shake... 2 hours later I still have 75% of it left so into the trash it goes. I came home from work at 6:30 and was able to eat a little egg salad I made yesterday. I'm at less than 300 calories for the day. If this is swelling, it's not going anywhere quickly. My option is to go in tomorrow and get a slight unfill or wait until next week on Tuesday/Thursday. I don't think I can do the weekend this full. I'm going to call in the morning and see if I can get in at lunch time tomorrow. I never want to be this filled. I don't want to risk slippage, I don't want to hurt my esophagus, but most importantly I want to EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. HeatherA

    Why LapBand?

    If you search this forum you'll find that this is a very common question and you'll find some great answers. My reasons for choosing this option were simple... I was willing to do the work to lose the weight, I just needed help with the job and I felt the band would offer me that help. I also did not want to permanently change the physiology of my body or risk the malnutrition that is common with bypass patients. The risk of dying due to surgery were also much greater and that was just not something I was willing to risk. The other determining factor for me was that everyone I'd met that had had GB had gained a good amount of weight back. I liked that with the band and restriction I'd have a tool that would help me maintain my weight loss for life. Start gaining again? Go in an have a fill... nice to have that option. Good luck to you in making your decision!
  6. HeatherA

    HELP - Band May Have Completely Closed!!!

    Definitely get to your doctor or the ER! I just went through this earlier this week (see my blog) and just a .25CC removal was enough to open me back up. Good luck!!!!!
  7. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Ahhhh, I hope you can make the fashion show... we'll miss you at the meeting if you can't make it this month. When is the trip to Europe? I'm not sure where it's happening, my daughter thinks it might be down stairs by that store that is a doll nursery... outside of Saxs? She said she's seen chairs and runways set up there before. SpecialK might know more when she finds out the time for us. I am so happy that spring seems to be trying to come out and play. I am so sick of winter I can't stand it!!!!!
  8. Just a little over 2 weeks until our next get together... and my clothing box is growing full! I just finished going through my pants/capris and was amazed at how many were too big. I can't wait to share them with you all next month. I also have at least one pair of shorts to get someone started with summer. I'm going to have to dig out my summer things before then and see if I can add to the box. I just love it! Today I hit the 45 pounds lost mark... I hope to be celebrating 50 pounds gone at our next meeting... fingers crossed!
  9. HeatherA

    How often do you get fills?

    Sheila, we're running about neck and neck stats wise too... nice! I hope I don't need another fill for quite awhile... I had a bad experience this week (see my blog for the gory details). I hope that I have decent restriction again... last month was good for several weeks.
  10. HeatherA

    How often do you get fills?

    For the first year my doctor schedules us once a month for an office visit.. and fill if needed. I was banded 12/18 and I had my third fill this week.
  11. HeatherA

    Fill Misery

    Thanks you guys! Last night was hell. I just continued to close up and by bed was unable to drink a sip without sliming. When I went to bed it felt like I had reflux and I slept propped up. Even so I was awakened when I aspirated some fluid that must have come up from my stomach. I moved to the couch and slept sitting upright for the rest of the night. I use the word sleep very loosely. I was in a lot of pain in my chest and back and was downright miserable. This morning I ended up throwing up a cup full of saliva. This helped relieve some of my pain. So that was good... I decided I needed some taken out. I was at my Drs. office before by 8:30 and feeling much better by 9. All she removed was .25cc but I feel so much better. I have been able to drink a protein shake, some water and I'm now having lunch in the form of a protein smoothie. Life is good again!
  12. HeatherA

    Anyone Hear of this?

    This is the first I've heard of that...
  13. HeatherA

    All you people do is complain...

    y'all crack me up... and ya better stop as I can't seem to stop farting those dang rainbows everytime I laugh!
  14. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Good luck tomorrow!!!!!
  15. SpecialK, That's a great explanation of our group... I never imagined at our first meeting that I would love this group of people the way I do! Our meetings are truly the highlight of my month. The fact that we have two gatherings in April just thrills me to no end! Speaking of which, do you happen to know what time the fashion show is on the 7th? Glad to hear you are doing well!
  16. Hi Courtenay, welcome! I look forward to meeting you next month at our meeting! Niki, I can't wait... it seems like the 7th is so far away! I'm excited for the fashion show, but more excited to meet up with our group... LOL!
  17. HeatherA

    Lap-Band Side Effects

    I've not had heartburn once since getting banded... I did have it occasionally prior to banding. I'm also 3 months out and have yet to experience any hair loss. My most frustrating, and exciting, side effect has been not having anything to wear that fits correctly. LOL... I'm constantly digging around for things to wear and since I refuse to shop for clothes I think this side effect may continue for quite some time. :-)
  18. HeatherA

    All you people do is complain...

    Wow, that's pretty harsh. This is a discussion and support forum. If we can't come here and find support when we're having a tough time then why bother? We are being totally honest when we post the good, the bad and the ugly. Most threads have good descriptive titles, so just skip by the troublesome posts if you don't want to know the real story behind having a lap band. But if you're interesting in learning all you can before surgery then I definitely suggest you read as much as you can. This is not a magic cure-all, but rather a tool to help us in our journey. BTW... I've posted both good and bad posts and I try to be a descriptive as possible so people can really see what having a band is like. I love my band... and I am thrilled that I was able to have this surgery... even with the possible bad things that can happen. :-)
  19. HeatherA

    What a day!

    I am so happy right now! I was down another 1.5 pounds today and when I plugged it into my spreadsheet I saw some things that just made me stop and take a moment to process. Total loss: 42.6 Total percent lost: 15% Total remaining: 30% I have lost 1/3 of the weight I want to lose in 5 1/2 months! That potentially means that in a year from now I could be at goal if I keep losing at the same rate!!!! The best one of all... my BMI is now at 36.8 (down from 43.3) Some NSVs for today as well... I'm wearing my size 20 jeans again (even though they are completely out of style) I'm wearing a size XL sweatshirt that is not a MANS XL! I'm just taking a moment to savor the unexpected side effects of this journey. What a day!
  20. HeatherA

    Scrapbooking/journaling your adventure?

    I've been blogging my journey since 2002... the good the bad and the ugly. You can tell through my blog when I'm doing well and when I've given up. The anger I've gone through and the successes. I've not posted a ton of pictures, but I also have a website that goes with it with lots of pictures and such. I don't update it as much as I do my blog. The link is in my signature...
  21. HeatherA

    What a day!

    Thank you for the support!!! It's nice to share with others that get it. I think I'm boring my family with my excitement. :-( I have another NSV to share... I am sitting here now wearing a size 18 pair of jeans that a friend had given me a few months ago. When she gave them to me, I couldn't even get them over my butt! LOL This is a good day and I plan to revel in it!
  22. Jill, It's great to hear from you!!!! I was wondering if you'd get in touch. I totally understand how you feel. I read similar stories often and it can get frustrating while waiting through delays. You won't regret it and I'm sure you'll do fantastic! I hope you will join us at our get-togethers. they are so much fun and we have a great group that meets. It's very different than the organized groups we have at Riverside. Please invite your friend as well. The more the merrier! Send me an email and don't be a stranger! :-) It was great meeting you!!!
  23. Hippiegirl... you're in luck! That week we're also meeting on the 7th at Polaris for a bariatric fashion show put on by the folks at Mt. Carmel. I'm not sure what time it is yet, but that's a Monday and I'm hopeful it will be in the evening. Maybe you can meet us there???
  24. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Sue and Greg, glad to hear you all are home and doing well. I'm really amazed at what seems to be chaos over at Mt. Carmel and glad in hindsight that I went a different route. I hope things get better over there and that you don't have to keep waiting ages for appointments... especially as they should be a bit more regimented to keep everyone flowing along nicely. At least you are now banded and heading the right direction! The worst of it is over... even bandster hell isn't really that bad when you're expecting it. I think those that don't read or learn before surgery suffer with it worse than those that prepare as you have. My favorite saying right now is... just stay the course!
  25. It's not really vomit per say... you throw up but it's not like when you are sick. The food never makes it to the stomach before coming back up so there's no acid involved... the slime is usually more like excess Water in your mouth that is trying to lubricate whatever food is stuck. I've been banded three months, I've had one big PB episode. I've slimed a few times but it was so mild that it didn't phase me. The benefits to this surgery so out weigh these little problems that I'm happy to deal with them. They scared me a bit before surgery, but now that I've lived them I realize how little they truly bother or affect me.

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