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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. Kathy, I may have one for you, if not this month then next :-) Let me see what I can dig up for you!
  2. Hi everyone! We'll be meeting again next month and I would like to invite anyone that'd like to join us! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. Everyone is welcome! Where: Polaris Mall food Court When: Saturday July 12, 2008 Time: 2 p.m. Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store. We will have a helium balloon marking our group.
  3. Hi everyone! Today's gathering was great! We had 3 new people join us and had a great discussion. I think this was the first meeting where EVERYONE was banded! It was much fun! I'm glad everyone was able to join us. We'll be meeting again next month and I would like to invite anyone that'd like to join us! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. Everyone is welcome! Where: Polaris Mall food Court When: Saturday June 14, 2008 Time: 2 p.m. Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store. We will have a helium balloon marking our group. All you have to bring is your smile... but if you want to you are welcome to bring outgrown clothes to share with those that might need/want them as well as a "before" picture to add to our group photo album. I hope to see you there!!!!
  4. Awesome Kathy! See you tomorrow :-)
  5. Hi Mysterio, Yes! We're meeting tomorrow. Hope you can make it... the details are in this forum on a thread with the July 12, 2008 date.
  6. I can't wait to see you all on Saturday!!!
  7. Cool! I can't wait to meet you and your little one :-)
  8. Hey Jill, just an FYI... my fills usually took me a week to feel them. I was sure I didn't have enough fluid and then all of a sudden I was sliming and getting stuck with the best of them. :-) So definitely give it some time and take care while eating over the next several days, you may never know when it kicks in :-)
  9. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Hi Kathy! The fee is still $1500 I believe and it includes 6 nutritionist visits (3 pre-op, 3 post-op), the medifast type food you're on the week before surgery, I think sixteen boxes of proti-diet liquid protein drinks that you can drink post-op (you just add these to water like crystal light but they have calories and protein in them), 3 months at McConnell Heart Health and 12 sessions with an exercise physiologist. Your first 3 fills are also included. This is what was covered when I went. Earlier in the program I know it also included the first year's fills. This was eliminated when I started the program. So please note that the fee could cover different things now. I know Jill just had surgery so maybe she could jump in and let us know if it's different now. -Heather
  10. Hi RnMom, After a fill you will need to be on liquids for the rest of the day and then depending on how you are feeling you will progress over the next day or so back to regular foods. I'm almost always on time so keep your eye out for me :-) I look just like my avatar (or so I've been told) and would love to say "Hi". Good luck! -Heather
  11. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Hi Patty, I'm not a Mt. Carmel bandster, I was done at Riverside back in December. However, that doesn't keep all of us from getting together to hang out each month. We do have an informal support group that meets at Polaris Mall each month. The meetings are always on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 2pm in the food court. If you go to the main listing of threads here for the Ohio section you'll see the current month's invitation with information on when and where we are meeting. I hope you'll join all of us! We love meeting other Central Ohio bandsters. :-)
  12. Amy, absolutely come and join us! We are welcoming of all that are waiting to be banded, thinking of being banded, banded, or related to banded people :-) We'd love to have you join us :-) Juli... I'll whisper this softly... I sure hope you can make it. I miss seeing you :-)
  13. What time do you go in on the 10th? I think I go in at 12:45 for my appointment.
  14. So who thinks they'll be able to make this meeting? I can't wait to see you all and the progress you've been making!!
  15. Jill, I don't think this will help, but I've heard your same problem on the boards for months with the J&J number issue. When people first started talking about it last winter this was the most common complaint I had heard. I know that Dr. Myers was really excited about this website, it seemed to me that this was one of the reasons he wanted to start using that band. If you don't have it by the time you go in for your next appointment you should mention it to him. Sorry for your frustration!
  16. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Thanks Kathy, I will start putting together my goodies on Friday. I'm getting excited :-) I just hope I can come up with 64 pounds worth! My scale has not budged this month... this is the longest stretch I've gone without losing, but I take the blame because I've started falling back into not so great eating habits and going over my 1200 calorie goal each day by 1-300 calories. At least I know what it takes to maintain my current loss, but it's time to do something to shake it up and get that scale moving again. I am anxious to lose these last 20 pounds and get below 200 before the end of summer. TTYS!
  17. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Angie, congrats on your approval! You're on your way :-)
  18. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Kathy, that's FANTASTIC news! You should be so proud of yourself for doing so well during vacation! Got a question about the food bank... can I bring things other than food? I'm thinking of putting together several things to equal my weight loss and some are non-food items. I have fabric softener, deodorant, tooth brushes things like that. Do you think they'll accept them? I'm really excited for next weekend!
  19. Hi RNMom, Yep, I was banded by Dr. Myers back in December. He told me he was starting to use the new bands and is very excited about them. This month's meeting was canceled but is still on for next month, plus you can join us at our Polaris mall meeting next month if you're interested. I'm just getting ready to post the info on that in a new thread. Please feel free to stay in touch... I love meeting other bandsters!
  20. Thanks Kathy! Sorry to be such a PIA :-)

  21. Thanks Kathy! It's getting a bit harder the further out I get but I'm plugging along!!! Hey, can you re-send me your phone number. I figured out why I keep losing it... my phone syncs with my computer and I had it set to overwrite everything on the phone with what was on the computer... so all the info I put into the phone was lost. It just happened again... sigh Thanks! We'll miss you too... seems like forever since we've been together! Hope to see you later this month!
  22. Hey guys!! Just wondering who's thinking of joining us this weekend. We'll most likely be located in the area between Chik-fil-a and the Great Indoors. Look for a Class of 2008 balloon marking our spot (I'm borrowing it from my daughter :-) ) I hope to see many of you there... Turler, I hope you can make it! I'll have to see where my hubby put my clothes box and see what I have to bring with me. I'm in desperate need of size 16/18 shorts myself if anyone has any to share! Jill, I hope you can make it too! I can't wait to see your newly banded self :-) This month's FS meeting (June) has been canceled... however many of us are meeting at CapCity that day for a un-official FS meeting. Let me know if you'd like to join us and I'll make sure they up the reservation by one. (Don't worry about eating... I'll most likely just be having Water myself) P.S. Kathy, I'll miss you... this is the first meeting you won't be at since January!!! Have fun in Florida and I'll see you at the end of the month!
  23. HeatherA

    Headache after eating?

    I have started experiencing the same thing when I get stuck after eating. That's the golf ball feeling and then I liken it to an ice cream headache. Do you get stuck every time you eat? I also had a gentleman in my support group that mentioned he was getting the ice cream headache type feeling when getting stuck. Must be some nerve affected by the food that's stuck.
  24. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    LOL! I knew that... but 60+ pounds of food costs a lot these days *big grin* Maybe I can bring 60+ pounds of bottled water! My daughter's graduation party is this weekend and I have 12 cases... I think I may have some left over :-)
  25. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Gosh Kathi, this sounds like such fun! I'm not sure if I can pull enough money out of the budget to represent my weight in food, but I will see what I can pull together! Count me in :-)

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