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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hunter, I followed your lead and got the ball really rolling... it's picking up speed... I have my appointment tomorrow for the paperwork and then the all day appointment in two weeks. Now I'm feeling really nervous. LOL I'm excited to get going. I wonder if there's a chance to be done before the new year so I don't have to pay a second deductible.
  2. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    We're getting quite the group here! Welcome aboard!!!!
  3. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Good luck!!!!!! I almost actually relish the idea of a liquid diet. I do so much better when I don't have to fend for myself food wise. If I was rich and could afford a food preparer I'd be set!
  4. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    When I had my gallbladder out in 1996 I took longer to recover than most and I expect that with this as well. I kept hearing all of these people that were up and about easily in a day or so. I think I was down for at least a week. Luckily I work mostly from home, so I can do that in bed, but I do have a 2-day a week job that I will take off for a while. I hope it's only a week though, I hate being sick :-)
  5. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    We are such opposites that way. I have no problem telling everyone that knows me what I'm doing. I don't think I'll advertise it to strangers, but everyone in my "sphere" has watched me struggle for years, they know I'm fat... not a big secret... they know I've dieted... and most of them are going to know that I've had surgery. I figure the more support I have, the more motivated I'll be to be successful at this. Plus, I figure if my experience can help just one person then it's worth it. My only fear is that the food police will be in force everywhere I go. They used to do that to me when I first was going gang busters on WW several years ago. Eventually they got bored and left me alone... but I figure after surgery I'll start noticing it again. *sigh It's almost like being pregnant and having everyone touch your belly... they all just think they have the right.
  6. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Let me know how it goes. I will hopefully be able to call today or tomorrow.
  7. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I like to eat out too. Everything fun that we do in our family is so centered on food... my entire extended family. I'm not sure what I'll do when I can't relate over food...
  8. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    :faint::faint: That'd be great! I'm definitely up for that!
  9. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    No I haven't. I've actually been advised to call and schedule the appointment with Annie myself. I just haven't had the time to do so yet. I hope to call sometime this week if I don't hear from them. How about you?
  10. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I would love to attend a support group for LB'ers. I think that follow-up care and support will be instrumental to my success with this surgery. That's partly why I chose to investigate the Riverside program. The after-care program seems to be phenomenal. I've only ever known people with GB... the only LB'er I've heard of, prior to investigating this surgery on my own, was Sharon Osborne. Anyway, I was not thrilled with the risks, the high percentages of complications and the fact that so many seem to gain it all back. That's not to say I don't have my worries about the LB, but apples to oranges it just seems the much better choice for me at this time. Plus... if worse comes to worst I can always go in an have GB down the road... though I truly don't see that as something I'll have to do.
  11. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hunter, Dr. Myers said that there was a LB support group the night of our Seminar. I think he mentioned that there is a meeting every week but that it alternates between GB and LB groups. You might call the office to check. I'd definitely be up to attending a LB group if they welcome those of us just getting started.
  12. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Topdownbug, I am in the Columbus area :-) Are you from here also? The 16th!!! I'm so jealous! How long ago did you attend the seminar? Yes, Dr. Myers said he'd only been doing them since February I believe. I was hoping to find a doctor with more experience with them, but I felt so comfortable with him instantly and have heard nothing but good things about him from colleagues of my father that I've decided he's the man for me. :-)
  13. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Thinner me, thanks!
  14. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Hunter, No, it didn't. I have a real aversion to permanently changing my body's chemistry. Plus I've known so many people that lose a ton of weight through GB and then gain it back. I'd love the quicker fix, but the band is pretty much the decision I've made.
  15. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Hunter, looks like we're in the same boat. I just went to the seminar at Riverside last week. I loved Dr. Myers. I am waiting for my initial visit to be scheduled. Where are you in the process?
  16. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Topdownbug, I'm hoping to have my surgery done at Riverside too. When are you scheduled? I just went to my seminar last week and am still waiting for the initial visit to be scheduled.
  17. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I'm not banded, but I'm local. I've just recently started the ball rolling and would love to know other bandsters in this area.
  18. HeatherA

    Has anyone taken up Bycyling?

    OH Juli, I am in Columbus... I've yet to get banded but I've just recently started the ball rolling. I'd love to be a buddy with you :-)
  19. HeatherA

    Results with the new AP band?

    Thanks Faith, I'll go search that right now :-)
  20. HeatherA

    Results with the new AP band?

    Does anyone mind me asking... what is the AP band? This is the first I've heard of it? Thanks!

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