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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    Home from 12/3 surgery

    Hi Carol, Thank you for the quick reply... I know you must not be feeling the best at the moment... I had the laproscopic surgery not open so hopefully it won't be an issue. I wish you all of the best.
  2. HeatherA

    Home from 12/3 surgery

    Oh I'm so sorry! I'm also a little worried now... I had gallbladder surgery in 1996 and worry that my scar tissue may cause the same problem. I wonder where the scar tissue was the caused such a problem? Did he tell you?
  3. HeatherA

    December Surgery Dates

    I just got my date today! I'm scheduled for December 18th! I was hoping it would be next week just so I'd be back in fighting form for my big holiday party on the 24th but I think a week might be enough time. Regardless it's really nice to finally have an "official" date! Whoo hoo
  4. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Good luck Sunrise!
  5. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    ' Hi Judy, Congrats on the good first fill! I am not even banded yet so no fills on my horizon :-) I hope to be banded in the next few weeks... should know tomorrow.
  6. I am so nervous! We just got a letter in the mail from my husband's employer stating that we will be moving from our UHC plan Definity Health to Cigna's Consumer Choice Enhanced Plan as of Jan. 1. Now, I have already started the process with UHC and have my all day doctor's visit on Thursday. What happens to me if UHC approves my surgery but I don't actually have it until early 2008????? I'm feaking out here! I just don't know what to do! I don't want to go through all of this and then have to start over with a 6 month diet next year to meet the hoops Cigna might want me to meet. Can anyone calm my nerves or at least share their thoughts? Thanks!
  7. HeatherA

    Switching INS. Mid Way?

    Just an update... my surgeon and the program I'm going through have worked with me to try to get my surgery before the end of the year. A few days ago I got the email that told me I was approved. I hope to have my surgery in a few weeks.
  8. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    At the support group meeting one of the girls told us that he only does small fills. He's not aggressive at all to assure that you don't have any complications. I want to say she said it was like .5 cc each time? You'll definitely have to give us the scoop today Judy.
  9. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Sunrise, Investigate deaths due to Obesity related causes... that might help you find your way again. Also, if you are considering the band, the deaths from that surgery are considerably lower than the RNY or other bypass surgery deaths. Most complications arise from anesthesia rather than the surgery itself. Any kind of surgery scares me too and I worry about the complications but I try not to focus on that and to focus on the longer life I should have once I shed these extra pounds. We're here for you to talk to whenever you need us!
  10. I am 37 (soon to be 38) and I hope to be banded in the next 2-3 weeks. I have been toying with the idea for about a year. I only wish I done this 10 years ago. Better late than never.
  11. HeatherA

    UHC Approved!

    LOL... I'm still waiting for the call too... within an hour of being told I was approved I got the call about the money that was due at my pre-op appointment... but nothing about scheduling it. I'm hoping it's because they called my home phone rather than my cell phone.
  12. HeatherA

    UHC Approved!

    Thanks! I'm excited and waiting for the scheduling person to call and set up my pre-op date. Do you think staring at the phone will make it ring quicker?
  13. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Thanks! I've been working with them to fast track me because my insurance changes to Cigna on January 1. My current insurance is great, not sure what Cigna will bring so I wanted to get this all done just in case I couldn't in January. Ideally I would have waited until January so that I could use my deductible up in the new year... that was the plan before I got the notice that my ins. was changing. Now I'll be on liquids or mushies over Christmas... but I think it will be worth it :-)
  14. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    That's what I thought too... that's what the website said, but when I asked at my all day appointment I was told that that was not correct. I thought that was what a big part of our fee went towards. You could call and check
  15. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    I have a question... for those of you that have been banded by Dr. Myers... what is the cost for the fills after your initial 90 days? Thanks!
  16. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    I am going through Fresh Start for my banding. I am moving swiftly along in the process... I just got notification today that I was approved by my insurance so my next step is to schedule my pre-op appointment, which I hope to do in the next day or so. I am anticipating my surgery to be within the next two weeks. (fingers crossed)
  17. HeatherA

    UHC Approved!

    I just got notice today that I was approved by UHC. I am under the Definity plan. Only one try for me as well! I am so relieved since my insurance switches to Cigna January 1.
  18. How many times a day do you eat? My surgeon says we should only eat 3 times a day and no snacking. I've been following this since late October (for the most part) and find that I need to snack on some days. I am not yet banded and can not imagine how I'll get my calories in with only three small meals a day. I'm curious as to what your doctors have advised... Thanks!
  19. HeatherA

    How Many Times a Day?

    Thanks everyone!!! Looks like we all have to find our own way. I have a feeling that 3 meals and 1 snack (healthy) will work best for me. I now just have to wait and see.
  20. HeatherA

    How Many Times a Day?

    Thanks everyone! It's nice to know it can be done on 3 meals a day!
  21. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Welcome Sunrise!!!!
  22. HeatherA


    Can you only get Unjury online? Or is it available at any local stores?
  23. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Count me in! I practically live there anyway :-) Hopefully I'll be banded by then and back on "normal" food.
  24. HeatherA

    how do you track calories

    Sparkpeople seems a bit intense for me. I'll play around over there, but I like the simplicity of Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate for daily use
  25. HeatherA

    how do you track calories

    I've been using TheDailyPlate.com for the last week and I really like it. I'm going to check out sparkpeople.com today and see how it compares. 4Jin I'll use your referral!

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