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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    Week of Decemb er17th

    I'm excited, getting nervous and already wishing it was over! I'm scheduled at 1:30 on the 18th. I am bummed that it's so late in the day because that's a long time to go without drinking and I have no chance of going home same day.
  2. HeatherA

    Pre-Op Diet... and a fun new toy!

    I love new toys!
  3. HeatherA

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    I bet! The price of those things astounds me! I am a tat virgin but I plan to get my first one when I hit my weight goal :-) My daughter is counting the days until her 18th birthday because I told her I'd take her for her first as soon as the big day arrived. BTW... she liked your sleeves also :-)
  4. HeatherA

    Pre-Op Dec 11th - Procedure Dec 12th

    Jes, those are some sweet sleeves you have there!
  5. HeatherA

    post-op insurance changes

    That's a good question... I'm sorta wondering the same thing. My INS changes from UHC to Cigna on January 1st and I'm hoping that I'll have no problems with follow-up care once the change happens. Of course it's my husband's company making the change so it's a bit different than your situation. Hopefully someone will chime in and share some info with us :-)
  6. HeatherA

    New/Improved Band

    Differences between REALIZE and ALLERGAN bands Clinical outcomes (slip rate, erosion rate, weight loss, etc) are very similar between the two bands. The Allergan band is the original band (Allergan bought the Inamed band company which bought Bioenterics company - these are the old names of the same band) Surgically, there are subtle differences such as: The Allergan band comes in many sizes, REALIZE band is one size. Allergan has two port sizes; REALIZE is one port size. Allergan ports are stitched to the muscle fascia (the tough white stuff on the outside of the muscle); REALIZE port has neat technology that attaches itself to the muscle fascia and may have slightly less port pain the first few days after surgery. The REALIZE ports have a neat tool that places the port and secures it with a handheld instrument making it really easy on the surgeon. (Don't tell anyone but they could teach monkeys to do this stuff.) Allergan band tubing has little arrows printed on it pointing the surgeon to the tab end of the tubing which is a nice feature in the operating room. Allergan ports are smaller around (circumference) and taller - perhaps easier to palpate for fills. REALIZE ports are bigger around and less prominent. Think small stack of silver dollars versus taller stack of quarters to create the mental image. Allergan tubing is closer to the septum (the area that you aim for with the needle for adjustments/fills) and perhaps more susceptible to needle sticks requiring port replacement. REALIZE ports have the septum farther away from the tubing - the tubing is a little more protected. Both bands are now easier to unbuckle in the event a surgeon has to reposition the band. The REALIZE band comes with a neat instrument that helps to pass the band around the upper stomach. The Allergan AP bands have "pillows" in the inflatable portion of the inner balloon that prevents balloon-to-balloon contact. The REALIZE band does have balloon-to-balloon contact. Some people think that this contact may cause issues years later but long-term studies have not shown this to be the case.
  7. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Judi, I've not seen you on AIM so I'm going to ask you here... can you walk me through the day of surgery? For instance, what to bring to the hospital, where to go when I get to the hospital and what happens after I get to the hospital. I start my liquid diet tomorrow and I'm starting to get worried and ready to prepare for the big day. Thanks in advance!
  8. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Thanks Doc :-)
  9. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Dr. Watkins, thanks for the generous offer. Is the support group here in Columbus?
  10. HeatherA

    December Surgery Dates

    I found out Thursday that I start my pre-op diet this Wednesday. I've been following a 1200-1500 cal. diet for the last 6 weeks and have lost nearly 10 "official" pounds. Since Thursday I have been eating almost like I used to. I have not said "no" to myself because I'm kinda freaking out about the pre-op liquid diet I am going to be starting. I know this... but I still feel powerless to stop and it's really odd when I'm sitting here knowing exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it... almost like looking through a window at someone. Our minds are such weird creatures. I know that once I start the pre-op liquid diet I'll be as good as I can be and I am almost looking forward to it at this point. I know that it's only 5 weeks until I can start eating regular food again... not a lifetime... I'm almost like a crack junkie... don't take away my foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.....
  11. Everyone talks about the Protein powders and supplements they take but I was thinking it'd be interesting to have a thread where we all share our favorites and give a little testimonial as to why they are our favorites. It might be helpful for those just starting out the process as well as those at varying stages. Right now my favorite is the EAS Carb Control chocolate Fudge Protein Drink. I buy them in packs of 4 at Walmart for about $5. The are low in carbs, low in sugar and have 17gm of protein per shake. I find that they make the perfect Breakfast drink for me. If I'm still hungry I have been occasionally adding a Pure Protein snack bar with 20 gm of protein in it. Also found at Walmart for about $1.17 each. I am pre-band so this will change when I get to the liquid stage.
  12. I'm very curious as to recovery times... I've read a lot of threads that discuss this but I thought I'd take an informal poll. What I'd like to know is how long your recovery time was following lap band surgery, your weight at the time of surgery and if you smoke or not. Thanks. P.S. I was a smoker the last time I had lap. surgery for my gallbladder and I had a hard time recovering. I am just curious if I'll have an easier time now that I've been a non-smoker for 8+ years.
  13. HeatherA

    December Surgery Dates

    My official date is now 12/18 :-)
  14. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Debbie, Thank you for your kind words! I mostly feel hideous so to be called cute is not something that happens often :-) It was definitely fun to read! I am 5'8" Let's hope this Spring I am looking good... it sure would be nice to buy a smaller size dress for Easter!
  15. HeatherA

    New/Improved Band

    I went for my pre-op visit on Thursday and found out that I will be the 2nd AP band my surgeon has done. The first will happen a week before my surgery. He will be having a rep from Allergen (?) in the OR with both of us to make sure he primes it correctly. I am thrilled that I will be getting the AP band and I'm actually happy that the rep will be there to assure that things go as they should. I guess my doctor wasn't using these bands yet as they were finishing up their supply of VG bands.
  16. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Hi Judi, Thanks for the low down. I'm off to bed right now to kick this head ache, but I've added you to my AIM list. I'll send you a message so you know it's me and we'll talk soon. I have a zillion more questions. So glad you don't mind me asking them... just tell me to shut up if I start to bug you :-) sleep well!
  17. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Hi Judy, No problem, I figured I was posting too late last night for a response. :-) I am having my surgery on the 18th. Can you help walk me through that day? Did you have to pay anything at the hospital? What did you wear? What did you pack? How long were you there? What was it like? How were the nurses? Now I'm really starting to get into the mode. I came home with my shopping bag of "food" for my pre-op diet and the ProtiDiet for afterwards... but I didn't think to ask most of these questions. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you. I'm really ready to get to the other side of this and move forward. I dread the pain and the actual surgery more than the changes to my diet. Thanks for your help and letting me pick your brain! It's a real comfort!
  18. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Cool thanks!
  19. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Hi Sunrise, Thank you for your prayers. My pre-op went well this morning. We had a class with the nutritionist, then met with the nurse and the surgical assistant. After that we were taken one by one to be weighed and then to have our chests and lungs checked. Then we met with the Dr. to go over any questions we might have. Finally out to the desk to pay any remaining monies that are owed prior to surgery and then off for more blood work. It was a long morning and then I had to go to work. I came home with a splitting headache and here I sit. :-)
  20. HeatherA

    New/Improved Band

    Nope, that's a completely different band... yours is really new in the US it's just been approved for use here.
  21. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Judy, I know it's late in the day and I may not catch you, but I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me a rundown of what to expect tomorrow at my pre-op visit. I'd appreciate it :-) Thansk!
  22. HeatherA

    New/Improved Band

    If you do a search of the forums for AP Band you'll get a lot of information on the updated band. Many bandsters here have gotten them in the last several months. Congrats on being banded!
  23. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    SpecialK, What time are the meetings? And can we go even if we've been banded elsewhere? Thanks!
  24. HeatherA

    Home from 12/3 surgery

    Thanks Carol!
  25. HeatherA

    How Long? (Recovery Time)

    Hi Wheetsin, By recovery time I mean until you were back up and about and feeling 85-90% normal. Thanks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
