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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    What Type of Elliptical Do You Own???

    Well I did it... I went and bought one today. Price was an issue so I ended up getting mine at Walmart. It's a Gold's Gym Crosstrainer 510 and I hope it's decent. I'm anxious to get started... hubby is putting it together as I type.
  2. I have not lost a pound since December 26th. I've been eating between 800-1200 cals a day. I up'd it to 1200 last week to see if that would jump start things but it hasn't. I have gone up 3.2 pounds since the 26th (I've not changed my ticker yet) and it's starting to really T me off. I feel like I'm dieting with no effect. I know that I'm still "healing" but geesh... I am scheduled for my first fill next Thursday and don't really count on that doing much at this point. I'm ready for the day that it just "falls off" as everyone assures me it will. BTW... I officially started soft foods today.
  3. HeatherA

    Don't ask...Don't tell policy

    I wonder if that's the difference. I too am the only 'big' person in my life circle and everyone has been very excited and supportive. I've told many people and the rest of the folks in my life have told everyone else :-P at first that bothered me, but now it's giving me an outlet to educate people on the difference between RNY and LB and what the changes in my life are/and will be like.
  4. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Congrats on the psych clearance!!!!! Good luck today with your PCP... I will keep my fingers crossed that she's more enthusiastic about this than she was about RNY.
  5. HeatherA

    Yourself Fitness?

    Does anyone here use the video game Yourself Fitness! for your exercise? I have it for both the Xbox and the PC and have never religiously used it, but plan to pull it out soon and thought it'd be nice if there were others that had it. I'm anxiously awaiting the Wii Fit game to be released but it looks like it's been pushed back to April... so I'm looking for other things to keep me occupied.
  6. HeatherA

    Yourself Fitness?

    I have a PC hooked up to my big screen in the main part of the house. It's a lot of fun to do and it's a true workout with a trainer. The only thing is that the trainer is not physically there with you. However, there are "models" that show you exactly how to do each movement correctly and you can access those at any time. You are also able to track your weight and it tracks your workouts. It asks you how you feel periodically and adjusts the workout to your level and you also have to go through a series of tests to establish just what level you should start at before beginning the program. As you get more proficient your level increases. You can also tailor your workouts by using a step, a ball and hand weights. It's hard to explain all that this program does, but it's amazing. Oh and there is a whole program that's all yoga so if you don't want to "workout" you can just do a yoga session. If I was less lazy I'd definitely use her more than I have in the past. If you want something other than workout videos this may be the thing for you, if you can find it. If you have any questions on her I can try to answer them for you. P.S. I have been known to cuss Maya out while working through the program... it's safe to do that because, unlike Bob or Jillian (Biggest Loser) she won't beat me up!
  7. HeatherA

    What Type of Elliptical Do You Own???

    I'll have to go online and check it out... good luck! I hope to bite the bullet on Thursday. I don't have a gym membership so I want to get something for the home.
  8. I was only given antibiotics in the hospital post-op... not sent home with any. I suggest calling your doctor.
  9. HeatherA

    Problem with navigation?

    It seems to be working correctly again... did the same thing to me!
  10. HeatherA

    Yourself Fitness?

    Oh the Eye Toy... I don't know if it works with the Eye toy as I only have the Xbox and PC versions of the game. The PS2 is in my son's domain so I don't ever use it. I did however hijack his Wii for the main TV and have taken it over as my system :-) He's not thrilled with it, but loves that I actually spend money buying things for it. Now if Yourself! Fitness would be released for the Wii I'd just love it!
  11. HeatherA

    Yourself Fitness?

    What Eye thing???? I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  12. HeatherA

    What Type of Elliptical Do You Own???

    That's exactly my fear! Which Nordic Track did you see for $499? I'm looking at a Gold's Gym at Walmart that's $478... not many reviews on it, but the ones that are there are all positive.
  13. HeatherA

    Yourself Fitness?

    Hi Guys, you can find out more about it here: Maya, the Yourself!Fitness virtual personal trainer, a personal trainer for everyone. Home fitness for PC, Xbox and PlayStation2 (PS2). Basically, it is a virtual personal trainer and you actually schedule dates with her to work out. The work outs consist of yoga, cardio, core and a little strength training. The company had some problems and stopped making the game... we keep hoping it will come back for a second version. It was really popular a few years ago. You can still find it on eBay and Half.com pretty regularly.
  14. HeatherA

    So much revolves around eating

    I never thought I'd say this, but it will go faster than you expect. I move on to soft foods starting Wednesday and when I first started 2 weeks ago I thought it would never get here... and here it is. The post op food restrictions are the pits and very hard to get through, but hang in there and you will get through them.
  15. I've wondered about that too. I hope someone answers.
  16. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Thanks Angie!!! Me too! I can't wait to see you again! I can't wait to meet you Tyanna
  17. I purchased: Gas X strips - not used Liquid tylenol - used but ICK! Heating pad - not used (daughter used for a sore hip though, so good to have) Protein Powder - not used Truthfully, I would have been fine without any special purchases. I did make sure to have various liquids to drink after surgery, Soups and such and that was about all I needed.
  18. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I'm excited everyone! I hope we have a good crowd! I'll post something outside of this thread too so that others know about our get together even if they don't read this thread!
  19. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Yep! You are definitely one of them now :-) Congrats!!!
  20. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!!!
  21. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Ok! Since it seems that Saturday afternoon is the best bet for most of us why don't we plan to meet at Polaris in the food court at 2pm on Saturday February 9th? Special K... will you bring the balloon and poster again? We'll be co-planners :-) Does that sound good for everyone?
  22. 3 weeks and 1 day and it's back! Until the 3 week mark I was mostly satisfied and had to force myself to eat. Yesterday it started... I am starving! Not really... I've been eating 900-1000 cals a day and I up'd it yesterday to 1200 since the scale is not moving (just as an experiment) and the timing could not have been better... but what weird is I go from un-hungry to hungry in a heart beat and it's a true hunger PAIN... my stomach is growling and aching and telling me FEED ME! I'm still on mushies and nothing is satisfying me. I've been eating things like lower fat corned beef hash, pureed chicken salad made with ff mayo, pureed turkey w/ mashed potatoes... real Proteins... and it's not working to make me feel satisfied. AUGH!!! I hope this part passes soon... it's not fun! I was eating 1200 cals before surgery and was fine and not hungry like I am right now... I want to get back to that again.
  23. HeatherA

    Please help me with fill problem

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope you get things sorted out with your fill.
  24. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Ok! I'm holding you to that!
  25. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Afternoon works good for me too... let's hear a few more voices and then we can set a time for a meeting on February 9th.

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