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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Hi Seebs! Welcome. I am so looking forward to the 9th! It seems so far away!!!!!! I'm glad you're going to join us. We should have a pretty decent turn out and I can not wait to meet everyone!!!!!
  2. I just started working on my treadmill last Sunday. I've increased from 15 minutes to 35 minutes. I'm aiming for 60 minutes and then I'll start working on increasing the speed and incline. So far I do about 1/2 and 1/2 at 2.5+ to 3.0 and I've done it every day since. I'm loving it... not the working out part... but the after effects.
  3. HeatherA

    Glad I did it - AMA diabetes article

    Here's an article similar to the one referenced in your post: Welcome to AJC! | ajc.com
  4. Anyalee, You are very lucky that you've had it that easy. I was banded 5+ weeks ago and have lost 15 pounds since banding. I can say without a doubt that since being banded, for the first time in my life, when I say I'm starving I mean it. I have been dieting my way through the first several weeks until I get restriction. Eating 1200 or less calories a day. For some reason, since surgery, I can go from being fine to "starving" in about 30 seconds. I actually have physical hunger pains... something I can not remember having in my lifetime. So please, just because you are not experiencing something, don't expect everyone else to be exaggerating. Congrats on your great loss!
  5. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I think it would be great if anyone with clothes to share would just bring them to the get together. I plan to dig through my things and see what I can come up with. Someone might be able to use them and if not they'll be ready for the donation box :-)
  6. I have lived on this forum since I started my process. I think it's saved me because I'm the type that likes to know what's coming and what to expect. The good, the bad and the ugly. Of course like most of us, none of the bad stuff will actually happen to me! (said tongue in cheek)
  7. Thanks everyone, I thought I'd share. So many of us go through the exact same thing and it's such a frustrating situation to be in. However, I just realized that if you average my 15 pound post-op loss over the 5 weeks I've been banded then I'm at about 3 pounds a week. That's a terrific number! If it weren't for this forum I'd probably have eaten the house in the last few weeks.
  8. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March 12 with be here before you know it!
  9. HeatherA

    First Fill

    Well I'm home and filled :-) I have the 10cc AP band and my doc says that I had 3ccs at surgery and then he put 2cc in today. So I have 5cc and I can feel a little bit of restriction when drinking. We have to drink a 8 ounce bottle of Water before leaving the office and I was able to do that with no problems but I could feel it going down and I couldn't chug it so I am happy. I hope this sticks around. My "food" for the day is a smoothie from Planet Smoothie... 22oz and it's got whey Protein added... it should take me all day to drink it. LOL Mushies tomorrow and the next day if I need them, but then I'm finally free to go back to "real" foods. Yippeeee! Thanks for all of your replies!!!!
  10. HeatherA

    approval to surgery time

    I started in October and was banded in mid-December. I think from seminar to surgery was 2.5 months. For my surgeon I was fast tracked because my INS was changing Jan. 1.
  11. HeatherA

    Am I loosing too fast?

    You sound about average. I lost 12 pounds in the first week and then it stopped. I played with a gain of about 3 pounds for the next 3 weeks that has just finally come off. I was bummed when the rapid weight loss stopped... actually I was bummed when any weight loss stopped. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. HeatherA

    OK who is exercising today?

    I'm just starting... we bought a treadmill on Sunday and that day I did 17 minutes at speeds ranging from 2.5-3mph and 15 minutes yesterday in the same range. I am planning to do it 7 days a week until I force myself to like it. :-)
  13. YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! I was banded exactly a month before you and for most of the first two weeks I thought I had made a horrible mistake. I too was nauseous and miserable. At day 11 or 12 I realized I was starting to feel better, by day 14 I was feeling much better and by day 30 I was pretty much back to my old self! You will get through this... I promise! One thing that helped me with my nausea was to stop my prescription pain meds and switch to tylenol. Within a day or so the nausea had passed. {{{HUGS}}}
  14. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    That's very sweet. I'd appreciate it! I live in capris! I can't wait until I can donate my clothes to those who need them! Maybe we can make this part of our meetings as we all shrink away.
  15. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I don't think I've ever owned any 18s! LOL I hope to be in them by summer though... congrats on moving into size 16! I can't wait to meet you on the 9th.
  16. We spent the day shopping for an Elliptical today and my head is spinning. I'd love to know what type and model you own and what your opinion is of it. Also, if you purchased it recently do you mind sharing where and how much it cost? Thanks so much!
  17. HeatherA

    I'm concerned and need some feedback

    It is for your safety and the success of your band that these rules are put into place. Please be careful. I know it's hard not to be tempted, but you must be strong. Good luck to you!
  18. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Riverside's program, known as Fresh Start Bariatrics, is definitely a well oiled machine. It's unbelievable how well they have it running. It was quite easy to get through the entire process. If anyone has any questions, please ask away.
  19. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    We just met and talked... nothing more organized than that. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open. However, if all that say they're going to be there come, it should be quite a group. I can hardly wait! There's a semi-private area right by the doors into the food court. If you come in through The Great Indoors the area is to the left. It's usually the least crowded area of the food court and should be good for us on that Saturday.
  20. HeatherA


    Danna, I'm quite curious... which BL trainer does he work with? Shannon or Michelle? They're both terrific, but Shannon is such a cutie... almost as cute as our BL trainer Bob.
  21. I love that you guys keep trying to make the forum more feature full and better for us. However, I am having trouble with this color scheme for some reason. It's much harder to read through the threads and differentiate between whose post is whose. I wonder if the colors can be tweaked a bit to make it easier to read? Maybe make the borders a bit darker?
  22. HeatherA

    What Type of Elliptical Do You Own???

    Ok, well you get what you pay for... this thing is not worth keeping. Guess we're going to drag it back to the store tomorrow. It's wobbly and totally noisy. My husband is an ace at putting things like this together, so I don't think it's user error.
  23. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hi Ginnee, I'm so glad you found us! I hope you post often. Thanks for sharing the link to the Yahoo Group. I hope others join us there as well.
  24. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Yeah!!!!!! I have my fingers crossed for a quick insurance approval for you!!! I can't wait to meet you on the 9th!

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