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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    My first BP/Sliming

    I was banded on 12/18/07 and just had my first major stuck episode this afternoon.. what a wake up call. I posted about it here in all the gory details: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f100/first-stuck-slime-productive-burp-episode-51275/#post710050 Mine was not over in 15 minutes... I'm very jealous. My daughter timed it and it was an hour and 15 minutes for me. Of course I was so miserable going through it that it felt like a lot longer.
  2. Here are my updated pics. I'm down 30 pounds total, but only about 28 pounds difference in the pics.
  3. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I am laughing my butt off at that! I did THE SAME THING a few weeks ago when I went to renew... I just left the 200lbs on there... I wasn't near 200 the first time I got my license and I'm not now... but I will eventually be and so will you!!!!
  4. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    There's a Columbus Get Together thread in this folder with all of the details, but the short of it is... we're meeting on the 9th at 2pm at Polaris in the food court seating area directly next to the Great Indoors entrance. Hope to see you there!!!
  5. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I will try to remember to print one out. It's probably a good thing so I can attach it to the fridge door when I get home :-)
  6. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Yep! 2pm is the time... look for us in the seating area directly next to the Great Indoors entrance. Special K is bring a balloon and a poster so you'll easily be able to spot us :-)
  7. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Angie, If you can make it that'd be great... we can Celebrate your impending surgery and help you take your mind off of the pre-op diet for a few hours. Are you getting excited????
  8. HeatherA

    First Fill-NOT feeling it

    The best thing my doctor told me was once I left the hospital I would have to diet until my 2nd or 3rd fill. I of course had already known that from these boards. So that's what I've been doing. I've been dieting and exercising. I was banded on 12/17/07 (a week after you) and I'm just today at the 17 pound loss post-surgery. Tuesday makes 8 weeks and that gives me an average of 2 pounds a week since surgery. That's exactly what I was told to expect from the band. I believe you too are right on at about 2 pounds a week. Don't worry what others are losing. Just make sure you are doing what you need to do to get through bandster hell. I'm sure we'd all just love to have the weight fall off like it does with GB patients, but that's not something that was ever advertised with this surgery. The upside to that, is after GB patients stop shedding the pounds they have to start doing the work to keep it off. We have a tool that will always be available to us that can be adjusted to keep us on the right track. Hang in there! You're doing just great!!!!!
  9. HeatherA

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Heather A Update: NAME ... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go HeatherA ........ 255.6 ..... 225 ........ 253.8 ....... 28.8
  10. HeatherA

    got approval today!

    Hi Stacey, Here's the link to take you to that area of the site: Ohio - Lap Band Talk Forum - The largest forum for Lap Band Surgery Discussion and Lap Band Surgery Support See you there!
  11. HeatherA


    Whoooo hooooo hooooo hooooo hooooo! I am so thrilled for you. I know it's been a long road but you've done great. We'll have to go out to celebrate soon. How about dinner at City BBQ? I'm craving some green beans!
  12. HeatherA

    Treadmill Workouts

    Is anyone out there consistently using their treadmill for exercise? I just bought one, to replace the one I had a few years ago and never used, and I've used it for the last 9 days in a row. I'm trying to not do the same workout each day, but only time wise. I average between 15-66 minutes a day. I try for no less than 20 minutes. My speeds so far are 2.5-3.0 (I did do one minute of 4.0 at a slight jog yesterday) with no incline. I plan to increase this and hopefully get to where I'm doing between 30 minutes to an hour each day with increased speed and inclines. What do you do on your treadmill?
  13. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Is it the 9th yet???? I can't wait to meet you all!
  14. HeatherA

    got approval today!

    Congratulations!!! You should come over to the Ohio board and meet up with some others that have had surgery at OSU.
  15. HeatherA

    Any one Gain wieght after loosing???

    I agree! Unless I'm truly gaining I am not moving my ticker upward. I know that those fluctuations are only temporary because I am staying the course and eating well and exercising.
  16. HeatherA

    Is this what "being stuck" is like?

    I've just started having minor stuck episodes since I got my first fill. I'm taking small bites, but apparently not chewing well enough so I've gotten the pain, but not the sliming or pb'ing. I've had more episodes today as I think 6 days into my first fill I'm starting to get some restriction.
  17. HeatherA

    Any one Gain wieght after loosing???

    Yep, look at many of my older posts... I lost 12 pounds and gained upto 3 pounds. I then played yoyo with those pounds for about 3 weeks then it was gone and has stayed gone. Just be patient and stay the course. You won't regret it!
  18. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Ok... you got it friend! Maybe we'll have something to celebrate at our get together on the 9th!
  19. HeatherA

    First Fill-NOT feeling it

    I sorta do/sorta don't feel my first fill. I can pretty much gulp Water, not chug like I used to. I sometimes can feel that I need to take a moment before eating anything else. But everything seems to be going down just fine. I'm still hungry and I can definitely eat a cup or so at each meal. I'm hoping my fill next month gives me a bit more restriction.
  20. HeatherA

    First Fill

    I'm heading out in a few hours to see my doctor and hopefully get my first fill. Surprisingly enough I'm not very nervous... yet. I plan to not watch so that I don't see that great big needle I keep hearing about. My doc is pretty conservative so I don't expect to feel any restriction afterwards. How many of us December bandsters have already gotten filled? What amount of fill did your doctor give you? Curious minds want to know :-)
  21. HeatherA

    2008 Support Group Meeting Dates

    I'd love to go to the fashion show!!! Count me in! The next time I go to for my fill (2/21) I will get the list of dates for this year for Riverside. Usually the meetings are the third Thursday of each month. GB patients are from 5:30-6:30 and the LB meetings are from 6:30-7:30. The meetings are held at 500 Thomas Rd. Rooms H&I (Next to Riverside Hospital)
  22. HeatherA

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    This is my first time joining a challenge so I'm going to be kind of conservative. NAME ... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go HeatherA ...... 255.6 ...... 225 ....... 255.6 ......... 30.6
  23. HeatherA

    pain when hungry

    Yes! I actually getting stomach pains when hungry now. I usually go from fine to starving in about 30 seconds and that's when they start. It's very odd.
  24. I've complained many times that after surgery I lost 12 pounds in a week and then NOTHING. I actually kept going up and down by 3 pounds for the next 3 weeks. Then last week the three pounds went away and I was back where I was the week after surgery. I stayed that way for several days and then yesterday woke to a .7 loss. I was in heaven!!!! Went and got my first fill yesterday and this morning I awake to a 1.9 loss! Seems that all of my hard work paid off and I am thrilled that I did not give in like I used to. Instead I stuck to my diet, added exercise and rode it out. That's a first for me, in the past I would have gotten discouraged and thrown it all away by chowing down on foods that make me feel better. I'm very proud of myself. I just thought I'd share for those of you still going through the same experience following your December surgery.
  25. The size of your fist clenched is about the size of a cup of food. You always have your fist with you. :-)

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