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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    page 4 - 5 of your owner's manual

    Weird... I haven't gotten anything from my doctor. No book, no registration card... nothing. I'll have to ask at my next appt.
  2. HeatherA

    drinking through a straw

    I think it's a silly rule personally. I get just as much air in my stomach drinking through a sport cap on a water bottle. If you are comfortable while drinking with a straw, talk to your surgeon and see what he/she says about allowing you to do so.
  3. HeatherA

    First Stuck/Slime/PB Episode

    Astro, you might be too filled. Call your doc ASAP and ask what he/she thinks. Good luck!
  4. HeatherA

    Why does it take so long to eat?

    Because you will be chewing the heck out of your food instead of swallowing it as quickly as we tend to do pre-band. Your bites will be smaller and if you don't make your bites smaller you will ultimately pay for that with quite a bit of pain as things get stuck.
  5. I'm so thankful also! Christine gave me some terrific capris and I hope by the time the weather is warm enough to wear them that they'll fit me :-) I'm already working on another bag of goodies to bring to our next meeting.
  6. I LOVE the daily plate. I've done WW Online/Etools for ages and I much prefer TheDailyPlate because a. It's free and b. it breaks down all of my nutritional intake for me. I like seeing how much Fiber, Protein, carbs etc... that I take in in a day... week... or month. Just my .02
  7. Hi everyone! We have decided to have another get together next month and would like to invite anyone that'd like to join us! Whether you are pre-band, newly banded or an old band pro. Everyone is welcome! Where: Polaris Mall food Court When: Saturday February 9, 2008 Time: 2pm Look for us near the entrance to the Great Indoors store. We will have a poster and a helium balloon marking our group. All you have to bring is your smile!
  8. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    It was definitely great to meet everyone today. What a terrific bunch of bandsters we are (I'd say gals, but we did have Guy with us :-)) Next month we'll have to try the tables in a different configuration. I truthfully didn't expect the awesome turnout we had... but I'm so glad everyone made it. I just kept saying all afternoon "that was so fun!" See you all next month!
  9. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I'm sorry you weren't able to meet you today. You were in our thought and wondered if you even felt up to joining us. You'll have to join us next month. We're meeting at the same place and time on March 8th. Glad you're feeling well!!! -Heather
  10. I'd love to see what she looks like today since these pictures were posted almost 2 years ago. I bet she is unrecognizable :-)
  11. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I would love to see this become a monthly thing... a support group of our own making. I'm definitely up for that. :-)
  12. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Is it tomorrow yet????? I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to come :-) I can't wait to meet all of you tomorrow.
  13. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    KTBugg, Welcome home! Congrats on your banding. I hope we see you Saturday. :-)
  14. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    That sounds like a great idea!!!! I always have a camera in my purse. We can take a picture of anyone that's interested in being part of it.
  15. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I hope so for you too Christine. :-)
  16. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Christine, that's exactly why I do during photos... it helps me to SEE the changes that my body is going through. Without the photos I look in the mirror and am hard pressed to see the changes. The comparison photos help me to see that progress is really being made. I may hate them, but for me it's something I feel the need to do. Plus I figure that they may help me (not that they have in the past) keep my weight off down the road. -H
  17. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Christine, I hate photos too! I have a few before pics because I wanted to see how far I'd come...or my family had snuck them of me... but not many. I'm usually behind the camera. I wonder if that will change when I get this weight off? To do my "during" photos now is pure torture and I hate every one of them! -Heather
  18. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Here are a few optional reminders for Saturday... -Please bring any clothing you'd like to share with others. I plan to donate mine to charity if no one is interested. -Please bring a BEFORE photo of yourself. Even if you are not currently banded this is something you can bring. Maybe we can make a photo album and add to it at future meetings (if anyone is game for this)... if you're interested in the photo album idea please bring a picture you can bear to part with, or a photo copy of a picture. See you SATURDAY at 2pm in the Polaris food court next to the GreatIndoors. Look for the poster and balloon!
  19. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    I put together a bag of sweaters, belts (and a few scarfs in case anyone is interested) to bring on Saturday. I haven't completely outgrown much of my clothing yet, but this is a start. :-)
  20. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Im2Seksi4MyFat (great screen name!) it'd be great if you decide to come! We'd love to meet you! I don't think that's a problem at all. :-)
  21. HeatherA

    Central Ohio Get Together - Feb 9, 2008

    Turler, We'll be glad to have you! See you on Saturday!
  22. HeatherA

    First Stuck/Slime/PB Episode

    Sheila, I can just picture it. Augggghhh I hope we never have to go through that again!
  23. HeatherA

    First Stuck/Slime/PB Episode

    LOL! You guys have me cracking up. Yes... I forsee a life without soft pretzels. Good thing they're not a normal item in my diet. The bad thing is when you tell me (or I tell me) I can't have something I want it even worse! So what's the trick to throwing up right away? If I had walked to the bathroom earlier do you think it would have come up as easily as it did when I finally felt able to make it? As for the papaya enzime, I have some... AT HOME! LOL all I could think of was that I'm putting some in my purse for future purposes. I almost sent my daughter down the mall to GNC for more, but I was too scared for her to leave me alone.
  24. HeatherA

    My first BP/Sliming

    PB is a productive burp a.k.a vomiting up the stuck food. Once it happens you feel better almost immediately. Sliming is what happens before the PB. It's very thick and sticky clear saliva that is created by your body to help get the stuck food unstuck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
