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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    I don't hate you. :-) Mind you, what I shared is not my normal diet. That's why I was so thrilled that restriction saved me. First of all, I have to live my life. I am NOT going to restrict what I eat to the extent that I don't feel like a normal person. If everyone is eating pizza at a party, I'm not going to sit there and not have a slice. If I go out to dinner, I'm going to try to order something healthy, but also something I like. The quickest way for me to fail at this is to tell myself I can't have something. What I do instead is work it into my daily calories. I plan ahead. I walk an extra 1/2 hour or at extra intensity to burn extra calories if I know that I'm going to be indulging in something like cake. I am trying to train myself to think and act as a thin person does. I've been studying my thin family members and trying to emulate the best of them. Just so we're straight, I'm eating 1200 calories a day (on average) and I'm eating 60+ grams of Protein, less than 50g of fat, between 100-150g of carbs and trying to get at least 20g of Fiber in each day. I take my Multivitamin and I walk at least 20 minutes (usually 30+) each day... 7 days a week. I lose very slowly... my average is probably less than 2 pounds a week. I'm in this for the long haul and I truly want to change my relationship with food for life. My thoughts with what you wrote is that you might be eating too little for the amount you are exercising. I'm not sure what you're doing in your 2 sessions, but 1000 calories may be way too little. I was talking with my aunt this weekend, she's a nutritionist for the state of Ohio. I told her what I'd been doing diet/exercise wise. She thought my breakdown was fine, but that my calories were too low for someone my weight. She actually thought I'd be better around 1600 calories a day. However, since I've got energy and I'm feeling fine she said it'd be ok to continue at that number of calories. We went over my "average" food day and her advice to me was just to beef up the veggies where I could to make up for any shortcomings the Vitamin might have. I say just play with your calories (I started losing when I increased from 1000 to 1200 calories and added my walking) and make sure to shake up your diet every couple of days. During my WW days I learned that my body was smart and would stall out the weight loss if I ate the same things day after day. Good luck to you! BTW... you're doing amazing! You should be so proud of yourself!
  2. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    I'm glad I could help you with my post. It's amazing to me too... and it quite literally sneaks up on me. Now that I know what it's like, I'll also be able to tell when I don't have it down the line and be able to get a fill to help me stay in check. I know this fill probably won't last and it's sparodic at best, but it kicked in when I needed it... :-) Exactly! In the beginning I doubted that this band would really be able to stop me... my head hunger was so strong during post-op that I even played with the idea of not getting a fill for a long time so I could eat what I wanted. Luckily my brain kicked in and I got my fills as scheduled and I'm so fascinated by the restriction, when I have it, that I want to stay in this mode :-) LOL Good luck today! I'll be thinking of you!!! Remember this feeling! It might go away before your first fill and you'll have to do the work on your own. If it does, just stay the course and make sure you get your fills on schedule :-) Congrats on your surgery! Are you eating foods that are easy to get down? Could that be why you don't have much restriction? I know that I can get soft/mushie foods down a lot easier than I can solid foods like shrimp/chicken etc... I try to limit my liquid calories such as smoothies (my current addiction) and Protein shakes to once a day. It's the more solid foods that I feel the restriction with. I have very little problems with foods such as candy and Cookies which is what I tend to want to snack on at night. If I eat a meal like my pizza last night, and I have restriction with it, it actually makes me so full that I have no interest in further eating so it keeps me from nighttime snacking. Just my thoughts and experiences so far. I hope you get restriction with your next fill. It's such an elusive thing, but so nice when it does show itself :-)
  3. HeatherA

    OMG How do you guys do it????

    You can still cook... you just won't eat as much of it as you used to. It's amazing the changes that you'll adjust to... and how easily they can come if you embrace the tool implanted inside. I'm doing things I never thought I'd ever ever ever do. I'm sure you will do awesome!
  4. HeatherA

    I've swapped addictions...

    OMG... I am so laughing my butt off! I'm doing the SAME THING! Not only that but I've also discovered that I have shoulder bones and when I lay on my side I have hip bones! Amazing things!!! Oh, and my knees are making an appearance also!!!! My DH was standing behind me earlier today and was massaging my shoulders and he made a comment that it's not as easy to do anymore because I have all these new bones showing up. LOL I loved it! Imagine... at only 37 pounds... what will it be like at 67????
  5. HeatherA

    Treadmill VS Elliptical

    I use my treadmill. I got a commercial NordicTrack from costco for $800 and I love it. I can switch up my workout by changing speed, incline and my intensity. I can walk and/or run. I had originally purchased a cheaper treadmill and returned it because when we ran on it is was very shaky. I'm happy to say that I started walking on 1/21/08 and since then have only missed 2 or 3 days. That's more than I've ever done in my life :-)
  6. HeatherA

    A Great Way to See Your Progress-BMI

    Thanks for posting that :-)
  7. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Welcome Greg! I was banded at Riverside in December. Congratulations on getting a date! I can't believe all three of you are getting banded on the same day!!! You're welcome to join us at our get together next weekend. We'll be celebrating all of the March bandings :-) We have another guy that joins us (HunterCol) but I'm not sure if he'll make the next meeting because he was just banded on Tuesday and his wife is having GB next Wednesday.
  8. HeatherA

    Girl Scout Cookies

    I definitely have learned that I MUST keep things like Candy Hearts and cookies in the garage fridge. If it's in the house I will be drawn to them like a moth to a flame. If in the garage I really have to think about them and seek them out. I only usually go in the garage to get into my car. :-) I am happy to report that I have NOT had one candy heart today
  9. Great, that makes 6 then :-) Woo hooo!
  10. HeatherA

    Girl Scout Cookies

    LOL... I'm not able to do that yet. Of course if I do eat any I am counting my calories and eating a portion size or 2 (12 for 60 calories). I just want to sit down with the entire container and mindlessly eat them. Amazing how much I miss mindless eating :-( The reason I went with the band was because I enjoy sweets and want to learn to eat them like a normal person. I don't subscribe to the idea of denying myself because as soon as I do I will do the exact opposite and cause myself harm.
  11. HeatherA

    Girl Scout Cookies

    Candy hearts go down really well too... These are quite possibly my favorite candies and I found some on clearance after the holiday. Thought I'd do ok with them, but had to move them from the cabinet to the garage fridge because I'd just grab a handful. I am trying to talk myself into throwing them away!!! *sigh
  12. Awesome guys... I think that makes 5 of us confirmed so far! I can't wait to see everyone!
  13. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    hippiegirl, That's a great loss! I've not "gained" since surgery, but I do have days when the scale goes up before going down and staying down. Normal weight fluctuations. I wouldn't worry about it as long as you stick to your post-op diet you're sure to lose more after surgery and then it will slow and possibly stop. At that point stick to a healthy diet and add in some exercise and the scale will start moving again for you before you hit your 'sweet spot'. 4 days! Woo Hoo!!!!! Out of the 6 of you not-banded at our last gathering, one (Hunter) has been banded and 3 of you are on the cusp! How cool is that?????
  14. HeatherA

    Help please

    I lost 12 pounds immediately after surgery and then nothing for 3 weeks... just my body adjusting to being banded. Remember, we average just 1-2 pounds a week with the band. Look at the big picture. Your body is healing and it's not really about weight loss right now. Just keep following your doctor's orders and stick to your diet. Until you get restriction almost any weight loss will be due to your dieting efforts following your post-op diet. I've had 2 fills and I'm still pretty much doing it myself with diet and exercise. Hang in there and don't get discouraged... it will start happening for you!
  15. HeatherA

    Does anyone else have the restaurant card?

    I don't have the card, but I've been very lucky. Went to a Breakfast buffet on Sunday and was able to order the child's buffet. Only ate about 3 bites so the waiter, a friend, didn't even charge me. Monday went to a sandwich shop and ordered just a scoop of chicken salad... was charged $3 and nothing was said. Took 1/2 the scoop home. I will return often because this shop is a small family owned shop and their prices are fair. I don't always want to order a huge meal if all I can eat is 3-4 bites. I don't want to pay a lot of money for the privilege of eating leftovers all week. However, I do try to order things I know will work with me and focus on the ala carte or Soups and sides to get me through. I am going to a family meal at BD's Mongolian BBQ next week... I am hoping they will let me order from the children's menu rather than the adults as I'm sure I will be unable to eat even a small portion of an adult sized meal. If not, I'll be fine, but I know that I will not return to eat there often.
  16. Tyanna, That's great!!! Congrats on the loss :-) Just a little more than a week! I can't wait to see you again. That would be terrific! We meet at 2pm and were done by about 4 last time. Of course you're welcome to leave at whatever time works best for you. It will be great to meet you!!!
  17. Sarah, It would be great if you join us! Everyone is welcome and we just have such a terrific time. Our spot will be marked with a helium balloon. I'm taking a head count now so I can get an idea of how many tables to hijack for the gathering :-) I hope to meet you there!
  18. With our next get-together only a bit over a week away I wanted to get an idea of how many might be joining us. If you think you're going to make it to the meeting, please respond to this post. :-) I will definitely be there. I plan to finish trying on all of my clothes this weekend and see what else I can bring to give away.
  19. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    MaryMC, I was banded by Dr. Myers back in December. HunterCol is being banded buy him today (he may be done already as I type this) and there are others on the boards that have been banded by him as well. I know that there are a few others here that are getting started with the process as you are. Let me just say that I love that man! He is so kind, so gentle and quite possibly one of the nicest doctors I've ever met. He truly loves to help obese people get healthy and has designed his bariatric practice and program to help achieve the best outcome for his patients. If you have any questions just ask away. I'd be happy to answer. I also urge you to check out the post about our Central Ohio Get-Together happening on March 8. There are a group of us from all different doctors that are meeting at Polaris Mall once a month. Last month there were 12 of us and 6 had been banded, 6 were waiting for surgery. It's a blast and a great place to meet other bandsters and get questions answered. Good luck to you!
  20. HeatherA

    Comparing FREE food diary and calorie counters

    Ahhhh, that explains it. I've not yet signed up for the Gold option.
  21. I've lost a midsized microwave (my original post was off by 2 pounds)
  22. HeatherA

    Comparing FREE food diary and calorie counters

    Alyson, how do you get to the week view you mention? I don't think I've seen that. Thanks!
  23. HeatherA

    Comparing FREE food diary and calorie counters

    No, I don't think it has a list like that... but I'm not sure because I've not really needed that type of list.
  24. HeatherA

    Comparing FREE food diary and calorie counters

    You can also add to the food list by typing in detailed information on foods you don't find in the database... and if it's a generic food/calorie that you want to add to your daily log you can just add it and call it whatever you want via your main plate page.
  25. HeatherA

    Comparing FREE food diary and calorie counters

    Well, I'm not sure what you mean by a list... but you search their database and the more specific you are with what you're searching for the shorter the list for the foods you will find. Once you add it to your plate then it stays on a list, on your profile, for you to access quickly. You can also search that list that contains just food you've eaten if it gets too large. I hope I'm making sense... if not... ask more questions and I'll try to answer them a little better :-)

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