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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HeatherA

  1. I agree that we should postpone. I'm up for moving it to tomorrow if that works. We're under a blizzard warning until 4pm. I doubt the road crews will get anything done to the roads much before then. Also, Polaris is on a 2 hour delay... not even opening until noon. I'll be at the mall tomorrow (Sunday) at 2pm if anyone can make it to meet me.
  2. I don't blame you if it's bad! I wouldn't go out either. I'm thinking positive thoughts and planning for tomorrow to be way better than today :-)
  3. Looking out the window at my house on the edge of the Delaware county border it didn't look "as bad" as it is. We still had Patches of grass that you could see and my patio table had NOTHING on it. Well, we bundled up and took the dogs out and the snow was as deep as my boot in some areas. Crazy... we easily got about 4 inches and then it blew into larger drifts. Took my son, daughter and I to get everything shoveled. I'm sure we'll have more to do in the morning... but it was too pretty and too much fun to resist going out to play. LOL I really truly hope this is our last big snow of the season. I'm so over winter right now. I want warmth and the ability to spend time outside un-bundled! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all is over come morning... hope to see you tomorrow!
  4. Totally understandable! I will definitely post if it doesn't happen tomorrow and figure out when we will reschedule. At this point I'd say it's a maybe... I will most likely still go. I'm not too far from Polaris. The news just said that the worst of the snow should be over by 9am... I figure roads will be fine by 2pm if that's the case. I'll play like the school board and check the roads tomorrow and then post here around noonish.
  5. HeatherA

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Ohhhh sweety, that sucks so bad for you! :-( I'm crying with you... augh! When you go to Mt. Carmel, explain what's happened and perhaps they can get all of the information in your files transfered over from Barics and save you some time with the testing etc... it might not be as bad as you think it is right now. {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}
  6. Yes, we should definitely reschedule it if tomorrow doesn't happen. I'm so hoping it does, I am really looking forward to it! Wonder if we could re-schedule for Sunday? I know it's not... I was just trying to space it out enough from the Fashion show on the 7th.... of course I'd love to meet each week so I'm pretty open. I unfortunately can't do it next weekend because I'll be in Nashville. I can do it on Sunday of this week though... if tomorrow doesn't work out.
  7. Ok, after this month's meeting I'll post a message with the date for next month's meeting. I'm really hoping this snow stops before tomorrow... AUGH!
  8. Can you edit the title of this post? Maybe make it refer to the fashion show that those interested would know it's a special event... not just our normal meeting? Do you know what time the fashion show is? Maybe we can arrange to meet an hour earlier or something so we can all get seats together?
  9. HeatherA

    Riverside In Columbus??

    Like Special K said... I think the surgeons have more experience with GB and lean toward them because of that. I also think that they know how much work goes along with being successful with the band and that it's not as "easy" to lose weight with it. However, I was banded by Dr. Myers and he's been wonderful and supportive and really seems to be excited by the results his banded patients have had. I've not seen any resistance to it, though I know that he does tend to evaluate each patient and advise in some cases that the band might not be the right choice. Good luck to you in whatever you choose!
  10. I've only had two fills... I had restriction for a few days, but then it was gone, then it was back, then it went away again... you get the idea. Well, it definitely seems to be kicking in whenever I eat outside of my house. For instance... went to my little cousin's 13th b'day party yesterday. I had one slice normal triangular slice of pizza (minus the fat crust) eaten in peanut sized bites, had 3 small nacho chips with 7 layer dip, 2 Hershey miniature bars (mmmmm chocolate), a slice of cake and some vanilla ice cream. The cake was a big 2x2 slice and didn't really want to go down. I managed to enjoy my favorite part... the icing and threw the rest away. Now what's great about this is pre-band I would have grazed the entire time I was there, had 3-4 slices of pizza (including the crust) much more candy and eaten all of my cake and ice cream. The food eaten above happened in a 5 hour time frame... and was the end of what I ate for the day. Move on to today... we go to a big birthday lunch at BD's Mongolian BBQ. It's a stir-fry place where you pick your own meats/veggies/starches and sauces and have them grilled up for you and then you eat it with rice and flour tortillas. When we got there I explained to the manager that I'd had stomach surgery and couldn't eat a lot would it be ok for me to pay for a child's bowl. They were awesome and said yes so away I go. I put some shrimp, sausage, a few pieces of Pasta, edemame and onions in my bowl. I make sure to keep it "child" size and I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't have said anything and just gotten a normal bowl because I'm so hungry. Well, regardless I pick my sauce have my food cooked and go sit down. 3 bites of shrimp, 6 edemame and 1 piece of sausage in and I get that ache in my chest feeling. So I slow down and let it go away, try another bite and the feeling is back. I feel like I have to burp it out so I know then that I should just stop eating. Several minutes later I'm feeling better and dessert is brought out. 2 bites of ice cream later and that's it... I'm feeling like I might just puke. I get up go to the ladies room hoping I won't PB (I didn't) and then I feel fine. Before the band I would have had two heaping bowls of stir-fry at roughly 1200 calories a bowl... not including the rice and tortillas. Ok, so we spend the day out and since it's a gorgeous pre-spring day I get in well over an hour of walking and I'm starving but not feeling like cooking. So we decide to order pizza with our neighbors and I'm starving. I decide to just take 3 pieces (these are 2"x1" party cut slices) I eat the pepperoni off of one of them and realize I'll be lucky to eat two of these pieces. Put one back and spend the better part of the next hour eating the two small pieces on my plate. 2 SMALL PIECES OF PIZZA????????????? UNHEARD OF!!!! That was my dinner... my head of course feels deprived, but my body is satiated. It's still shocking to me when things like this happen because in my head I thought I'd need a huge bowl of food at lunch to feel full, I thought I'd need at least 5 pieces of that pizza for dinner. I have never had meals this small in my life. I love it. I just wish my restriction would stick around more often. I especially need it at times like this when I'm eating out of my normal comfort zone and in situations where it'd be real easy to eat more than my 1200 calories each day. Just thought I'd share my experiences... it might help explain that elusive restriction feeling so many of us wonder about.
  11. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    JowJow, you're doing great and will keep doing great. Sounds like you are on the right track. It's hard when we compare ourselves to others because we are all so different and we all come at this from different angles with different metabolisms and different life factors. Stay the course!!!!!
  12. I'm going to hold off deciding anything until tomorrow because this could end over night or early tomorrow morning and the roads might be fine. No one knows what this system is going to do... all I know is that I hope it's the LAST one... I'm so sick of this weather. P.S. If it does get canceled tomorrow I was thinking we should re-schedule it for another weekend this month. Maybe the Saturday of Easter weekend?
  13. HeatherA

    3 Month update and Goal

    My goal for March is to lose 6.7 pounds bringing me to 240. My overall mini-goal for the spring is to lose 26.7 by June 1st when my daughter graduates HS. I'd love to be 220 for her last major school event.
  14. As of right now our get together is still planned for tomorrow... weather permitting. Let's hope the roads are clear by 2pm tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!
  15. April 7th is a Monday... it might be hard for most to meet at that time due to work schedules. Maybe we should strive for two meetings in April... one on the 7th for the fashion show and another 19th (Saturday) at our regular time. What do you think of that?
  16. HeatherA

    Scale Victory!! Scale Victory!!!!!

    That's amazing! Congratulations!!!!
  17. That's exciting! I hope you make it, I look forward to meeting you!
  18. Awesome!!!! Thanks Special K :-) I'll be there about the same time as last month. See you then!!!!
  19. HeatherA

    restaurant issues

    That would be a cool buffet. I'd be interested to see what the differences in cost would be from before surgery to after surgery.
  20. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    I'm going to guess since we've not heard from Hippiegirl that her surgery went off as planned yesterday. Here's hoping that all went well and she'll re-join us quickly!
  21. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Special K, I plan to be there! It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Thanks for the update!
  22. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    Congratulations Sadie!!!!! Welcome to the land of the banded :-)
  23. HeatherA

    Columbus Area

    Hippiegirl... I'm keeping you in my thoughts!!!!! I hope all goes well tomorrow and that you're cold is nothing but a few sniffles! {{{{HUGS}}}}
  24. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    I had restriction with my first fill for a few days about a week after I was filled. It only lasted a short time. So don't be discouraged if you don't have any restriction, or you do and then it's gone. I think that's just the nature of the game. I really have been riding it out by tracking my calories every day and exercising. Basically, my surgeon told me the day after my surgery to be prepared to diet. He warned me it might be awhile til the band helps me out. Good luck with your fill tomorrow!!!
  25. HeatherA

    Restriction Saves Me!

    Definitely sounds like a little more fill is in order. Right now I can't eat a lot even if I wanted to. The only thing would be if I was eating lots of shakes and things like that... solid food definitely has its limits. I hope this restriction stays, but I know it probably won't. Stay in touch... I'll be rooting for you!!! You're welcome. :-) Absolutely. Also, my weight loss includes pre-op as well as post-op. JowJow doesn't state if hers is all post-band. If it is, then she's way ahead of my game :-)

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