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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MLMGUTIERREZ

  1. I didn't have any liquid added to my band for 6 weeks. Then my doctor slowly added .5ml at a time, about once every 2-3 weeks with each visit stretching out more time between. I'm now once every 4-6 months depending on hunger. I'm just barely at 2.5ml and I had my surgery in February of 2007. I've lost 53 lbs to date and feel great. I very rarely throw up, if I do it's from not chewing adequately or eating dry dry foods. Your description of your discomfort sounds like my first couple of weeks getting used to the feeling of restraint with liquids. I'm sure your esophagus is swollen as well from all the aggrivation. I'd make them take out most of the Fluid and start back slowly until your comfortable again. Good luck and don't give up, just get stern. Michelle:)

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