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Nancy B

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Nancy B

  1. Yes I am "for real". I cant believe people disagree with stuff they admit to doing no research on.

    Your daughter's wiccan/pagan beliefs are not my concern. I am talking about in century's past. This is high school history..not even college where they definitely support my view and elaborate on it quite a bit. Most of the nations that surrounded the Israelites in biblical times were PAGAN. There customs varied, but some of those customs were child sacrifice and sex orgies.

    I dont know what people who live now and choose to call themselves Pagan's practice. Nor do I care. This thread was on the origin of Christmas..so thats the time frame I was discussing.

    Exactly! The originally quoted post was about not being surprised that Pagans adopted Christmas, because it is steeped in Pagan origin.

    Isn't it interesting that the first Christmas wasn't celebrated until several CENTURIES after Jesus died, and there is no indication that he ever celebrated his birthday. In fact, the only birthdays mentioned in the Bible didn't end too well (John's head on a platter) and were in no way associated with Christianity. Jesus did tell his followers to remember him by Observing the Memorial of his death, which hasn't caught on nearly as well as Christmas. Must be the present thing!!

  2. Ladies, this discussion has become utterly nuts, and not in a good way! Let me recap: this thread was opened by an interesting and, as I understand it from my own reading on the issue, accurate commentary on the pagan roots of the Christmas festival. When one of the OPs chose to post what I felt was an off-the-wall description of pagan practices I wrote a response to this. (By the way, thanks for all the nice words y'all said, eh.) Since then this discussion has degenerated into a counter productive and, worse yet, very boring she said she said brawl.

    This has been happening a lot on this site recently. There seems to be some kind of pissing match between a number of individuals going on and from what I am able to understand some of this has been imported from OH.

    Stop it! Cut it out! It is boring for the rest of us and it is futile. You know that nobody is gonna win here in cyberland. Get a forken grip, will ya!

    We have so much to discuss in the way of our own personal issues with fat, with the cultural expectations placed on larger people, with understanding more about why some of us are fatties and some of us are not.... We have here a forum where we meet and can talk about everything, be it ageing, plastic surgery, shopping, kids, pets, abortion, religion, the weather, the economy, politics, unwanted hair, recipes,...you name it and you can post it! This in-fighting is idiotic. And, like I said, it is very boring. And you can stop it! Each and everyone of you can refuse to go there.

    Green, I do agree with you. I commented on the OP's original comment, which I did find very interesting. All the crap that came later is really just that....crap. Not sure of the reason for the personal attacks.

  3. BTW Chelle, piece of work and Nancy are simply here because the excitement of causing trouble on OH is at an all time low. They have run everyone off of there already that used to be on that forum and now they come here seeking controversary (as friends no less). They are friends to no one and be on guard please. This forum was nice until they got here and the shit will soon hit the fan with them here. It has already started with the piece of work's theory on Pagans. I see she has shut her mouth on the subject, but it won't last. I know this tribe and it never ends. If you are smart you will rid this forum of the maliciousness that has arrived in the form of friends. I choose to call them on their errors, but I have no problems with the majority of people on Lapbandtalk who keep it real.


    Isn't there some Senior Center somewhere that your time would be better spent?

  4. I actually was referring to both of them. One who started the post is known well on OH for her stories and lies. The other gave out some very bad info on here about Pagans. It is simply my opinion that the pot continually gets stirred by quite a few of you, and you aren't innocent yourself Nancy.:guess

    The only intelligent person here that has the facts right is Green bless her heart.

    Ouch!!!!! Do I know you????

  5. There are Christians who dont Celebrate Christmas because of its origins. Its common knowledge Christ did not institute the practice nor did his apostles or members of the first century congregation.

    Pagans were the people (simplistically) that practiced sex orgies and threw their kids into the fire to sacrifice to false gods.

    Constantine in the 4th century wanted to unite his kindgom thus a melding of Christian and pagan beliefs.

    Some Christians feel that anything that was unclean at one time...i.e. pagan practices will not be made clean by calling it Christian.

    December 25, was the date chosen for pagan reasons. Any encyclopedia will read that Christ couldnt possibly have been born that day.

    Santa Claus, the tree, yule logs, lights, presents given to each other, etc. all have pagan origins.

    I totally agree. You are absolutely right!

  6. Dude, my notes used to be covered in stars. Or, I'd fill in little boxes on the margins, so my papers would eventually be black on on the sides.

    I can't wear lipstick at all. I eat it off in just a few minutes, so I'd be constantly reapplying. I can wear Carmex and stuff like that, though, it's just anything with color that bugs me.

    Have you tried the new cherry Carmex? No color, just a smell and flavor.

  7. So quick to attack when you don't even know what this is all about! It's about some random nurse rebutting warnings about how dangerous Mexico is. She follows my posts to defend Tijuana, when all I'm trying to do is save others from getting raped like I was when I went to TJ for a LapBand consult. You can see how I made it all up by reading what Transformer posted (click on the link) yet while Transformer defends the good nurse in this post, he contradicts himself by posting my exact warnings elsewhere. This isn't a popularity contest, it's real life & death, and her link is just a bonus. Why not add how terribly dangerous it is so people that rely on her amazing research can at least take the extra safety precautions when they go to Mexico? That link makes things sound just peaches in Fabulous Tijuana when in reality, it's a damn scary place. If you haven't followed every post, why not calm down till you understand what's going on here?

    FOXNews.com - Report: Sophisticated Robbers Target Tourists in Baja California - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

    I've been going there at least twice a year since my banding in 2004. It's not scary or dangerous. However, there was a police shooting 2 miles from my house which has me a bit worried! You don't really know what you are talking about. Sorry.

  8. I wouldn't touch their pastries, but I do like their black iced tea (with 1 Splenda) or a fat-free latte. I have NO guilt.

    It's funny....people think nothing of drinking a 200 calorie Protein Drink (or more once they add the Peanut Butter, banana, chocolate, etc. ) but they won't drink a latte. A grande non-fat latte has about 160 calories, and 18g of Protein. More protein than a regular Slim-fast.

    The rest of my day I get my protein in food, but I love my hot morning drink. I take any pills that I need to take with it, and I can drink it on my way to work, and it actually lasts me about 30 minutes.

    I make my own at home in my to-go cup, and about once a week I hit Starbucks.

  9. Nope, I don't have any issues. But the cowardly assholes who leave messages on my blog about me being an anorexic whore, nasty ugly bitch, skinny bitch, and a show off sure do.

    I like being thin. Beats the shit out of being morbidly obese. How 'bout YOU?

    If these are people who don't know you, could they just be jealous? I would wear these monikers as a badge of honor. You've earned it, right?

  10. Nope, I don't have any issues. But the cowardly assholes who leave messages on my blog about me being an anorexic whore, nasty ugly bitch, skinny bitch, and a show off sure do.

    I like being thin. Beats the shit out of being morbidly obese. How 'bout YOU?

    I don't know...I'll let you know when I get there!

  11. Chickie,

    I don't know you, but do YOU have issues with your thinness? I've seen a dozen posts about YOU and how thin you are in the last few days.

    I think "disgusting" is a strong word for either too thin or too heavy. Not healthy would be more appropriate. Not saying this about YOU...not sure how thin or healthy/unhealthy you are.

  12. I don't know if it made much of the National news, but WOW did California finally get something right! Comparisons were made when a lot of San Diego County evacuated to Qualcom Stadium.

    Remember the Superdome during Katrina? What a mess that was! What happened there? I will say that the lack of plumbing does give them a leg up on miserableness, but what went wrong? Did the government just not care about those people? They bussed them in, dumped them there with no police supervision, and NO PLAN.

    In San Diego, they opened up the vendor stands, served Starbucks coffee, gave Massages, and took care of their pets. No muggings, no rapes, just people who were seeking refuge in an orderly, civilized manner.

    Any thoughts?

  13. I have been working my entire life. Babysitting from the age of 12. Full time at Dairy Queen starting at 16 while going to school. Non-stop ever since.

    I was poor growing up - but had a great family life and didn't really know it. Everything I have today I owe to a strong work ethic. My kids are grown. DH and I are doing fine. I am still working full time, and also enjoying life a bit more nowadays.

    So why do people act like I am a freakin' bank? Family, friends, it doesn't matter. People look at my home (which is kinda small for Texas), and my jewelry (lots of eBay and sales) and think I can loan them money, launch their businesses, etc.

    I've paid for two complete dental makeovers for family members, because they needed it. I pay a lot to subsidize my mother's meager Soc Security so that she can live in a clean and healthy retirement home. I still give to my kids when they need something (although they are great and rarely ask anymore). But some people......

    I have family members who think I am filthy rich. HA! I just don't have many bills anymore - I worked and PAID THEM OFF! Last night a friend (co-worker actually) contacted me and wanted me to finance TWO of his business ventures. One for $25k for day trading, and the other to finance his house-flipping plan. I was stunned. We are not family. I am not a bank.

    How the he** do I politely respond to these ongoing requests, and maintain friendships with family and friends? I have smart family members who are stupid financially. I have bailed them out too many times, and never see a penny in return. For those I have always considered it a gift because I know it ain't coming back.

    Anybody have any tips for me? I am not rich. I don't have enough money for retirement saved. And I HATE being mean or rude to anybody. I just want to find a good way to say no. You guys will probably think I am so lame, but I seriously needed to vent and appreciate any good advice on how to nicely say NO, I won't loan/give you any money (regardless of the sob story or get-rich-quick ideas).

    For a business venture to a non family member, I would say "I would really love to help you, but I just can't. I'm sorry. Sounds like a great idea though...good luck with (whatever)".

    If this was a close family member, I might say something like "You know, I'm at the point in my life, where I have to start planning for my future, so I really can't". OR, "Hubby has asked me not to loan any more money to people, and I have to respect that."

  14. Okay, so I saw this cool piercing on the news yesterday and although I am about as conservative as they come, THIS one I could do. I am trying to find something fun to do to Celebrate my weight loss.

    Check it out:

    Sage's Urban Art Tattoo and Piercing

    Then go to "Piercing" then click "enter" then go down the page to "Dermal Anchors" and it's the 6th one from the left.

    I could buy the item and have a doc implant the anchor under my skin. I could have my jeweler make a real top part that is an actual gem stone.

    It would end up looking like a diamond or Tanzanite is glued to my wrist. It's like a pierced earring only the anchor is under my skin on top of my wrist.

    What do you think? I saw the tattoo guy doing it on the news, took about 3 minutes or less.

    I don't want a tattoo place doing it, I want a real doc doing it. :car:

    I'm not doing anything without running it by "TheFox" (member) because I am wayyy out of my league on this one. Poor girl, I've sent her at least a gazillion PMs tonight with links asking questions. :)


    That would be cool. I'm conservative and only have my ears pierced double. I don't care for tattoos (what are they going to look like when you are 60 or 70???) I am not for anything that permanently disfigures me, but this would be sort of subtle.

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