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    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from no onions in Major break down   
    My incisions turned red around the site and oozed while they were healing. There wasn't anything wrong as there was not a smell and the color was a clear/yellowish tint to the liquid. I used a warm wash cloth to clean them and a little neosporin ointment. Also, as they heal they will get itchy...this is a good sign!
    If it turns green, gets hot or warm at or around the incision sites or begins to bleed, call your Dr.
    Everyone deals with pain differently and each surgeon stitches and handles the insides differently. Remember that you had your insides re-routed and it is major surgery, even though it is now done through laparoscopic means.
    I have a really high pain tolerance because of health problems (arthritis, lupus, etc...) throughout my life. I have also had a hysterectomy, C6-C7 neck fusion, shoulder surgery and sinus surgery prior to this and had some idea of what I would be in for.
    Please, give yourself a break. Rest as much as you can! I remember that I was told to walk around the house and the first couple of times made me super tired. My big exercise one day was to shower, get dressed, get in the car while a friend drove me to Walgreen's, walk around in Walgreen's getting items, talking to a friend in the store, picking up my medicine, paying, walking to the car and then back home. By the time I finished all that, I needed a NAP and slept for an hour and a half.
    Don't push anything and when you body says ouch, stop. When you feel tired, rest or sleep. Eat on schedule, take your Vitamins and don't push it. You can do this and by listening to your body and responding accordingly, your pain will lessen naturally.
    Best wishes and keep us posted. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  2. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from no onions in Major break down   
    My incisions turned red around the site and oozed while they were healing. There wasn't anything wrong as there was not a smell and the color was a clear/yellowish tint to the liquid. I used a warm wash cloth to clean them and a little neosporin ointment. Also, as they heal they will get itchy...this is a good sign!
    If it turns green, gets hot or warm at or around the incision sites or begins to bleed, call your Dr.
    Everyone deals with pain differently and each surgeon stitches and handles the insides differently. Remember that you had your insides re-routed and it is major surgery, even though it is now done through laparoscopic means.
    I have a really high pain tolerance because of health problems (arthritis, lupus, etc...) throughout my life. I have also had a hysterectomy, C6-C7 neck fusion, shoulder surgery and sinus surgery prior to this and had some idea of what I would be in for.
    Please, give yourself a break. Rest as much as you can! I remember that I was told to walk around the house and the first couple of times made me super tired. My big exercise one day was to shower, get dressed, get in the car while a friend drove me to Walgreen's, walk around in Walgreen's getting items, talking to a friend in the store, picking up my medicine, paying, walking to the car and then back home. By the time I finished all that, I needed a NAP and slept for an hour and a half.
    Don't push anything and when you body says ouch, stop. When you feel tired, rest or sleep. Eat on schedule, take your Vitamins and don't push it. You can do this and by listening to your body and responding accordingly, your pain will lessen naturally.
    Best wishes and keep us posted. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  3. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from no onions in Major break down   
    My incisions turned red around the site and oozed while they were healing. There wasn't anything wrong as there was not a smell and the color was a clear/yellowish tint to the liquid. I used a warm wash cloth to clean them and a little neosporin ointment. Also, as they heal they will get itchy...this is a good sign!
    If it turns green, gets hot or warm at or around the incision sites or begins to bleed, call your Dr.
    Everyone deals with pain differently and each surgeon stitches and handles the insides differently. Remember that you had your insides re-routed and it is major surgery, even though it is now done through laparoscopic means.
    I have a really high pain tolerance because of health problems (arthritis, lupus, etc...) throughout my life. I have also had a hysterectomy, C6-C7 neck fusion, shoulder surgery and sinus surgery prior to this and had some idea of what I would be in for.
    Please, give yourself a break. Rest as much as you can! I remember that I was told to walk around the house and the first couple of times made me super tired. My big exercise one day was to shower, get dressed, get in the car while a friend drove me to Walgreen's, walk around in Walgreen's getting items, talking to a friend in the store, picking up my medicine, paying, walking to the car and then back home. By the time I finished all that, I needed a NAP and slept for an hour and a half.
    Don't push anything and when you body says ouch, stop. When you feel tired, rest or sleep. Eat on schedule, take your Vitamins and don't push it. You can do this and by listening to your body and responding accordingly, your pain will lessen naturally.
    Best wishes and keep us posted. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  4. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from jeannbe1 in Depression and regret   
    Hang in there! While I was sooooo ready to have the surgery and be done with the weight, the mental part of it all is something you have to figure out while you heal and move forward. Most of our weight issues are mental and psychological and that takes time to heal and change habits and behaviors. I actually see a psychologist once a month who also had the surgery and she has helped immensely !
    It isn't a perfect process, but neither am I.
    I am happy with my weight loss, but not the thinning hair or the saggy skin. But I do feel so much better and I am healthier. The mental part is taking time, but it took time for me to become so overweight in the first place.
    As the weight goes down, the mental/emotional issues that were buried under the weight are coming to the surface. If you can talk with someone, please do. It will help you in this journey you are on.
    Remember, we are here too!
  5. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from jackie's journey in Coworkers talking.. "she had something done"   
    First, let me say, it isn't anyone's business but yours. If your boss says anything to anyone, it is a violation of the HIPPA law.
    As for your bosses advice to tell them, remind your boss politely that it his/her opinion is appreciated but not warranted as this is your health history and your private medical information.
    As for your colleagues who are noticing a change, if you don't want to tell them HOW you are losing weight, but know they will keep asking until you tell them something (because you can't get them off your back) do what I did!
    I told them that I am exercising (which you are) and eating a high Protein diet with limited natural carbs -PALEO of sorts (which you are). I tell them I gave up white sugar, refined and processed carbs and food, (causes me to dump which they don't need to know) and I stay away from dairy (high fat makes me dump and I am lactose intolerant)/]. You aren't lying, you've thrown them a bone and who cares what they really think. I lost 33 pounds on the Protein drinks BEFORE I had any surgery. That's the God's truth!
    They are not privileged to know your medical history and it will keep them off your back. Alienating them by not saying anything will be frustrating for you, especially if they are persistent, but they DON"T get to know anything you don't want them to know.
    PS. IF your boss says anything, it's a lawsuit in the making and you will win.
    Let me know what you decide to do! We support you!
  6. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from jackie's journey in Coworkers talking.. "she had something done"   
    First, let me say, it isn't anyone's business but yours. If your boss says anything to anyone, it is a violation of the HIPPA law.
    As for your bosses advice to tell them, remind your boss politely that it his/her opinion is appreciated but not warranted as this is your health history and your private medical information.
    As for your colleagues who are noticing a change, if you don't want to tell them HOW you are losing weight, but know they will keep asking until you tell them something (because you can't get them off your back) do what I did!
    I told them that I am exercising (which you are) and eating a high Protein diet with limited natural carbs -PALEO of sorts (which you are). I tell them I gave up white sugar, refined and processed carbs and food, (causes me to dump which they don't need to know) and I stay away from dairy (high fat makes me dump and I am lactose intolerant)/]. You aren't lying, you've thrown them a bone and who cares what they really think. I lost 33 pounds on the Protein drinks BEFORE I had any surgery. That's the God's truth!
    They are not privileged to know your medical history and it will keep them off your back. Alienating them by not saying anything will be frustrating for you, especially if they are persistent, but they DON"T get to know anything you don't want them to know.
    PS. IF your boss says anything, it's a lawsuit in the making and you will win.
    Let me know what you decide to do! We support you!
  7. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from jackie's journey in Coworkers talking.. "she had something done"   
    First, let me say, it isn't anyone's business but yours. If your boss says anything to anyone, it is a violation of the HIPPA law.
    As for your bosses advice to tell them, remind your boss politely that it his/her opinion is appreciated but not warranted as this is your health history and your private medical information.
    As for your colleagues who are noticing a change, if you don't want to tell them HOW you are losing weight, but know they will keep asking until you tell them something (because you can't get them off your back) do what I did!
    I told them that I am exercising (which you are) and eating a high Protein diet with limited natural carbs -PALEO of sorts (which you are). I tell them I gave up white sugar, refined and processed carbs and food, (causes me to dump which they don't need to know) and I stay away from dairy (high fat makes me dump and I am lactose intolerant)/]. You aren't lying, you've thrown them a bone and who cares what they really think. I lost 33 pounds on the Protein drinks BEFORE I had any surgery. That's the God's truth!
    They are not privileged to know your medical history and it will keep them off your back. Alienating them by not saying anything will be frustrating for you, especially if they are persistent, but they DON"T get to know anything you don't want them to know.
    PS. IF your boss says anything, it's a lawsuit in the making and you will win.
    Let me know what you decide to do! We support you!
  8. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from jackie's journey in Coworkers talking.. "she had something done"   
    First, let me say, it isn't anyone's business but yours. If your boss says anything to anyone, it is a violation of the HIPPA law.
    As for your bosses advice to tell them, remind your boss politely that it his/her opinion is appreciated but not warranted as this is your health history and your private medical information.
    As for your colleagues who are noticing a change, if you don't want to tell them HOW you are losing weight, but know they will keep asking until you tell them something (because you can't get them off your back) do what I did!
    I told them that I am exercising (which you are) and eating a high Protein diet with limited natural carbs -PALEO of sorts (which you are). I tell them I gave up white sugar, refined and processed carbs and food, (causes me to dump which they don't need to know) and I stay away from dairy (high fat makes me dump and I am lactose intolerant)/]. You aren't lying, you've thrown them a bone and who cares what they really think. I lost 33 pounds on the Protein drinks BEFORE I had any surgery. That's the God's truth!
    They are not privileged to know your medical history and it will keep them off your back. Alienating them by not saying anything will be frustrating for you, especially if they are persistent, but they DON"T get to know anything you don't want them to know.
    PS. IF your boss says anything, it's a lawsuit in the making and you will win.
    Let me know what you decide to do! We support you!
  9. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from BLERDgirl in When will it get better?   
    So much of what we deal with has nothing to do with the weight loss after the surgery; it is the mental battle. The fact that food was our emotional support, our comfort and our go to crisis coping mechanism makes the surgery for some very hard as that comfort is now gone.
    I have redirected myself and continue to have to do so...instead of eating to relieve stress or find comfort, I walk or play a game online or read or.....You have to find something to replace the food as a "go to relationship" for issues.
    The mental battle is real and talking with someone about it can really help. Being on here and seeing that others go through what we go through really helps. I hope you don't really regret the surgery...I have found that I feel so much better physically and have more energy and I am 7 months out down 112 pounds.
    I am in a stall phase and while that stinks, it forces me to look at how I am caring for myself...am I getting enough Protein, calories, exercise etc...
    My focus is on a healthier me and one that will feel good for years to come. This helps me to be more self confident, self assured in my decisions and my life as well as a kinder and more understanding person.
    The doctor retrained your stomach; now it's up to us to retrain our brains and our hearts
    Thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you
  10. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from filmgal in I'm stuck in Plato   
    We all hit plateau's It's ok! Just check that you are getting in all your Protein, Water and that your caloric intake is upwards of 800 calories. Also, check that you are not "stopped up" and going poo-poo at least every other day. If not, dulcolax will help. I went through it about 1 month - 6 weeks after surgery and still have trouble once in a while.
    My plateau/stall lasted for a month, but then I started back up. Your body has to adjust to it's new idea of losing weight and an stall here and there, is to be expected.
    You are doing really well! Keep your chin up This is only a bump in the road!
  11. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from filmgal in I'm stuck in Plato   
    We all hit plateau's It's ok! Just check that you are getting in all your Protein, Water and that your caloric intake is upwards of 800 calories. Also, check that you are not "stopped up" and going poo-poo at least every other day. If not, dulcolax will help. I went through it about 1 month - 6 weeks after surgery and still have trouble once in a while.
    My plateau/stall lasted for a month, but then I started back up. Your body has to adjust to it's new idea of losing weight and an stall here and there, is to be expected.
    You are doing really well! Keep your chin up This is only a bump in the road!
  12. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Jorrin in Feeling full and left side pain   
    I have lost 96 lbs since June 30th. Initially, it consumes your every thought, but as time passes, it gets easier to work into your life and the weight loss is tremendously motivating!
    You can do it!
  13. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Naynay31 in Feeling full and left side pain   
    I had a lot of gas after surgery and lived on Gas X strips - they were a lifesaver. I also had to use dolcolax and still do from time to time as I have a very "slow" system. When this happens my stomach feels very full.
    I still have trouble wanting to eat at all, but when my energy dips, I get cranky and know I need to eat.
    Still have trouble getting in all my Protein and Water....but we are a work in progress
    Hang in there

  14. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Dhdhshhshd in NEW (: GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY DONE 10.28.14   
    Way to go ladies! I believe this will be a really awesome experience for you! I only wish I had done this when I was younger. I had surgery on June 30, 2014 and have had no complications. Followed Dr. order's and all is well. I have lost
    85 lbs in the last 4 months and life is good. I don't hurt anymore and can physically be more active.
    This is a great support network and filled with good answers to questions. Just know that not all Dr.'s follow the same procedures so be sure to double check everything with your Dr. or nutritionist.
    Looking forward to supporting you in your journey!
  15. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Sensarah in PREGNANT AND ONLY 1 MONTH POST OP!   
    No matter how it has happened, a baby is a blessing. I think through careful eating and monitoring by both your bariatric surgeon and your ob/gyn you will have it all covered. I do believe both need to be in contact with each other so that both you and the baby are healthy.
    Please keep us posted and know you are in my prayers!
  16. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from ShonIsLove in Typical meal 6 months & one year out?   
    I am almost 4 months post op and am able to eat all kinds of things. Each tummy is different and what works for one sometimes just doesn't work for another. I can eat about a cup of food - 8 ounces. I never finish a normal size portion ever.
    When I go out, I modify everything most of the time. I ask for sauces and dressings on the side and avoid anything fried.
    I take a lot home and eat left overs (which is something I NEVER did before!)
    Sometimes I order off the children's menu and that is just the perfect amount. My body does super well with all kind of veggies, chicken and fish. My tummy doesn't like anything fried or sugary.
    I avoid eating starches like potatoes, corn, bread, chips etc... I avoid anything that has refined sugar in it and I drink mostly Water, with an occasional unsweetened ice tea, cup of coffee. I don't drink diet soda's nor do I drink pre-sweetened anything. I eat my Protein and veggies first and this helps me to stay on track. If you order from a menu that serves you in courses, eat 10 bites of salad, one leaf at a time, saving room for your Protein. I eat 3 bites of protein to one bite of veggies. I save the bread for my treat at the end of the meal if I want one.
    As for going out with company, I eat out all the time. I have lost 80 lbs since my RNY gastric bypass on June 30, 2014.
    I am continuing to have a Protein shake every morning and it helps with my energy and stamina too!
    Don't be afraid to experiment with different foods when you start out, but go for food that is more "in it's original form" and plain. Don't be afraid to ask for it to be made a special way or without sauce etc...
    Hope this helps! Best wishes
  17. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from ShonIsLove in Typical meal 6 months & one year out?   
    I am almost 4 months post op and am able to eat all kinds of things. Each tummy is different and what works for one sometimes just doesn't work for another. I can eat about a cup of food - 8 ounces. I never finish a normal size portion ever.
    When I go out, I modify everything most of the time. I ask for sauces and dressings on the side and avoid anything fried.
    I take a lot home and eat left overs (which is something I NEVER did before!)
    Sometimes I order off the children's menu and that is just the perfect amount. My body does super well with all kind of veggies, chicken and fish. My tummy doesn't like anything fried or sugary.
    I avoid eating starches like potatoes, corn, bread, chips etc... I avoid anything that has refined sugar in it and I drink mostly Water, with an occasional unsweetened ice tea, cup of coffee. I don't drink diet soda's nor do I drink pre-sweetened anything. I eat my Protein and veggies first and this helps me to stay on track. If you order from a menu that serves you in courses, eat 10 bites of salad, one leaf at a time, saving room for your Protein. I eat 3 bites of protein to one bite of veggies. I save the bread for my treat at the end of the meal if I want one.
    As for going out with company, I eat out all the time. I have lost 80 lbs since my RNY gastric bypass on June 30, 2014.
    I am continuing to have a Protein shake every morning and it helps with my energy and stamina too!
    Don't be afraid to experiment with different foods when you start out, but go for food that is more "in it's original form" and plain. Don't be afraid to ask for it to be made a special way or without sauce etc...
    Hope this helps! Best wishes
  18. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Wmwallace in Regrets? ?   
    I am 3 months out and it is still the BEST decision I have ever made for myself. No medical problems, fewer health problems and I feel fantastic physically, emotionally and spiritually. So very happy and not one regret
  19. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from pik in My hair has gotten so thin   
    I am 3 months post op and mine has been coming out also. I understand that it can happen and that some of it has to do with anesthesia in addition to having the surgery. Most say there's comes back and some use Biotin Shampoo and find that really helps.
    With chemo and surgery, I think you may be double whammied, so to speak. I would talk with your doctor and see if they recommend upping your Vitamin D3 and B12 in addition to adding Biotin shampoo.
    Bless you,
  20. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from ranece in 5wks till surgery and I have a few questions...   
    Good morning
    My gastric bypass was on June 30, 2014. I went in on Monday and came out on Wednesday. I could drive as long as I was not on any pain meds. I didn't feel any pain when I went home, except for a little gas, so I was off pain meds when I left the hospital. I waited a couple days but was driving by Saturday.
    It varies from person to person and I would anticipate at least one week. If you feel well enough, aren't on pain meds and are not exhausted, then drive
    Being that I am single, I didn't have any assistance at home and did just fine. No lifting 15lbs or more for a while though.
    May need to work with your children, so they know they will need to crawl into your lap instead of you picking them up
    Good Luck - I know you will do fantastically well!
  21. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from angelicHG7 in Hospital Stay   
    I went in on Monday morning and left Wednesday at noon. I had no complications, no pain afterwards and had since had no issues. My surgery was June 30, 2014 and I am on all foods now.
    It's tough getting in all the Protein, but other than that I am great!! Back teaching with no issues!
  22. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from 2cute2bbig in my new addiction   
    If you love Peanut Butter, try Peanut Butter Protein balls.
    1C PB2
    1C Protein powder - your choice of flavor
    1C Steel Cut oats
    1/4 C Natural, unsweetened applesauce
    Mix together and then roll in more oats to keep them from being to sticky!
    One batch = ~17 balls
    Each ball has 72.7 calories and 5 -6 grams of Protein.< /p>
  23. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from RNBSN786 in Not enough food?   
    Here's what my day looks like:
    Breakfast: Dannon Fit and Light Greek Yogurt and 3 Protein balls = 27 g
    Lunch: 5 oz. chicken breast = 35 g Protein
    dinner will be: 4 - 5 oz of flounder = 28 - 35 g protein
    I may have a 1/2 c cottage cheese for a snack and that will put me over my needed amount.
    I started eating 1 oz at a time. Then pushed to 2 oz, then 3 oz….etc…I am now up to 5 oz and can eat comfortably at that. That's where I want to be. I make sure I get in protein first and if I am full (which I usually am) I don't eat anything more, but perhaps a sugar free popsicle at night as a treat!
  24. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from MisPetunia in Is sleeping on your side safe within the first few days/weeks post op?   
    Ditto - side sleeping since the surgery. If you have no pain, you're fine
  25. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from 2cute2bbig in my new addiction   
    If you love Peanut Butter, try Peanut Butter Protein balls.
    1C PB2
    1C Protein powder - your choice of flavor
    1C Steel Cut oats
    1/4 C Natural, unsweetened applesauce
    Mix together and then roll in more oats to keep them from being to sticky!
    One batch = ~17 balls
    Each ball has 72.7 calories and 5 -6 grams of Protein.< /p>

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
