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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  2. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  3. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from SugarFreeMe in Why do I always feel hungry?!   
    I agree with head hunger. I realized the 2 weeks post surgery that I wasn't hungry, but my brain kept telling me I should eat something. It is weird because my stomach and my brain tell me different things.
    I realized I needed to find things to do or the overeating issue would still be there!
    You can do it! When I feel like a need something, I go for one sugar free popsicle. I feel like I've had a treat and it helps with hydration!
  4. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Dawnakers in People Won't Cater to You   
    I have been out to dinner with friends since my gastric bypass and ordered broth. I made the decision to change and so I will need to do all the modifying. One thing I keep thinking about is that I was raised to offer to bring something when invited to a dinner or party. By suggesting to bring something, I guarantee that there will be something there that I can eat.
    On the flip side, I have friends who have food allergies and every time we have a get together, they ask everyone if they have any food issues so that they might be kind in accommodating others needs. They are absolutely lovely people and I am blessed to have friends such as this.
    In the end, I do feel it is up to me though!
  5. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  6. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from DaronB in Nervous ..   
    Hi Stacyann,
    My surgery was on June 30, 2014 and while I was not outwardly nervous the day I had surgery, my blood pressure said something totally different! I have never had high blood pressure at all, but the day of my surgery when they checked, it was 204! Little beepers went off! I realized I was internally scared, but had only found bariatric pal two days before my surgery.
    After about 5 minutes of deep breathing and telling myself that so many people I knew had surgery with the Dr. I had also chosen, my blood pressure came down to 130/74 and I got a hold of myself!
    I had a drain and it did not bother me, but the last day it began to be a little sore. I had stopped taking pain meds and it was not painful - just sore. Because I was checking out that day they took it out.
    I took a deep breath, clenched my tummy muscles and it was a breeze when they took it out. No pain.
    The drain hole healed up very quickly, too! 7 days after surgery it was healed and is the size of a pencil eraser.
    My surgeon used an anesthetic pack for my stomach. It was a pouch that I wore around my neck and two little bitty (and I mean super tiny) tubes delivered anesthetic directly to my stomach during my hospital stay. So I really felt very little, if any pain after surgery.
    Once I came home, other than needing a nap in the afternoons and trying to make sure I walked, I really have had no pain. When I did have pain I found it was from becoming lactose intolerant - a very common issue after surgery. Lactose free milk is just plain gentler on your stomach and once I switched, it has been great.
    I am due for my 2 week post op appointment in 5 days and other than drinking shakes for meals, I don't feel like I have had surgery. No pain, no discomfort. I know everyone's different, but I want you to know the my truth. I also had many friends and family praying for me and that feeling surrounded me as I took comfort in knowing I was cared for.
    Keep asking questions and know that we are all in this together. (No high school musical song pun intended!)
  7. Like
    Lissapmkn1 reacted to Ginger Snaps in I'm here! I made it!   
    Wishing you an uncomplicated surgery and recovery and wild success in your efforts!
  8. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Dreamin Again in Post Surgery Accolades - tell me the good stuff!   
    Hi all June 20 surgery gals and beyond -
    I am four days post op and so excited! No pain, just a few little burpies The staff at Del Sol Bariatric Clinic in El Paso, Texas are outstanding! Kind, generous, always explaining everything and just really caring. Additionally, Dr. Acosta's office staff are amazing! I am so thankful that Dr. Acosta was my surgeon and that I had amazing care. Down 35 lbs since I started the pre-diet and am not on full liquids. 12 days to my post op visit where I will be cleared for soft foods.
    I am dreaming of what i will look like in another year and am so excited! How about you ladies! What are your post surgery plans!
  9. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from m_rose in Pre-surgery meltdown   
    Hi !
    I am in my hotel tonight with t-minus 8 hours to my surgery! Excited, ready and wanna get this done. Nervous? A little. Worried? A little. But ready! See you all on the flip side.
  10. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from m_rose in Pre-surgery meltdown   
    Hi !
    I am in my hotel tonight with t-minus 8 hours to my surgery! Excited, ready and wanna get this done. Nervous? A little. Worried? A little. But ready! See you all on the flip side.
  11. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from m_rose in Pre-surgery meltdown   
    Hi !
    I am in my hotel tonight with t-minus 8 hours to my surgery! Excited, ready and wanna get this done. Nervous? A little. Worried? A little. But ready! See you all on the flip side.
  12. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Dawnakers in Pre-surgery meltdown   
    My surgery is Monday also - hang in there! You can do it!
    I cried tonight over something ridiculous and then promptly started cleaning my house - crazy cleaning! I also started informing people of where things are in case I don't make it…….so I am right there with you! Any surgery is risky, but I have had a broken neck repaired, hysterectomy, broken shoulder and the surgeons have been skilled and the nursing care excellent. Several people who have had my surgeon perform the gastric bypass were ecstatic with the care they received and have had only positive results. Being a person of faith also helps me to get through the rough and rocky Patches - like everyday of the shakes! lol!
    Tomorrow I drive 4 hours to where my surgery will take place and stay in a hotel the night before. Never had to do that before!
    I am excited and nervous, but have faith that I would not be on this journey if it weren't the right one for me.
    I will be thinking of all of you having surgery on Monday and sending you positive thoughts and energy!
  13. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from AshleePage in 2 week liquid diet   
    I am on my last day of shakes! YES! The only thing I have had in the last two weeks was a couple of cups of broth! My surgery is on Monday and I am so excited! Hang in there gals! We are on our way to being healthy, happy and thinner Hugs <3
  14. Like
    Lissapmkn1 reacted to lisamedinafw in How about some NSVs!?!?   
    I have become very aware and sensitive to people I am close to who still struggle with these issues. My brother and my best friend are both considerably overweight. When I'm out with either one of them I make an effort to ask for a table instead of a booth so they'll be more comfortable. I remember what it was like to not fit in a booth!
  15. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  16. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  17. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from Angelkeeper4 in Top 10 things you want to be able to do after the surgery   
    My surgery is on Monday in El Paso, Tx with Dr. Acosta and I am so excited I can barely wait!
    My Top Ten Things:
    10. I want to go shopping with a friend and not have to go to "my specialty store" but rather try on clothes at the same store!
    9. Being that I love to travel, being able to ride in a plane comfortably without people desperately trying NOT to sit near me would be fantastic! So humiliating, especially all the way to Europe.
    8. I would like to never, ever hear again in my life that I have a beautiful face and IF I lost the weight……ugh….story of my life.
    7. I would love to be able to ride a bike and swim in public without glaring stares.
    6. I would love to ride the rides at amusement parks
    5. I would like to walk into a room and sit comfortably in the first chair I see instead of scanning the room for the largest chair or squeezing into one for a 2 hour meeting.
    4. I would love to have the physical energy and ability to take care of my home and my yard.
    3. I would love to be able to commit to someone without fear of rejection due to my weight.
    2. I would love to be at a healthy weight before my parents pass away.
    1. I would love to be married.
  18. Like
    Lissapmkn1 got a reaction from BeagleLover in Two days post op. Still on 2 oz.   
    Congratulations! 3 oz, huh? I am having mine on Monday and will be following you to see how you do
    Hang in there and remember your goals

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