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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by finediva

  1. finediva

    Soooo gross!

    Well how much cake did you eat at two months out?
  2. AND THIS IS WHY I TOLD NO ONE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! Ok, no longer screaming. So you shared your decision and now your family is on fat loss watch with you. They are also policing your food intake. Three ways to handle these issues. One, stop going to the functions, when asked why you didn't attend......"I want to attend, but don't want to spend the entire time time discussing my surgery, weigh loss and food choices". Two, go, but don't respond to comments, just keep moving away. Yes, it sounds rude to do so, but its rude for them to focus on and point out your weight l Ioss or lack of. Maybe they will get the hint and realize you don't want to discuss it. Three, go off on the the first person that brings it up as vsgann said....hissy fit. Put them on blast and be done with with already! Hope your daughter is still a little goober so mummy having a hissy fit will not be remembered.
  3. How is it possible that at 5ft3ins and 177lbs I an able to fit into size 10 slacks? I'm I really a size 14 in clothes made back in tge 1980s and 1990s?

    1. finediva


      Icanmakeit..theses are very well made liz clairborne slacks at J*p***y right now. I can't believe you would also wear the 10. You would have to be in the 4 or 6 at 30+ pounds lighter than I am. Don't get me wrong, I loved when the 12 was too big and I had to put on the 10, which fit perfectly. But still weired. And yes, I heard about vanity sizing about 10 yrs ago. At this rate I guess I will be able to say I wear a 6 if I continue to lose.

    2. Jordan861


      Back 8 years ago I lost (atkins diet 92 lbs gained most back over the years) Got to 176 and only lost to a size 14. This time (Sleeve) it all Depends on the clothing - boot cut jeans - baggy in waist tight in legs size 14, trouser pants (wide legs) size 12 gaping at the waist fits well in the hips, skirt size 12 - fits waist, snug in hips.... I weigh 178 and stand 5'5".. it is all in the sizing and the makers of the clothing. I have just learned to try on the clothes if they are very snug close to too tight (get them you will lose to them by the time you know it (I am still in the 1st year. If they are to big or fit now put them back you may only get to wear them once.

    3. BladeFox


      Yep, I am thinking that I need to stay away from the plus sizes because a 16-18 in these sizes are too baggy. I believe that to accommodate for our waist sizes in this new America they had to make some sizing alterations. I am 6'0" - 246 pounds and fitting in a size 16. This is unfathomable, plus, I am moving to a regular size 18 shortly because the fit in the legs and waist don't work any longer. It makes it hard to find the right fit when shopping.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. I'm very sensitive to salt. Too much will make me hang on to several pounds of fluids for days, so frustrating. So I haven't tried any kind of jerky. I may buy a dehydrator and try making my own. But a few times a week I boil several eggs and keep in the fridge, unpeeled. If I have to run out, I take two with me in a glass container. I also keep almonds in my car. Two boiled eggs, almonds and a bottle of water have saved the day many times over.
  5. I would never fry chicken at home, but on occasion when I was on a food binge, I would go to my favorite fast food fried chicken place, order the 10 piece, eat at least 4 to 5 peices sitting in the car, and finish most of the remainder in the next few hours. Of course all this would be followed by intense guilt and the promise to start a new diet.
  6. finediva

    Im so sick of passive aggressive people.

    Between 2005 and 2007 I eliminated several family members and friends from my life. Now I enjoy calm peaceful days and nights! I don't wish any of them ill. I just don't wish them in my life.
  7. finediva

    Caffeine withdrawal!

    So what is your plan for the week before surgery?
  8. finediva

    Snacking Help!

    it just works out that way during the day. I eat breakfast, wait, drink water. Eat lunch, wait, drink water. Eat dinner, then drink my hot milk with cacao powder. I struggle to get my fluids in. So in between meals, I drinking the bloody water. I'm never thirsty. I really don't know when I would fit snacks in. Just when I start to get hungry, it's time to eat the next meal. Keeping up with the food and water is exhausting.
  9. finediva


    The only food I REALLY miss is a toasted bagel with cream cheese. It used to be my weekend treat.
  10. finediva

    Water vs. Herbal Tea

    @AvaFern. Finally, someone who has successfully lost weigh with this surgery admitted they have never drank 64ozs of plain water. Thank you! I have yet to drink 64ozs of plain water and struggle with this issue on a daily basis. Two weeks ago in desperation I went to the grocery and bought a couple boxes of herbal tea. I now drink a combination of plain water and warm herbal tea. I will now count my 10 ounce decaffeinated morning coffee also. Thank you!
  11. So your stomach stopped growling? I pray that I experience the same soon. The noises that emit from my stomach is so loud I try to either not eat around anyone, or eat a couple hours before I have to be in someone's presence. Imagine how difficult that is to schedule. Also, are you saying you were hungry after surgery and at five months the hunger went away? And are you no longer losing? I know, I'm full of questions, but I found your post very interesting as it highlighted so many of my own issues. Thanks.
  12. finediva

    Snacking Help!

    So why not the yummy yokes? I eat two whole eggs about 5 times a week. Actually want to eat more, but try not to. I don't snack, but I do drink homemade non fat hot cocoa most nights, ok, every night.
  13. finediva

    Im so torn on what to do.

    He is six. Easily distracted and comforted. Won't you be going to hospital to give birth, etc. How does a six year old make you reconsider surgery?
  14. finediva

    Is this wrong? Workplace fun!

    Question is did your coworkers find it funny? I guess they know of your surgery, right?
  15. Cake and pasta, smh. The quiche, just eat the filling. On the other hand, sorry about the setbacks. Hopefully everything will begin to settle soon.
  16. Tree is gorgeous! I may actually stop being lazy and put mine up. So glad you are home and on to better health. As a side note, have you thought about crushing the pills and putting in apple sauce, or letting them melt in small amount of liquid them swallowing?
  17. @@NewLife'sGr8. Well I know I won't do the plastic surgery route, but I'm really gonna try the squats. I still have 28 pounds to go and I'm so worried I'll be completely flat back there. For me, that would be so disappointing. Now my boobs went down, and I'm completely ok with that. I hated my overly large girls. Those I plan to get lifted, hopefully. Funny thing is I carry alot of fat in my calves. They are taking their time getting smaller, but my but is shrinking? SMH.
  18. Please, forgive me, but I'm laughing so hard right now tears are streaming down my face. Your description of your tummy. ...very, very funny. Ok, on another more important note. Is the baby healthy? Are you healthy? Big congratulations to you new monny to be. All the very best.
  19. Funny. My fear is that my butt would completely disappear. It really is my fear.
  20. finediva

    Complaining here...

    I'm 5 months out on the 18th of this month. I have never drank 64 ounces of plain water yet. 64ozs of fluids, yes. Plain water? No. I struggle daily with this. I just can't get it done. Maybe I would lose faster if I did get all the water in, I don't know. But I've given up feeling demoralize by not being able to do it. I never drank that much water before and I guess it's just taking me awhile. Funny, but I have no problem getting my protein, because I drink two cups of skin milk a day and get the rest of the protein from eggs, tuna, salmon and lots of chicken. But every day I get up and try for that elusive 64 ozs. I'm up to 48 - 54 on most days.
  21. finediva

    Chinese Food

    Most places will steam vegetables for you and you can ask for no MSG, salt etc. Chinese food is delish, but be careful as it is usually loaded with fat and salt. Well, which is why it taste so darn good.
  22. finediva

    You know you lost weight when

    When you enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror, from different angles! Just enjoy looking! Several times a day!
  23. finediva

    My 2nd month

    I too had big dreams and big hope of the fat melting off. Well, it didn't. Not for me. But taking my average, I have lost about 11 pounds per month. For the month of October I lost a big fat zero! Really?!! I actually broke down and cried in front of my surgeon at my three month visit. So, I've decided to go with the flow, because I have no choice. I'm somgreat full for what I have lost. Thirty years at over 200lbs. Thirty hurtful years. Thirty years of feeling less than. So, be great full for those pounds loss and be patient with your body. Best.
  24. Your doctor said 4ozs of fluids in 24 hrs is ok at one month out? Glad that you got medically checked out. BTW, what does your eating plan say about fruit at this stage? Maybe you need to check in with your NUT. Best.

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