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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by collybabe24

  1. Being a hopefullly soon to be Aussie bandit I can assure you there are plenty of surgeon available if you have any problems. What sort of visa are you coming out on - is it just a tourist visa - not being an Aussie citizen you wouldn't be covered by our public system so you would need to check out your own insurance or if travel insurance will cover it.

    Mind you, while medical treatment may not be the cheapest here it is considerably less than in the USA.

    Hiya i will be on a permanent residency visa, going to the sunshine coast, having op in uk then emmigrating to oz 10 days later, what is a fill? how often and how much am i looking at many thanks for your help coll

  2. Hiya im new to this site, i have been looking into having a lapband for a few months and have finall y made the decision to do so, i have a consultation on the 16th october and the op will be on the 1st of november, the only thing is today i have just received my visa grant to australia and fly there on the 10th of november, i have spoke to the consultant and he said that is fine no probs, but what happens after the op i am not having any after care, so can i get this in australia and what about band adjustments how often do you need this doing and can i get this done by another consultant in australia? sorry for all the questions but i am a little worried this op has cost me a fortune i dont want anything to go wrong, i need a bit of reassuring, thanks for listening, coll:confused:

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