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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by plevy

  1. Hello there--

    I'm like Clayverde-- I also was banded July 17 and have lost 55 lbs. I agree with everything she said. This is truly the best thing I have ever done for myself. The first weeks were hard, but once you start getting your fills, it's almost like magic. I am never hungry and can pass up sugar foods etc without any problem. I'm from the South and I even pass up PoBoys which use to be a weekly food for me. My husband still gets his, but it doesn't even bother me to have him eat it. And now that the weight is coming off--I feel great, which is something I couldn't say for a long time. I wish you all the luck I have had with my band and in 6 months I hope you will be posting a reply like this for someone just starting the journey. Happy losing and good luck--- :thumbup:

  2. I know you are excited. You remind me of me. I had so many questions--

    My doctor was Dr. Thomas. Very nice. I saw him one time before surgery and the day of surgery. The rest of the time I've seen either Allie or Christine.

    My hospital stay was overnight because my insurance required it. No one could stay because I did not have a private room. They said the hospital was full. If it wouldn't have been my husband could have stayed with me. Most of the time it is a same day surgery.

    I had my surgery July 17 of this year. I am very pleased with the results so far. The first weeks before surgery and after surgery are hard because you are on Optifast(or something similar) There is no restriction right after surgery. When you get your first fill is when restriction starts. I am still getting fills but I am almost there. I very seldom get hungry and when I do I don't eat half of what I use to.

    As far as pain medication-- they gave me liquid pain medication. It worked fine. It is uncomfortable after surgery. Mostly a pulling in the stomach where the port sight is. No more discomfort than any other surgery.

    I'll be checking my email, and if you have any other questions let me know, I'll be glad to answer any you have. :thumbup: Pat

  3. Hi there--

    It's been awhile since I have posted. Just wanted to answer your question about Surgical Specialists. I had my band in July and have lost a total of 53 pounds so far. The surgery and aftercare could not have been better. It is not a picnic, but well worth everything I went through. I am sure you will do well, and if you have any questions I can answer for you( I'm sure you'll have a lot) please respond to this answer and I will do my best to inform you as to what I know and have been through. Good luck to you and happy losing----:thumbup:

  4. Hi there all---

    I got my band on July 17 and think it is the greatest. I have lost 35 lbs so far. Have a long wayto go, but take it a day at a time. I have had two fills and am scheduled for a third on Monday. That is my biggest complaint is that I feel I have no restriction. I have not had any trouble eating anything. Still don't eat much red meat though. Just remember to follow your doctors orders. The two weeks before and until you get your first fill will be the hardest time to go through, after that it gets easy. Also my port sight was the one that hurt for about 3 weeks. I found it easier to sleep on a recliner for a few days. I was undecided about the surgery u until the day I had it done, but now I wouldn't trade it for anything. I feel I am slowly but surely getting my life back. If I can help with any questions or just support, please reply----:tongue::thumbup::tongue::thumbup:

  5. Hi there---

    I am 6 weeks out from surgery and so far do not regret one minute. It took about four weeks before I felt like I could do anything after surgery, but now I'm in pretty good shape. The main thing to remember is like I was told--Give yourself time to heal after the surgery--Good luck to all of you. If you post any questions, I'll try to answer from my experience so far, but each person is different. Have patience and follow the doctors orders. I'll be waiting to hear from you all either before or after surgery.:biggrin:

  6. Hi there--- I am five weeks out from being banded and had my first fill. The soreness and gas are all part of it. It took about 3 weeks before I got my first good nights sleep. I spent a number of nights on my recliner because I couldn't stand to lay in bed. It does get better, so hang in there and give yourself time to heal. Just think of the end result. I will tell you like the other lady did. I am 62 years old, and if I can do it you can. Email if you have any other questions...Good Luck:thumbup:

  7. My surgery was July 17 with Surgical Specalists of Louisiana. My doctor was Dr. Thomas. He was wonderful. Before surgery he explained everything very thoroughly, so I knew exactly what to expect. I get my first fill next Friday and everything has been great. I recommend Surgical Specialist to anyone thinking about weight loss surgery. They are A1 in my book.

  8. Hi Lacie--I was banded on 7-17-08. I have had a lot of trouble with the stretching and pulling feeling of the muscles around my port. Also sleeping (but I think that's because I can't get comfortable. I'll keep in touch and you do the same. I live in Slidell, Louisiana and had my surgery at The Surgical Hospital here.:wink2:

  9. Hi there--I am also two week out from surgery and I still can't get comfortable in bed and in the morning when I wake up it feels like the musles in my stomach are pulling apart. My fill is also 4 weeks out. I just hope I'm not eating too much. I eat the right things, but there are no proportion amounts that I can find. I too get very tired when I do hardly nothing. I don't feel my port, but I did have the second biggest incision open up on me. Called my doctor and all is well now. Thanks for any help.

  10. Help--I don't think I have any restriction at all. Have not had trouble eating anything so far. I am 16 days from surgery. Haven't had any meats yet. I feel I may be eating too much. My next appt for my first fill is 4 weeks away. Anybody in the same situation?

    Also how long does it take before the feeling that your insides are going to fall out in bed and when you sit too long goes away. I'm still awfully sore. Thanks for the replies---

  11. Hi you guys. I thought you got lost. Glad all are doing OK. My biggest problem is sleeping at night. I don't think I have any restriction at all. I've eaten everything so far that was on the list they gave us without any problem. It is still kind sore around the port site. None of the tape has fallen off yet. Are you all the same way? Let me know---

  12. I know what you mean about second thoughts. I felt I was more than ready and the night before I had anxious moments about was this right for me. Now I know I did the right thing. Even losing a small amout of the weight I have to loose, I feel better. Chin up--Take it a day at a time. That's my motto now. Keep in touch. If you have any questions etc: I'll try to help with what I have experienced.....

  13. Hi KarenIn--Glad to hear you are doing well on the two week diet. I didn't find it bad at all. I'd been on worse diets. Where are you having your surgery? Mine was at The Surgical Hospital in Slidell, La. Everything went very smoothly. Hope all goes as well for you. Keep in touch---:thumbup:

  14. Hello all you bansters!!! I'm back--This is my sixth day from surgery. All is well. I got to eat applesauce and pudding today. Don't have much of an appetite. Hope this continues. Almost have to force myself to get the Protein etc: I need everyday. Port site is still a little sore, but nothing I can't put up with. For all you guys out there GO FOR IT---I felt last Thursday was the first day of the rest of my healthy life.:)

  15. Hi Emily111! I know what you mean about the port incision. That one hurts and burns on me also. Did you have an incision about 3" on one of the sights? That is the one that is bothering me the most. Got to eat some yogurt today and things seem to be going down better. I think I was trying to get everything down too fast yesterday instead of sipping. Keep up te good work---

  16. Hi everyone!!! Got banded Thursday. everything went as scheduled. Dr. Thomas had to do a hernia repair with it. Still on liquid and Protein Drinks til Monday. I reall don't feel like eating anything though. No hunger so far. My stomach feels like a mac truck hit it though. All in all I'm doing alright. Hope Nanaislosingit , VirginiaAnn and Emily 111 are doing well. I'll be back in a couple of days. Just wanted to let everyone know my status now.;)

  17. Hi Nanaislosingit and Emily111--- Thought of you all today while I was going through my clear liquid process. What a bummer!!!! Your surgeries should be over and I hope everything went perfect. Mine is tomorrow--anxious and excited feelings. Will be in touch in a few days---

  18. I am so excited, can't wait. Nanaislosingit and Emily111 good luck to both of you tomorrow. So glad VirginiaAnn is doing well. What did you both have today for a clear liquid diet. I'm at a loss as to what I can have tomorrow. I wasn't going to eat anything to much. My prayers will be with both of you tomorrow. We will all ahve to keep in touch afterwards. I already met VirginiaAnn by accident when we were going for our preops, but maybe one day in the future we can all meet somewhere. Til then we have the internet. Again best of luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you both.:embaressed_smile:

  19. Hi VirginiaAnn--

    Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today and had you in my prayers, hoping everything went OK. I met with Dr. Thomas today and everything is set for Thursday. I got my Golden Key today (as he called it) for surgery. Will contact you after Thursday. Keep your chin up. Should get better everyday for you now.:embaressed_smile:

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