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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by sectrusts

  1. I am thinking about having a full tummy tuck since losing weight but concerned about the risk. Has anyone out there gone through this and what were your results. Were you glad you did it? Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  2. sectrusts

    Cannot stomach protein shakes

    I'd try a different brand. unjury was the only one I could stand. Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  3. sectrusts

    Tyenol / cold meds?

    Check with your bariatric doctors office!!! Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  4. Don't stress it. Be honest with the person. They are just wanting to help you be emotionally ready for this journey. I have depression as well.... I would guess most people needing this surgery have it. That's not going to be a problem. Remember...Just relax and be honest. ???? Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  5. sectrusts

    Skin removal surgery

    Super helpful. Thank you! Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  6. sectrusts

    Buddy for reset after sleeve

    Taylor..... I had surgery 2 1/2 years ago. It seems like I have to reset every year right after Christmas. Ugh....What I have done is take 1-2 days of liquid diet....Then get serious about exercise and try to keep calories between 1000-1100. That usually does it for me. I'd be more than happy to be your buddy through this. Hang in there and let me know if you need an ear. Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  7. sectrusts


    I think I waited 2 weeks Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  8. sectrusts


    Don't want to discourage you but it can take up to 18 months for hormones to level out. Hang in there. Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  9. sectrusts

    Any Michiganders?!

    I'm from Sturgis. Right on the Indiana border. 2 1/2 years post op. Sent from my Moto G (4) using the BariatricPal App
  10. sectrusts

    pcp visit

    Well....I visited my primary care physician this morning. He is thrilled with my progress. That was encouraging because it feels like it is going slowly. Slight infection from where the drain was but otherwise everything is looking good. I am thankful for that. I am feeling depressed still, but as the doc said, anyone who gets to drink protein 6 times a day and call it food is bound to feel depressed, so know that even that is going to get better. So, am feeling more hopeful today than yesterday. One day at a time....one right decision at a time....one pound at a time. I've got this!
  11. sectrusts

    What I will gain when I lose

    I woke up this morning thinking of all the things that I can't have. Not the greatest, most positive thinking, but that is where I was. So I decided to go off a thread here and focus today on what I will gain. 1. freedom from food 2. smaller clothes 3. the ability to buy cute clothes anywhere for MUCH LESS MONEY 4. more room in my suit case (fat clothes take a lot of space!) 5. getting in and out of the bathtub without getting stuck. 6. sitting at a booth in a restaurant without getting stuck or feeling my gut hang over the table 7. more comfortable in movie theatre seating 8. better sex 9. look better 10. feel better I will have to continue adding to this list in the days ahead to keep my mind on the positive things rather than the negative. YOU CAN DO THIS, SHARI!!!! REMEMBER YOU ARE STUBBORN - LET THAT WORK FOR YOU!
  12. sectrusts

    Just Wierd!

    Today is the first day that I can add something to my diet (beside protein shakes). I made drinkable oatmeal this morning. My tummy didn't love that, but maybe 1/2 cup is too much. Then for dinner I just had 1/4 cup of pudding. That wasn't so bad. Still feel pretty full though. Isn't it weird that 1/4 cup of ANYTHING makes me feel full. CRAZY! Oh well..... I have been sitting here thinking about what it will be like to buy clothes in a small size. I am really looking forward to that.
  13. sectrusts


    Well....I just had my surgery on Tuesday and here it is Saturday evening and I am afraid to go to sleep. I was asleep earlier to night but then was woke up violently coughing. Those of you who have already had the surgery know that coughing is not your favorite thing in the world. It hurts!!! I means, really hurts! Anyway, so because it's the weekend and I'm not going to go back to sleep until I am sure it isn't going to happen again, I call the on-call doctor. Turns out that it is re-flux. Hmmmm...didn't see that coming. So - the on-call doctor just told me to sleep sitting up. So, after a while here I will once again try to go to sleep. Feeling a bit silly for calling the doctor again today (had an allergy issue earlier today), but at least he was kind and listened to me and gave me good advise. I am thinking it is going to be a long night tonight. I was really hoping my weary husband would get a solid night of sleep tonight, but hey....take two right. I will just continue to remind myself that this is going to be worth it, I can do this. Now I just have to remember the montra: Sip, Sip, Sip, Suck, Suck, Suck, Walk, Walk, Walk, Slow and Steady. I can do this! I CAN DO THIS! I WILL DO THIS!
  14. sectrusts

    Thinking of surgery, Can you relate?

    It took me 10 years and many, many, many failed attempts of dieting on my own before I was finally willing to have the surgery, but I am glad I did. Could I do this on my own? Maybe. Would it last? No. My deciding factors were simple for me (when I finally go there!) - two people lose the same amount of weight - one with surgery, one on their own - both are seemingly healthy. However, the person who DIDN'T have the surgery is still at a much higher risk of weight related diseases than the one who had the surgery. That was pointed out to me by a physician and the decision was made for me. I am just a week post-op, but no regret whatsoever!!!
  15. sectrusts

    I went!

    Congrats! Good job!
  16. sectrusts


    I love your candor. I too am a Christian deal with the same feelings.
  17. sectrusts

    Emotional Journey

    I have come to the conclusion that this is going to be a highly emotional journey. Yesterday was a BAD day. Got my meds stuck! ICK. Felt nasty, and wanted to eat! I mean REALLY WANTED TO EAT. Somehow I thought that because I wouldn't be able to eat that somehow I wouldn't want to eat. Not true. I am so thankful for my dear sweet husband though. Last night at the dinner table I sat and wept over my protein drinks because I was so weary of fighting my desire for food all day. He came over and gave me a hug and then prayed over me right there that God would walk right beside me and help me overcome this temptation to eat. Such a dear man!!! And you know - it helped. I am sure that I am going to have other battles of will in the future, but then and there my desire for food was gone. I ate my protein, went and hung out with some friends and was just fine. I am not great with "the journey" things - I like instant - run and done. But I am going to have to keep in mind that this is a journey. There are going to be good and bad days. There will be days that I can't help but smile because of weight lose, progress made, smaller clothes, more energy, etc.....but there will also be days when I want food and I want it now. I do wonder if this is how an addict feels. Feel bad for them if that is the case! I CAN DO THIS ~ I WILL DO THIS ~ WITH MY MIGHTY WARRIOR I WILL BE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR!!!!!
  18. sectrusts

    hopeful and energetic

    6/23/14 Today I am feeling so much better that I am loving life. It is still weird to have to drink and eat protein shakes when I'd rather do neither, but I am getting 'er done! I am feeling encouraged and excited to see what the future is going to hold for me. I'm glad I had the operation!
  19. sectrusts


    Sorry you feel bad but gotta say I see a potential t- shirt here. Or maybe bariactric centers should have this written on their walls...of course in fancy script! Thanks for the laugh! Love that! I think I should get the t-shirt made for the staff at the doctors office! HA!
  20. sectrusts


    The doctor gave me this breathing toy that I have to use 10 times an hour. Guess that would sound pretty funny if you didn't know what it was for.
  21. Hmmm....I look forward to many things. But #1 - I look forward to having more energy!
  22. Kimteehee, I just had surgery 4 days ago, and though I was off meds while in the hospital, the night I got home I started back on Wellbutrin. It probably depends on your doctor, but my doctors only request was that I crush the pill and it in something (pretty gross - but better than no meds!) I think that if you just keep in touch with your surgeon about this and don't be afraid to ask questions when in the hospital that you will be fine. Good luck on your surgery! You can do this!
  23. I just had surgery 4 days ago and I am already itchy. I figured it was just from were the skin is healing. But thanks to this post I know that I need to keep an eye on it to be sure it isn't anything else. Hope it heals soon for you.

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