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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ViciousVixen reacted to New Me Twentyfourteen in Pain on left side   
    I would call ur doc and get checked out. Very unlikely but could be incisional hernia. Better to contact doctor early. It's probably nothing but better to b safe then sorry ????
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    ViciousVixen reacted to kclaws in Primary dr visit tomorrow   
    Ok so this probably sounds so stupid, but I'm actually looking forward to going to the dr tomorrow. In the past I have dreaded stepping on the scale for the weigh in but tomorrow I'm exactly 3 months post-op and down 51.5 lbs so I'm kind of looking forward to the weigh in! Looking forward to watching the lb ticker not have to be put up to the 200 lb mark! Had to share because anyone else would really think I'm nuts! Lol!
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    ViciousVixen reacted to fat_free in Primary dr visit tomorrow   
    Oh baby, I get you on this one. I am 4 lbs away from onederland and tempted to go in just 'cause! (Once I'm under 200lbs of course). Congrats on doing so well!
  4. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to DarbiMolly in Needing lots of support   
    Girl, you don't need advice, you had the strength to get out of a relationship that would have been very miserable for you. That may be the toughest thing you will ever do! Good on you! You go girl!
  5. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to Jersrose43 in Needing lots of support   
    Congratulations on a fronts!
    I am very happy for you.
    Would recommend you take it one day at a time and know that you will come out on the other end a stronger happier healthier you
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    ViciousVixen reacted to InItToLoseIt2014 in Had to put on hold...now moving forward even through the grief   
    I went to my initial consultation in May. But my dad had a heart attack, and when they were putting in the stents, found out he had pulmonary fibrosis. He was in the hospital for a week and missed my daughter's high school graduation. He did come home and was at home for 5 days, before the ambulance had to be called to take him back to the hospital. That was on June 11. He was in the hospital for 10 days, and we all missed my niece's wedding. He passed away on June 20, surrounded by his wife of 52 years, both of his children, daughter-in-law, two of his grandchildren, and several other family members.
    I had decided when he first got sick to put the surgery off, then I found out when my insurance changes September 1 that the new company will not cover the surgery. I was going to go ahead and try to move forward with the appointments and helping care for my dad. Once he passed I just couldn't think about it for a few days. But with the encouragement of my mother and immediate family members, I am now moving forward.
    I have 2 of my 3 classes scheduled next week, as well as an appointment with a physician to get a letter of recommendation. The following Thursday I have my physch eval scheduled, and my third class the following week. I'm waiting patiently to hear from the NUT to schedule that. Getting everything done ASAP as I'm hoping I can get surgery scheduled before I have to go back to work mid-August. I really don't want to have to take any time off work.
    I've thought about having this surgery off and on for years, but honestly the remarks from people I would talk to about it, turned me away from it. I had finally decided I wanted to have it done, and the fact that my dad was supportive of my decision, helped me so much. So, not only am I having the surgery for me, and now having heart issues on both sides of my family...but I'm also having it in remembrance of my amazing father.
    This post is not to get words of sympathy...it is to tell my recent story. And for me to look back on and encourage me in the future.
  7. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to samanthar in 4 more months   
    Everything for my surgery even the follow ups and skin removal is covered. Thank god. My eval was about the same. Even asked if my family has any addiction problems. Oh boy do they. But I told him I'm not my family, I'm me.
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    ViciousVixen got a reaction from Dreamin Again in 4 more months   
    I had mine on Tuesday. It was a breeze. He just talked to me about my food addiction, asked questions about why I wanted this surgery, asked if I thought it was going to be easy and what I planned on doing to keep myself on track post sx.
  9. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to HealthyNewMe in Weight Gain   
    That is not a REAL weight gain. To gain two pounds, you would have had to consume 7000 calories more than you burned. That two pounds is a temporary fluctuation in your weight due to Water retention or not having had bowel elimination. Thus, the reason many of us do not weigh daily. Those temporary gains are just that...... temporary. Just keep to your plan, and you will succeed.
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    ViciousVixen reacted to slimmindown in Things you wish you knew!   
    btw unrelated to this ladys question, I was in NC last month and had the privilege of eating a hot krispy kreme donut.... it was amazing. yes i did a bad thing... still alive and on track
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    ViciousVixen reacted to Kindle in Can't stop losing!   
    But on the other hand, you are right in the middle of your normal BMI, so maybe your goal weight was just too high. If you are eating healthy, getting adequate calories, feeling good, and your bloodwork numbers are good, maybe your body just hasn't hit its new natural "normal" yet.
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    ViciousVixen got a reaction from MammaMac in Fitness tracker   
    I have a fitbit flex. It's the band style that counts your activity and sleep cycles! You can log your food intake, wt, Water etc on the app. The only thing I don't like about it is- it isn't able to calculate your weight lifting activities as it is a pedometer. So if you are like me and enjoy doing body pump it won't count that.
    But other than that I love it!!
  13. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to DeniseNCC1701 in Terrified   
    First, welcome to these message boards! You'll find a wealth of information here to support you through the process. And I too agree with previous posts that perhaps this is all too quick for you. Take your time with this decision. It's a major life change, and you need to commit 100%.
    Having said that, I will answer your questions as honestly as I can. I am 4 months post op. I started at 366 (with an all-time high of 380). I'm 5'6" and 49 years old. My weight is now 290, and I'm in the middle of a stall.
    1. Anyone out there with hypothyroidism? Yes I have hypothyroidism too. Pre-op I was close to maximum dosage, and at 3 months post op I had full blood work done and my numbers are normal, but still at the higher dosage of synthroid.

    2. ...The thought of having to center my eating around a piece of meat or fish...is making me cringe.... I'm lucky where I like meat, so it isn't an issue for me. But this should be a concern for you, as Protein will be the staple of you diet. It doesn't have to be animal-based: greek yogurt, soy Protein (though with hypothyroid, you might check with your physician/nutritionist on that), and Protein shakes would work too. You could also consider pureed Soups, stews, and chili as well, once you are cleared for those items.
    3. Heartburn - does everyone have to take acid medication after surgery or only some people? I never needed the heartburn medicine.
    4. I am already battling anemia...will this surgery make that battle even harder?
    I would imagine no here, but again, check with your physicians.
    5. Vitamins...the whole Vitamin taking sounds a little daunting. Does this get easier?
    I never had to crush up the Vitamins myself past the first week, and taking one a day is no big deal to me. If you are taking synthroid, just add it to your daily medications.
    6. Recovery- how long did it take most of you? I was lucky. I had surgery on a Monday. The first few days at home were rough. But by Fri/Sat, I was feeling better, and I was back to work that Monday: one week post-op. I started boot camp for exercise the following Monday (with my surgeon's blessing, of course).

    For me, this has been the best decision I have made (so far). I acknowledged right from the start that I needed to change some very fundamental things about myself in order for this to work, and I am working hard to build a strong foundation of support now, in the early stages, to help me through.
    And while the sleeve is a tool that make some things easier, the process is, by no means, easy. So take your time. Breathe. Process. And when you're ready, you'll know. Either way.
    Please be well, and keep us all posted!
  14. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to Ima Fox in Pain - Stomach or Incision?   
    Please contact your Drs. before the 4th. Good luck, Ladies. I hope you feel better soon.
  15. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to kolodey in 50 pound facial pic   
    Hit 50lb weight loss today 30 before surgery 20 since surgery. 6 weeks post op today

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    ViciousVixen got a reaction from Stephanie Celeste in I knew I shouldn't have said anything!   
    Actually when I told my husband that I was looking into getting the surgery that was his first response.. Have you actually tired dieting? What about exercising? I was like seriously you just asked me this?? Of course I've tried everything!! You just don't realize it (we were living apart for a little over a year). It's not like our first reaction is. Oh, darn it. I've gained weight. I best get my stomach cut out. Ugh. People are so judgey sometimes!
  17. Like
    ViciousVixen got a reaction from Stephanie Celeste in I knew I shouldn't have said anything!   
    Actually when I told my husband that I was looking into getting the surgery that was his first response.. Have you actually tired dieting? What about exercising? I was like seriously you just asked me this?? Of course I've tried everything!! You just don't realize it (we were living apart for a little over a year). It's not like our first reaction is. Oh, darn it. I've gained weight. I best get my stomach cut out. Ugh. People are so judgey sometimes!
  18. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to resipsa89 in Introducing myself- October seems so far away!   
    Just got back from my consultation and I am so so happy to finally start this journey! I have my first nutritionist meeting tomorrow, which marks the first day of my 3 month supervised diet (I have Cigna and they require it).
    While I am excited to start the process, I can't help but feel like October (when my surgery will probably be) is just sooo far away! Did anyone else have this feeling when they first started off? I am actually taking the Bar Exam in 29 days so hopefully this month will go by quickly because I'll be studying so often that I won't be able to think about it!
    I've been lurking for a while reading everyone's stories so I am excited that I can join in now!
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    ViciousVixen reacted to jenngottaloseit in finally got a date   
    Hi all so excited. I will be sleeved on july 22. This has been about ten years coming so I am so ready. I have to start drinking three shakes a day instead of the two and a meal because my liver has not shrunk enough. I have lost forty pounds in under a month on the diet. Thanks to all of you on here, you keep me inspired.
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    ViciousVixen reacted to Who Dat 70461 in Enjoying crossing my legs like a girl again!   
    Those non-scale victories are the best! Too many people let the number on the scale define them. It is liberating when you get to the point where quality of life wins outweigh (no pun intended ) the number of lbs. lost or gained in a given week.
    Congratulations on your success!
  21. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to sissy1980 in 7 1/2 months out   
    I'm not new here but got locked out of my old account so made new one :/. Feeling great. 6 lbs to goal!!!
    SW 275
    Day of surgery 260
    CA 161

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    ViciousVixen reacted to Momma1 in Update   
    Was sleeved 3-25 this year and I am feeling good. Down 46 pounds since surgery date. No regrets...
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    ViciousVixen reacted to jessiquoi in First surgeon visit this Wednesday   
    This is actually my SECOND first surgeon visit lol. Last summer, I started the journey towards banding. I attended the info session at the hospital, but after my first surgeon's visit, I backed out. I thought, if I can follow the 3 month required pre-op weight loss regimen, I should be able to finish it myself. (Um, I was wrong.) Also, the doctor made me a little uncomfortable, because he was insisting that I would be able to stop using insulin after the surgery, and I'm a Type 1 diabetic, and require insulin to live.
    I spent the last year trying intermittently to lose weight, and couldn't keep it up on my own. Meanwhile, my knees and hips and back started to complain loudly about carrying around the extra weight. I am in a great relationship with a great guy who is very active, and I am so frustrated at not being able to keep up with him. I'm an ex-athlete and I can't believe I am where I am right now.
    My PCP and my Endocrinologist have both mentioned that having WLS is something I should seriously think about, and so, I am starting again. However, after reading more and more on this site, I've switched my surgery preference from band to sleeve.
    I'm very excited about the upcoming surgery, and I spend a lot of time visualizing me in one year, kayaking with John, walking everywhere instead of having to be dropped off in front of the building, getting rid of high blood pressure meds (4/day), cholesterol meds, perhaps the CPAP I sleep with...
    I've been lurking on the forums for about 2 months now, and did the same a year ago. I thank everyone for your informative posts, from the veterans who are so inspirational, to the newbies whose steps I will be following hopefully soon. Your stories have been so helpful I am impelled to share my own to give back.
    I hope I get a better impression of the surgeon this time (really, the only thing that bothered me was his lack of knowledge about my diabetes, but my Endocrinologist told me not to worry about that, she will be on top of that for me). If I don't feel comfortable, I will find another. Wish me luck on Wednesday!
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    ViciousVixen reacted to gettinMeBack in Almost 2 years out! updated pic!   
    Hey everyone! ! I just wanted to let you guys know how I'm doing. I've received a few messages about my progress recently and since u guys wanted to know I figured I'd post it for everyone! ! For those of you who don't know or remember i was sleeved 8/24/12 @ 240lbs I am now 132lbs 5'1 and 29yrs old with 3 boys (prior to surgery) and here's what I look like today! No plastics either


  25. Like
    ViciousVixen reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Almost 2 years out! updated pic!   
    Dam..You took it to the top girl! You look awesome!

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