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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sar

  1. sar

    Disappointed in Myself

    Dear Diappointed. Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections. Life has it's challenges and there will be ups and downs for you, your friends and your family. We didn't get to where we are cuz we did everything perfect, we made our share of mistakes and learning curves. Take one day at a time. If we fall off the horse, we have to have the courage to admit our short comings and get back on and try again. They say... admitting is the first step to recovery.... Your fine, tomorrow will be a better day....
  2. I told the dr (a cardiologist in Dallas) that I was hungry :hungry: and he gave me 4cc's. The next day I couldn't swallow 1/2 a cup of tea all day total. I called his office after hours and he wouldn't call me back. His after hours told me to call the ER and they told me they couldn't help me. They could hydrate me but couldn't do anything w/ the band. In 12 hours, I threw up about 50 times. I called the surgeon in the morning and they immediately called me back from the surgery room.:sick He emptied it completely and was real concerned that the dr didn't call me back after doing this to me. I gained 10 lbs after they removed all the fluid in 1 week. The surgeon had told me to come see him for a fill after the swelling goes down and I am hydrated again. I went and they want to charge me 120.00 for a fill. I need a dr that can do this with my ins/co-pay. These dr's are very popular in Dallas. I need someone I can trust who won't put my health in jeopardy. My MD is shocked :omg:over what is going on. The surgeon says he is not suppose to do fills so I have no options. Other dr's won't take on other dr's patients. Any suggestions??? HELP.:help:
  3. Kim, Thank you for your reply. I know I am not the only one out there that has had bad experiences. I have found a new place for fills and so far they are wonderful. I have reported Dr. Maese to my insurance co and will be reporting him to the medical board. I am also considering a class act suit against him and stopping him from doing this to other people. The man is crazy and needs to be stopped in his tracks. His personal life is his business but you can't jeopardize peoples health and leave them. If he can't handle it, then he doesn't need to be a doctor. If you are interested in a class action suit let me know. We can talk off line.
  4. These places say that the insurance co's are not paying cuz this is a fairly new procedure. My ins co paid for the surgery and the fills to date so I don't know why all of a sudden I can't this covered. I been sick again last night and feel a little better today. Have been throwing up alot. I have a call into my MD to see if he can get me into someone who can check me out to see if the band is ok. I haven't been able to eat cream of wheat today or ice cream.
  5. I called them and they are 299.00 first visit and 150.00 for each visit thereafter and insurance won't cover it.
  6. My regular dr that is shocked is my MD. I had to go for my blood work. before the lapband I was a diabetic, high cholestrol etc. I still have to have this checked out. So why I was there I talked to him about what was going on. He couldn't believe that Dr. Maese would jeopardize my health and not call me back and that Dr. Barker would do the surgery and not be set up to do the fills. I hope that clarifies it.
  7. the cardiologist Dr. Maese did the cardiac clearance and he does the fills too. Like an assembly line. Another dr did the actual surgery-Dr. Wade Barker. i have a 10cc band. Dr. Barker did the surgery and he doesn't have the equip or been apprvd for the fills w/ the ins co, so they want to charge me full amt even though I have insurance. My ins paid for my surgery and the hospital chrgd 85k for the surgery when you can find it online for 15k. That's another story.:think

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