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About lovecats85

  • Rank
    working out 3x per week
  • Birthday 04/26/1979

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About Me

  • Biography
    Social Security Disability and Family Law Attorney in Dallas, TX
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  1. Happy 34th Birthday lovecats85!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday lovecats85!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary lovecats85!

  4. lovecats85

    just diagnosed with PCOS

    Thanks everyone. I actually had normal periods before banding b/c I was always on birth control and I guess that kept me regular. I went off BC before being banded and for the last year my periods have been very irregular and I finally went in for some tests because I have had a period for a month now - I guess due to the homrone imbalance from the PCOS the lining keeps building up. I am just worried because I want to have a baby sometime in the next few years.
  5. I have been on here many times talking about how my period have been wacky since I got the band. I always thought it was just due to the band, or due to the weight loss, but I found out yesterday I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/ PCOS. I am kind of freaked out about it, since I really want to have children in the next 2 years. I know there was a few threads on LBT about PCOS but I can't find them. Can anyone find the links, or share with me your own story about PCOS and how I can expect it to affect my life and my plans to have children. Thanks.
  6. 10 or 15 lbs in the first 2 weeks and then NOTHING for 3 months!
  7. lovecats85

    Coke drinking poll

    The poll asked what my doc says - which is drink it if you want to (just none in the 4 weeks after banding). However, I don't dare touch carbonation because ONE SIP will give me a stomach ache ALL night! I CANNOT tolerate it at all!!! Also, I can't stand the way it tastes now. Every now and then I think of sip of soda sounds good and I put it in my mouth and it just tatses like nasty fake fizz and I spit it out. I have truly lost my taste for it. I am now an iced tea w/ splenda addict!!!
  8. All the years of being overweight and inactive have caught up with my left knee, and now it looks as though I am going to have to have arthroscopic knee surgery to "smooth" out the bone. Has anyone had this done? I am scared of going under the knife again. LB was my first surgery, and it went fine, but I am not looking forward to another surgery. Plus, I always hear people say that knee surgery really doesn't even help knee problems. Any thoughts, experiences, opinions?
  9. I havent craved anything, but I always notice how there were foods I thought I liked because I was just wolfing them down, but now that I chew and really taste my food, I find my tastes aren't what they were before!
  10. lovecats85

    Sex after the Band

    I did not have a catheter (or if I did it was in and out while I was knocked out) but I really don't think I had one. You can have sex as soon as you want, but I wouldn't be trying any crazy positions until you're healed enough. Of course, after you start losing weight, you will not be able to keep your man off of you!!!
  11. lovecats85

    pain in throat

    Alot of times after I eat I have some soreness in my throat. It's at the bottom of my neck (like where a man's adam's apple is). It feels like I'm getting a sore throat - not a hige pain but a noticeable annoyance. Does anyone think this could be band/esophagus related?
  12. Ok, So I got a fill Tuesday and did liquids for 2 days and now I feel like I'm eating just as much as before. My band is almost all the way full!!!! Today I had 1/2 a salad for lunch, then ate the other 1/2 of it just now (4 pm) and had a few m and m's (stressed - need chocolate!) and I will eat dinner later. Yesterday I had a good 1 - 1 1/2 cups of pasta at lunch, a peice of dark chocolate for a snack, and 6 fishsticks and 3/4 cup carrots for dinner and like 1/2 cup sugar free ice cream. I hear all these other bandsters saying they eat like 2 crackers for lunch and 1/2 a lean cuisine for dinner and thats it. I have never been able to eat that little and my band is almost completely full now! I think I eat pretty sensibly and I'm losing weight (very slowly, but still losing) but it worries me that I eat so much more than other bandsters (like 1-2 cups of food per meal) and I worry that I am hurting my band. Why is my band so full, yet I eat so much more than all of you???
  13. I had sx in the US - in Dallas - as a self pay for $11,500. The doc said he gets paid the same but can get better overall prices at certain hospitals. So, I went to a lesser known hospital for the cheaper price. But I'd have paid more to have my surgeon since I just knew he was the one I trusted to do my surgery. I knew I would have to self-pay but I was too scared to go to Mexico!
  14. lovecats85

    got a fill - OUCH on my port! input?

    well, I woke up this morning and I feel fine now. I don't know what happened. I guess it's over now. I hate getting fills - something always happens where I never feel quite right for a day or two after getting one!
  15. lovecats85


    on another note - I'd be careful with carbonation - I know some of you have tricks and some of you drink it just fine. My doctor actually says I can have it ---- but if I take ONE sip of carbonation I am in pain all night. Carbonation is the only thing that is true evil to my banded tummy!

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