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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About BrownsBacker39

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/02/1966

About Me

  • Biography
    Husband. Father. Avid golfer and cycler.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Racquetball, Tennis, Golf, Cycling,
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  1. BrownsBacker39

    exercise time of day

    I do my workouts first thing on the morning...the only reason being that I can get it done then without impacting work time or time with family after work. after all, if I get up at 5am and get to work/gym by 6am the rest of the family is sleeping anyway and don't even miss me . I have gotten into the habit over the last year of going to my office at 6am and working for an hour or so before working out. Helps me plan my day and knock out my project list. Helps that the gym is right downstairs from my office.
  2. BrownsBacker39

    P90X Anyone?

    Lol...can't do that to Tony Horton.
  3. BrownsBacker39

    Any Clevelanders?

    Hi Jen...Clevelander here. I think I posted my info in the "Ohio" thread. Had surgery at the Clinic back in June and everything is going great. Good luck!
  4. BrownsBacker39

    P90X Anyone?

    Anyone else doing P90X post-surgery? I am now in week 4 (had a VSG on June 17th so I started around 4 weeks post op) and liking the results. I did a few of the 90 days sessions 3 years go and had good results, but the weight came back on after i stopped. This time it's for good as well as building more muscle. Anyone want to join me?
  5. BrownsBacker39

    compression shirts

    Walmart has some good compression shirts...Starter brand I believe. only $10 or so.
  6. BrownsBacker39

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    You and I had very similar experiences. Felt great after a few days and back to work soon after. But I wouldn't of done it if my job was physically demanding. Nice to see you here....how's everything going?
  7. BrownsBacker39

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I ate chicken a couple weeks post surgery. First puréed and then very well chewed. No problems.
  8. BrownsBacker39

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    Yes, I agree those are much different circumstances than mine. Your body will let you know when you're ready. Good luck!
  9. BrownsBacker39

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    4-6 weeks is a long time to be out for this unless you have a physically demanding job. I was back in a week no problem.
  10. BrownsBacker39

    Ohio Sleeve patients?

    Hi! I am having mine done at the clinic but still in preop stage! Who was your surgeon? How was the hospital stay? I'm nervous but excited looking at a early December surgery date hopefully! Sorry....just seeing this now.Dr. Rogula is my surgeon. Hospital stay was outstanding. Lots of great nurses and caregivers. Even the cleaning crew is friendly. It was a 2 day stay (Tuesday surgery and home Thursday around noon). I could have gone home Wednesday night but family was busy so I just stayed and slept and watched a movie. Feel free to ask questions. Good luck!
  11. BrownsBacker39

    Wait 30 days

    I doubt that's a "law" but might be the surgeon's protocal.
  12. BrownsBacker39

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Re: Stalled Glad to see I'm not alone. Sleeved on June 17th and promptly dropped about 10 lbs in the first week leading up to my one week post op visit. Since then...2 lbs in the last week. Frustrating. Wierd. Why aren't I losing when I''m not eating...and working out? Let's get going
  13. BrownsBacker39


    Glad to see I'm not alone. Sleeved on June 17th and promptly dropped about 10 lbs in the first week leading up to my one week post op visit. Since then...2 lbs in the last week. Frustrating. Wierd. Why aren't I losing when I''m not eating...and working out? Let's get going
  14. BrownsBacker39

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    Haven't had a chance to check in lately, but had my '1 week' follow-up on 6/25 (8 days post surgery) and got a good report from the surgeon. Cleared to progress diet as tolerated and head back to the pool with the kids! Went back to work on 6/24 with no issues...I would have been very bored had I taken the suggested 4 weeks off (I did block my schedule for two weeks...just went in a week earlier). Been ramping up activity with biked riding now. Did a nice 20 mile ride outside on Sunday and trying to get 10 miles on the spin bike every morning. Eager to start lifting weights and maintain some muscle tone, but that will wait a few weeks although I have no pain in abdomen or suture sites.
  15. BrownsBacker39

    June 2014 Sleevers Check In!

    I tried my first pureed food (buffalo chicken) 6 days post surgery and it went well, except I ate a bit too much (only 1/4 cup) so i'll adjust my intake accordingly. Told my doc at my 8 day post -op appt that I had pureed foods and he said to try something new everyday as tolerated. I'm not to the point (10 days post op) that I can have small bites of chicken and chew the hell out of them with no issues. Rule of thumb - progress as tolerated.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
