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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Thinkingthinner1109

  1. Thinkingthinner1109


    So I am on my fourth day of a ten day liquid diet. My surgery is scheduled for Monday, August 25th. I feel an overwhelming sensation of depression. Time cannot go fast enough to be over this 10 day period. Work is pure heck, I work in a doctors office where no one seems sympathic they even seem to be trying to set me up to fail. It is hard because my husband still needs to eat and I am used to cooking for him, he works 12 hour days and is very tired when he gets home. So I am making him things that I do not like. I am a very picky eater so that is not real hard to do. In saying I am a picky eater I will have to skip the puréed stage of my post op diet and stay on liquids because I cannot tolerate anything mixed. I have never had a fast food burger because I don't like anything on a bun. That is why this surgery (sleeve) seems to be my cup of tea because I can eat meat......salads not so much. I really want to have the surgery but to be absolutely honest.....I am a bit concerned. What if I cannot keep food down? What if I cannot get enough Water and Protein in? I have had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery so I am fully aware of what pain is and can be. I recovered very well from my mastectomies. What is really weird to me is that I was out of the hospital the next day after my mastectomies and my surgeon says I need to stay 2 nights for the VSG... Could it be worse that my other surgeries? I guess I am just trying to put into words what I am going through. Does any one else have any similar feelings?
  2. Thinkingthinner1109

    Jawbone 24

    I have the jawbone24 and I love it.
  3. Thinkingthinner1109

    Fitbit or jawbone?

    I have the jawbone up24! I love it! It is so motivating, can set reminders counts steps you can use it in conjunction with MFP. Love it!
  4. Thinkingthinner1109

    Did you get taller?!

    Weird my husband just said to me the other day, "you look taller". I am already 5'9". I had someone tell me once before when I lost weight that I looked taller. It's weird.
  5. Thinkingthinner1109

    Pre opt diet starts today

    Day four of pre op liquid diet. Weekends are easier than weekdays. It is hard when I have a desk job and can just sit! If I can keep physically active I am fine. I walked over 20000 steps yesterday. Was up at the YMCA this morning at 5. I need to keep physically active and with working 8 to 5 during the week it is extremely hard.
  6. Thinkingthinner1109

    Liquid Diet Advantage or Unjury .. Which did you like?

    I also like unjury, both chocolate splendor and vanilla, with the vanilla I add skim milk, 1 1/2 tablespoons of fat free sugar free instant banana pudding and ice and put it in my Ninja it truly is awesome.
  7. Thinkingthinner1109

    August Sleevers Check In

    August 25th I am on day three of the 10 day liquid diet. Pre op appt with my doctor on August 20th.
  8. Thinkingthinner1109

    hair loss

    Is Viviscal crushable?
  9. Thinkingthinner1109

    hair loss

    I am scared to death of losing my hair. I haven't heard of the products mentioned. Where do you buy them.
  10. Thinkingthinner1109

    Pre opt diet starts today

    I am on day two. Ugh I have 8 to go. surgery is scheduled for August 25th.
  11. Thinkingthinner1109


  12. Thinkingthinner1109


    Don't have any fear of anesthia. Had a double mastectomy and reconstruction a few years back so that part is nothing to me. Actually sometimes the pre med versed that they give you is very calming and you don't remember a thing. I can't say that I am scared. Just a little sad. I have realized that thru the pre op qualifications that food is a big part of our society. I will miss those dinners with my husband for a very long time.
  13. Thinkingthinner1109

    Approved today!

    I use unjury protein, it's the only one I could find that I can tolerate. I put myself on two protein shakes a day a couple months ago. I walk about 5 miles a day and work out with weight machines at the YMCA three times a week. I am trying to get into a work out routine I am kinda sad I will have to cut back after the surgery for a while. All I can really do is walk. Since May 31st I am down 40 pounds. My current weight is 242.2 and I am 5 foot 9 inches tall.
  14. Thinkingthinner1109

    Approved today!

    My surgery is August 25th also! Start pre op diet on August 15th
  15. Thinkingthinner1109

    August Sleevers !

    August 25th
  16. Thinkingthinner1109

    Approved yesterday!

    I got my date yesterday too!
  17. You are the first person to say that about popcorn that I have read. I love popcorn! I hope I hate it afterwards too because honestly that is what I think I will miss the most. My surgery date is August 25th.
  18. Thinkingthinner1109

    Out 7 Days & Pissed

    I would be really surprised if anyone will take the drain out except your surgeons office. I work for doctors and they will not touch anything another doctor put in but ER may call your doctor and get the ok for them to pull it. Liability. It stinks that he is too "busy" to pull it. The medical assistant or nurse will probably pull it anyway.
  19. Thinkingthinner1109


    I should get my date today! I am planning on August 21st. If all goes well I will be right behind you.
  20. Thinkingthinner1109

    All In August 2014!

    My surgery is tentatively August 21st. So excited. I have to do a 10 day liquid diet pre surgery. Started this journey March 31st. Done with all my testing. I have lost about 40 pounds. Joined the YMCA and work out everyday most days 2-3 times depending on my schedule. My husband bought me an UP24 which is awesome and soooo motivational. It has helped me keep exercising daily.
  21. Thinkingthinner1109

    August 2014 sleevers!

    Well my last appointment with my surgeon is August 6th hoping to schedule my surgery for August 21st. My surgeon requires a 10 day liquid diet. I have lost 40 pounds since April 30th. People are saying "you don't need the surgery". However I do need the surgery it is a tool not a miracle. I have had a weight problem since I was a child. I don't like a lot of foods. I am a very picky eater. I don't like any food that is mixed with anything. I have never had a Mcdonalds hamburger or any other fast food hamburgers. I don't like anything on a bun. Don't like soup, goulash or anything that mixed up. My problem is baked goods. I love to bake but I have not baked in the last three months. I joined the YMCA and I work out twice a day most days. I am up to about 6 miles a day now. Feeling much better than I used to. I am looking forward to the surgery so I don't have to worry about putting it all back on again. Good luck everyone on your weight loss journeys. I am so excited.
  22. Thinkingthinner1109

    Anyone familiar with Medicare?

    Medicare pays 80 percent after the deductible. Medicaid patients usually don't have to pay anything.
  23. Thinkingthinner1109

    Any september gastric sleeves?

    Mine should be late August or early September also.
  24. Thinkingthinner1109

    26 days till my new life begins

    I started this process to be able to be approved for insurance back in March. My last appt with my surgeon will be in August and then they can send in to my insurance for approval. I am hoping for a late August surgery. My weight started at 282. This morning I weighed and my weight is 256 and my height is 5' 9". I cannot wait toget the surgery I beleive I am mentally ready. I have been walking about 5 miles a day and drink two protein shakes and try to choose a good meal for supper and no snacks, staying away from as many carbs as possible. So our height and weight are exactly the same. They have not given me a goal weight and I was wondering if they have given you one yet since our height is exactly the same.
  25. Thinkingthinner1109


    My husband bought me the Ninja and I love it! I am still pre-op. Hopefully only another month or so. But started drinking the protein shakes about 2 months ago to prepare myself. We chose the Ninja because it came with the huge blender and then two single cups. As for recipes......I just mix the protein with skim milk and ice and some sugar free fat free pudding. Idk if you can have the pudding post op but it sure makes a delicious shake. Nice and creamy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
