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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Thinkingthinner1109

  1. Thinkingthinner1109

    Struggling going back to work today.

    Thank you all so very much. I work for a physicians office as a biller. The office is just a little too small for FMLA and no short term disability is offered. The words of encouragement from all of you is so much appreciated. Yes it's as bad as I thought it would be but it is what it is. And I hate that saying. Lol. Again thanks for the responses I will do the best I can to meet both my weight goal and my personal goals of being able to retire! Hugs!
  2. Thinkingthinner1109

    Women critical of other women

    Well today I have to go back to work. My job is stressful and my manager is verbally abusive, sh would just say that is the way she is but honestly it's hurtful....she told a new employee that all the employees there are "bitches". I have been there 12 years and getting close to being able not to have to work there anymore but right now I need the money. I am not a bitch. There is so much favoritism, I work very hard, I know how to do my job and I do not need direction. I am not looking forward to going back I am sure there is going to be so many negative comments and it bothers me personally. I try to live my life as a good person, I do my best to not out down other people. I am not perfect. However, I have struggled with domestic abuse, verbal abuse along with many other issues. My employer is not sympathetic. I am sure no one did any of my work while I was gone, it will all just be expected to be caught up when I return. So I am sure my desk is full. And trying to deal with my new way of living and eating this is going to be a very challenging day/week. I am about in tears, I don't want to go. I have been tired and emotional since my surgery and I just don't know that I am ready for this. I would take more time off but I am only allowed 10 days off without pay, before I left I asked my manager, what if I am unable to come back in two weeks? Maybe due to complications or whatever my doctor says. The ONLY answer I got was I don't know the answer to that it has never happened. I said I would like to know the answer thinking she would ask the doctors I work for but no, I worried about it the entire time I was off. The first week after surgery I had a lot of complications so I wasn't sure I would even be able to go back today which has caused me a lot of stress.
  3. Thinkingthinner1109

    Opinions in Genepro protein powder?

    Thank you all so very much for your responses! I ordered some from Amazon, I am hoping my search for the perfect protein for me is OVER.
  4. Deehall, I felt the same way, it's like you are in a whole different world and can't explain it to anyone. That lasted about 8 days for me. Feeling better now, I had my surgery on 8/25 I have to go back to work tomorrow. I am still weak also.
  5. Thinkingthinner1109

    Staple foods for the soft food stage (phase 3)

    It is so strange that everyone is so different. The only thing I have tried other than the full liquids are eggs, I can eat them scrambled or I just eat the egg white of a boiled egg. I don't like the yolk anyway,never have, so the egg whites are just fine.
  6. Thinkingthinner1109

    Popcorn? Okay or Not?

    I was a popcorn addict and I can say my NUT said some people can tolerate it and others cannot. I am only two weeks out so obviously I haven't had any but I know there will be a time when I can and I will try it. I didn't eat a ton of it at one sitting before and it will be on occasion but I will have to have a tiny bit when I go to the movies. I love popcorn!
  7. Thinkingthinner1109

    When did you do your first weigh in

    Warning! Do not get on the scale. Lol. I got on the scale and gained 8 pounds I was depressed the whole day! Really though it is the IV fluids and whatever else it could be, but no one warned me either, I think they should have.
  8. I cannot have p3's yet but I did look at them in the store yesterday and they look perfect!
  9. Thinkingthinner1109

    clothes sizes - AGH!

    For once I am happy that I wear scrubs to work. Doesn't matter if they are a little baggy and they can be taken in easily. I go back to work tomorrow and my scrubs were baggy before I left for surgery. I should have tried them on an altered them before I went back but just didn't have the energy. But maybe next week. Lol. If I get some energy back. At home I just wear leggings or Yoga pants I don't have anywhere special to go and I can get them for 10.00. So that is my plan until I reach goal or go on vacation in December then I will buy me some new clothes?
  10. Thinkingthinner1109


    I am one week post op tomorrow. I cannot stomach the protein anymore. I have tried everything, searched the web for recipes tried several different ones and all I can do is gag. I cannot get enough liquids in either. I cannot go to the doctor until Wednesday since tomorrow is a Holiday. I do not know what to do. I am feeling hungry because I can't get anything to go in. I am not nauseous, I just can't stand the taste anymore. I am on full liquids right now. My doctor requires 1-2 week full liquids before purée and I will not do much better on that because I don't eat anything that is mixed......soups, etc. just can't and never have been able to stomach that. I figured I would be ok once I could have real protein such as eggs, oatmeal, etc but right now I am very worried. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  11. Thinkingthinner1109

    Why do I have to drink slowly?

    I have never had to sip. They said I would but found that just taking a drink I am fine. I cannot chug but I can take a couple swallows before I put down the water.
  12. Thinkingthinner1109

    Food tolerance

    This is a great question!
  13. Thinkingthinner1109

    Isopure trick

    I bought two bottles of Isopure pre op to see if I liked them. Took a tiny sip out of each one and threw them away. Yuck! It is very costly to buy things to "see" if I will like them.
  14. Thinkingthinner1109


    Thanks I just ordered some of the Genepro!
  15. Thinkingthinner1109

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I was sleeved on August 25th also. I went home from the hospital on full liquids at my post op appt my NUT wanted me to stay on them until Monday. Well I had eggs. I have had them scrambled and then i ate the egg white of a boiled egg. I cannot actually eat an entire scrambled egg. But it sure does taste good. Lol. This Monday she said I could start puréed, which I cannot do, but I can eat the oatmeal that they allow on that phase. The following Monday it will be on to soft foods. That will give me more variety for sure. I actually feel like I am cheating when I eat an egg because I have been on fluids since 10. Days pre op, it feels like I am not going to lose weight if I eat anything at all.
  16. Thinkingthinner1109

    Need a boost

    Mine is not falling off either. I work out everyday I am back up to 4 miles a day, drinking about 600 calories a day, getting protein in but not quite enough water. Idk. I jus thought it would come off faster.
  17. Thinkingthinner1109

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I am 11 days post op and walk 4 miles. My doctor said just increase my walking as I feel I can tolerate it. I tired yesterday to exercise on the excercise bike very slowly. That was a NO GO!
  18. Thinkingthinner1109

    I can't! I can't do it anymore!

    I couldn't do it anymore either! I asked my doctor the same question. And he said oh your are only 9 days post op. I said to him... have you ever had to take crushed meds? No human should have to out that in their mouth. He laughed at me. Told me to mix it with something. That doesn't help. I told him the only thing I take is my anxiety drug and he said break it in half and take it. Lol. Been doing that!
  19. Thinkingthinner1109

    6 months no preop diet

    No required weight loss for surgery, just a six month supervised diet. And my surgeons office documented that by dr appts and nutritionist appts once a month.
  20. Thinkingthinner1109

    6 months no preop diet

    No required weight loss for surgery, just a six month supervised diet. And my surgeons office documented that by dr appts and nutritionist appts once a month.
  21. Thinkingthinner1109

    Told my coworkers

    I told the co workers in my immediate department. That's all I needed to do I didn't need to tell everyone because I knew by the end of the day whether I said I didn't want everyone to know....somehow they all would know. And they did! Lol. Oh well
  22. Thinkingthinner1109

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    Don't push too hard! Everyone one is different you will get there! Good luck on your journey. It's been a rough start for me. But I do thank God I don't have the nausea that some people speak of.
  23. Thinkingthinner1109

    August post op sleevers: Check in

    I am up to four miles now, but I have to do 2 in the morning and 2 more at night. I am exhausted though and my bedtime has been 8:30 pm since surgery, but I was up about 2:45 am and cannot go back to sleep. Problem is I have to go back to work on Monday. I was sleeved on August 25.
  24. Thinkingthinner1109

    Attended WLS seminar in SC

    Good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
