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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jlove69

  1. jlove69

    Tai Chi?

    My kids and I, and some friends just started taking Thi Chi last week. I love it! It made my back feel good.
  2. I am getting banded early next year. For those of you who have the band how can you or what makes you motivated to exercise after the band. You know for most of us we didn't exercise before the band. So why, how does everyone exercise after it? It seems like after people get the band they say ok now I will exercise. Why can't we just exercise now???? :help:
  3. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    Yuck! That would stop me too.
  4. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    The most I ever lost was 10 pounds. So we will see. I still may need the Lab Band, but I am hoping I won't. Congrats on your weight loss!!
  5. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    :eek: Ok so after I posted this about exercise, and my son said to me, "why do you need surgery? Why can't you just exercise and eat right now?" I decided to get a group of people together to exersice together, weigh in once a week, and change our eating habits, for a local weight loss contest. We have been doing this now for about 10 days. I have lost 8 pounds already! My son who is over weight is doing it as well, and he has lost 6 pounds. I'm thinking if we can keep this up I won't need the surgery after all. People should try this if you haven't. It is way better if you do it with people. Our group walks at a local school in the evening. It's cold her in MN so we can't walk outside right now. We walk 2 miles 3x per week. We also eat better. A few people are going to weight watchers. We also exercise on our own. I found some yummy healthly low cost food at a store called Trader Joe's. You should try the Chile Lime Chicken Breast. They are in the frozen section. Only 110 cal, 3g fat, 15g protine.They also have frozen green beans that are yummy with some added fat free spray butter. I wish everyone the best of luck, and I hope I can keep this up! Jen, MN
  6. Has anyone used or heard of Dr. Jones in MN? What's the scoop if you have. Thanks!
  7. jlove69

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Marimaru, Your stoy sounds a lot like mine. I can remember when I was about 10. I would take my allowance and go to the store and buy a 6 pack of ice cream treats. I would eat maybe 4 and put the rest in the trash in the alley so noone would know I ate them. My mom put me on diets also, ALL of the time. My mom and dad sent me to FAT camp when I was 14. I just LOVE food. I need this thing they call a TOOL. Nothing else has worked for me.
  8. jlove69

    Dr. Jones in Minnesota

    Thanks, I have that site as a favorite already. I used to work for Park Nicolett and heard about him by word of mouth, but never heard from someone who's had it done. Good Luck with your surgery. Do you know when you having it done?
  9. jlove69

    Dr. Jones in Minnesota

    Yes, that's him. Did you use him?
  10. I would think it's because your only having liquids. Let us know what happens. I'm getting banded next year and would like to know when my time comes if I should worry or not. Good Luck peeps, JLOVE
  11. WOW, I never read about anyone fighting on here. Or being mean to someone. I guess I haven't been on here long enough. We are all here for one reason so can't we all just get along? What ever happened to Rondey King anyway? LOL Peace, JLOVE69
  12. jlove69

    Crystal Light Slurpee!!

    Yummy that sounds good. I could go for one of those right now. I have never seen that here in Minnesota.
  13. jlove69

    Would u feel PO'd?

    My mom asked me just the other day if I wanted an LB gift card for Christmas. I had to remind her that I am having surgery next year so I didn't want to but a lot of clothes right now. At first I felt like maybe she didn't believe me that I was going to go through with it. She did say, "Oh ya that's right." So then I told myself that I have been wearing LB since I was 12, thats years old not the size. So this will take some getting used to for everyone. Remember too that LB starts at size 14. I'm a 22-24 right now so if I got to a 14 I would be happy and still maybe shop at LB. My goal of course like most of us is to be able to shop anywhere, and not be retricted.
  14. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    It sounds like after the Band something just makes you want to exercise. I love to walk. I live in MN and it is really cold, right now 10 degrees or so so I can't go out side. People here mall walk. For me that would mean shopping. I guess I need more self control. I guess that is the name of the game for everything, self control. For all of you that have lost weight Congrats. For those of you who have not, keep trying like I am. I hope the Lap band will work for me like is has most of you. I can't wait for this new chapter in my life. Jen; MN, BUUURRRR
  15. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    I can't afford a trainer. I have weights and an exercise bike. I guess I need to start using them... LOL
  16. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    So manatee I'm wondering how much do you exercise? You have lost a lot of weight in a little time. Good Job!
  17. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    Deltadawn, I am 260 5'5''. people tell me that I carry my weight well, and I tell them I don't want to carry it anymore. I will be able to run someday. How is your band have you had any problems with it so far?
  18. jlove69

    Exercise before and after.

    Right now I think I would have a heart attack if I ran a marathon. Good for you!! I'm only 38 and I feel like I'm 80. My knees hurt just walking up my stairs.
  19. jlove69

    I feel lonely.....

    I haven't had my surgey yet but I would think sitting around in the house for a long time would make anyone sad. If you can walk, go to the mall and look at all of the clothes you will be able to buy next summer. Think positive. I LOVE my Lane Bryant, I worked there for 5 years, but I can't wait to be able to shop anywhere! You did the right thing. Change just gets getting used to.............. OK someone keep this to send me after I have my surgery. Easier said than done, I know. Jen
  20. jlove69

    Pre-Op Diet ?

    Why do we have to shrink our liver before surgery?
  21. I can't imagine not being hungry. I know it sounds silly but I can't wait to have that feeling.
  22. I had a sleep study this past spring. Not becasue I'm thinking about have the surgery, but because I was tired all of the time and my daughter said she could hear me snoring at night. Her room is below mine. I found out that I have Sleep Apnea. I stopped breathing 16 times per hour. The machine really works if you sleep with it on the whole night. I can't stand the machine, but it really helps. The sleep study wasn't that bad. I slept better there than at home. I was like a hotel room, with a camera on you the whole night. Good Luck!
  23. That sucks! I wonder how often they erode. I wonder how long they last then if the can erode so easy. Im sorry that happened to you. Did they say why it eroded? How are you now?
  24. I'm sending in my paper work today to get the ball rolling. My biggest fear is Band slipping or erosion. If the band is eroded can they replace it or do they always have to remove it? Will insurance pay for another one? :omg:

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