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Everything posted by sarahlareina

  1. I have RNY surgery next Monday and have a few weeks home by myself afterward. (My husband is home but works nights). I know I'll exercise, and I have movies, books, and magazines lined up. Does anyone have other ideas of how to pass the time?
  2. sarahlareina

    Woohoo greek yogurt!

    I love Trader Joe's nonfat yogurt. I add a scoop of Protein powder, Chia seeds, and fresh blueberries. Yum! (I'm pre-op)
  3. sarahlareina


    You're right - fruit and nuts definitely make it easier. Do you like dairy or protein shakes? I like Premier Protein shakes and bars - they're handy to have with you. Kind of pricey, but I found them at Costco for less.
  4. sarahlareina


    I'm on day 12 and have lost 15 pounds so far. It's been surprisingly easier than I expected. I'm eating 6 times per day and hitting 1500-1800 calories, which is definitely more than you. My "mini" meals consist of Greek yogurt + protein, string cheese + fruit, boiled eggs, raw veggies, roasted chicken, beef jerky, raw almonds. Mostly protein. I'm also making every meal/snack last 20-30 min and I'm SICK of eating. Never thought I'd say that.
  5. sarahlareina

    New Here too!

    I'm trying to find non-food ways to comfort, reward, etc. myself. One of the things I love is sitting down with a new magazine. Candlelight baths might be good too. Any other ideas?
  6. sarahlareina

    New Here too!

    I'm trying to find non-food ways to comfort, reward, etc. myself. One of the things I love is sitting down with a new magazine. Candlelight baths might be good too. Any other ideas?
  7. I'm also interested - please add me to the contact list! I live in West Seattle

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