This network of 'friends' is so amazing! I'm scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 3 and as the day approaches, I begin to question my decision. My husband and those of my family whom I've told have been supportive and letting me know that whatever decision I make is fine with them. They don't push me either way and want this to be my decision. They love me unconditionally. This last week leading up to surgery has been emotionally difficult. It's on my mind constantly. Then I read your blog Mae7365. I realized that at 52 years old, 3 children, and 6 grandchildren just beginning their lives...I want to be there! One of the more difficult things for me to wrap my head around is that even though I'm overweight, other health problems haven't started to plague me yet. That's the denial part coming out! High cholesterol, pre-diabetic, and that nagging bit of arthritis in my knee and shoulder and all the other things that remind me I'm fat get pushed out of my mind when the doubt creeps in. Funny how silent they become the closer I get to getting rid of them. "We're not really here" they seem to say. "You just keep taking medicine and we'll be quiet for a little while longer." I can hear them now. Yea, I'm still scared of the life change. All change is scary to a point. But I look in the mirror now and look at a picture of me on my husband's motorcycle a couple of years ago. My belly halfway covered the gas tank! And it was a big bike!! There will be no more, "Let's play later" being said to the g-kids. No more, "I'll kill the horse if I get on him." No more "I don't feel like getting in the pool right now." No more getting discouraged when I go shopping cause it either looks like a tent or nursing home clothes. I'm ready for the "LET'S GO!"
Thank you to all those who share these stories of your victories! It's what keeps the rest of motivated!!