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Zane's Mom

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Zane's Mom

  1. Zane's Mom

    My VSG Journey

    I was a private pay in Texas. Since my insurance covered the hernia repair my out of pocket was $8200. I've seen another post with a dr in Dallas doing the same for $4900. I'm pleased with who I chose and the care was amazing.
  2. Zane's Mom

    Possible dehydration?

    See if your urine is almost clear by the end of the day. If you are not urinating and or it is dark yellow, that could be dehydration. My doctor even looked at my tongue during my follow up and he said I was needing more liquids. I'm 8 weeks out and I still have to monitor my hydration. I've terrified of needing iv fluids so I take it very seriously and keep drinking all day long.
  3. I think it may be not waiting long enough between bites and maybe not chewing thoroughly. I'll take total responsibility for that one. I do wait on the drinking. I learned that one by mistake and will never do it again. I am thankful things have been so smooth. I'm just trying to Iron out the kinks. I am so thankful for this forum and all who post!!
  4. Zane's Mom

    Potty Talk

    I'm 7 weeks out and still have inconsistent bm's. I'll go for several days with nothing and then have diarrhea. It's frustrating. But I think as I try different foods my body reacts to it differently. When I don't go, in not uncomfortable. But usually the days I do not go I do not lose.
  5. I'm 6 weeks out and I do relatively well with most meals. I have had those few times when I took that next bite and thought I was going to die. I feel the urge to throw up, but I cannot. I either get a small amount of bile or liquid but no food. It's frustrating because there is no relief. Does this happen to anyone else. I've tried to drink Water to get something up but all I get is the liquid. I then live with that heaviness in my chest for the next hour and try to remember the next time ...
  6. Thanks for all of the responses. Believe me it is not going to be a habit for me ever. I think it's just panic. I'm glad I am not alone.
  7. Zane's Mom

    Couple of questions

    I'm 6 weeks out. I never had a problem with liquids. From day one I was able to drink as much as I wanted. I just was so sick of the pre diet I just didn't want the Protein. I've changed brands and things are great. I wasn't so quick on puréed and moving forward. This past week has been better that them all. I eat so little and get full so fast, and the feeling is uncomfortable if it's new foods. I just wanted to eat and the experience is met with rumbles. Getting better though.
  8. Zane's Mom

    How do I know how much to eat?

    I bought the scale but haven't used it yet. I'm 6 weeks out. I have to take about three bites and wait. I get the hiccups when I am full. That's my signal. Wait between bites and let your stomach have time to tell you that's enough.
  9. I was sleeved 6/17. On 6/10 when I started my diet I was 190. Today, six weeks, I'm 163. 27 pounds. I was in a three week stall 9 days after surgery. Just recently the pounds started coming off again. I hope to get in the 130s. I hope this helps. I look forward to the journey no matter how how up and down it may be
  10. Melodica Where did you have surgery. I went through dr stowers at mybariatricsolutions.com The price sounds the same. My experience was wonderful. I'm in Dallas so they were relatively close.
  11. I wanted to post because I did not see many self pays in the U.S. I knew off the bat that I would not have insurance coverage, so I went in knowing I would be paying the bill. The first place I went to felt like a factory that cranks out procedures. So I went to another place. They were awesome. On my first visit I met with the surgeon himself. I was impressed with the office, staff and him. At first I though I wanted the band since my BMI is under 35. But after speaking with all of my doctors we decided that a sleeve would be better because of all the medication I take and will take indefinitely. I had the EDG scope and it showed a large hiatal hernia along with ulcers on my stomach. The surgeons explained how important that hernia repair is because of the new size of the stomach to keep all of the parts where they are supposed to be. So, my insurance pays for the hernia repair, and I pay the reduced price of $8200 for my sleeve. From consult to surgery was one month. I am 7 days out and happy as can be. I have had no complications and even the hospital stay was terrific. I know that price is an absolute issue to many people. But I think my choice was perfect for me. Could I have paid less, yes. But I did have a local surgeon, I did have the hernia repaired, and my support team in the doctors office is only a call or visit away. Are there others out there like me??? I just wanted to share my story and it's a good one!!!
  12. I am 6 weeks post op and only had to do one week full liquid diet. I was lucky and did not feel hungry much. I was so excited about the surgery. My husband did the liquid diet with me. He was also supportive and I did not cook for that week or for 2 weeks after. That way I was not tempted. I think it's great keeping busy. Just keep up the great work. Great success for you to come !!!!
  13. Zane's Mom

    Trouble swallowing pills?

    I have taken the pills since the day after surgery. The guide was the prescription Prilosec capsule is the biggest pill to swallow whole. If bigger split it. I take 4 capsules at one time each morning. But I never had an issue swallowing Water. I never had to sip. So try it and you will find out what works for you.
  14. Zane's Mom

    My story

    Hello. I was sleeved 6/17. I'm 43 and low bmi too SW 190 and current weight 165. I'm thrilled with my decision. It was very personal and my family is super supportive I chose to have my husband stay until I got to my room and then I told him to leave and if to work and pick me up the next afternoon. Everything went fine and in fact I was not in any pain in the hospital, great meds, and I made the surgeons nurse read me the notes from the procedure because I did not think he did it. Haha. I was able to start liquids the morning after with no problems. I took my meds that morning, swallowed the pills no issue and I was speed walking around the floor I was on. Second night was the hardest at home when I had to get out of bed. That was painful. I took my pain meds a few days and have been doing well. I did have a long stall for about 20 days but I knew it was coming. I'm also glad it's been slow because for those many I didn't tell, the change is gradual and I just attribute it to healthy changes. Good luck on your journey. We are all looking forward to the best days to come.
  15. I'm 5 weeks out and up till now everything has been super. In the last three days I have had stomach pain in the morning or when I guess my stomach is "empty". The pain is not too bad but I have had no pain before. I feel so blah on the daily regimen. I'm getting burned out on the Protein drinks, any food, and even Water. I feel so bloated. I don't want another yogurt, cottage cheese, Beans etc. I am walking 30 min a day. I tried to mix things up and do Isopure clear protein today and the aftertaste just made me gag My stomach started cramping so I ate a small amount of chicken. No issues before but today I threw up all of it. My routine is nothing different, work, house, kids. Does this happen to you???? Am I the only one who feels like I can't do the daily routine. I'm not hungry and not eating regular foods, just soft. Vitamins are all good. I'm sure it will pass, but I don't want to compromise my health because I can't handle this stuff now. Will I hurt myself if I just stay hydrated and skip some of the protein if just for a day or two ??
  16. Zane's Mom

    Death and sadness.

    My only son who was 18 was murdered 3 years ago in a senseless Robbery. I have been through two trials and so much pain. I am trying to get my life back and this year is by far the most I have ventured out into the world. I have a great support group with a local chapter of compassionate friends. I'm on 3 daily medications. I miss my son everyday. He was such an amazing young man with so many dreams. Life sometimes knocks the world right out from under you. No one should ever experience the loss of a child. I've had other losses, but this was just horrific.
  17. Zane's Mom

    too few calories

    In 5 weeks out. From June 24 until July 17 the scale did not move. Finally I'm losing 4 pounds this week. I think the 3week stall is very common. Your body is adjusting and healing. I just now bought a food scale and started using my fitness pal to track my intake. Now that I can eat as tolerated, I need to make sure I'm balancing things out. I still don't get a lot of calories but I do get my Protein and Vitamins in every day. I drink all day long so don't sweat the scale ... It will move.
  18. Zane's Mom


    I personally like cottage cheese with canned fruit (in water not syrup) as a treat.
  19. They are fine. I take dial medications and I have no issues swallowing them. BC are small so you should be able to swallow or put in a bite of yogurt or something.
  20. I have 3 depression/anxiety/crazy pills I take daily, I've been taking for 3 years now since the death of my son. I NEED them to be functional for myself and my family. My psychiatrist emphasized that I must take all of my meds as prescribed because the surgery is such a shock to your body that your mental state needs to stay consistent. For people with MDD (major depressive disorder) and the such, it can be dangerous to not have your proper doses. This is one reason I chose sleeve over band, and I thankfully have been able to swallow all of them since the day after surgery. I know surgery is overall a positive experience, as you know there are major ups and downs even within one day. And add regular life to that .... As everyone else said, please take the meds and get in touch with your doctor if needed.
  21. I knew my insurance would not cover. So my doctors had my insurance cover an EDG and the hiatal hernia repair. Then the wl surgeon comes in after the repair and does the sleeve. For me it was $8200. I was overnight in the hospital and everyone was so amazing and I got a necessary medical fix to help my sleeve perform optimally. I also had multiple ulcers on my stomach and the sleeve removed most of those!!! They said that the docs and hospital write off all of the remaining amounts and my cash price was all I paid. This is the way I decided to go. I'm in dallas Texas.
  22. Zane's Mom

    Can I?

    Yes. It's good for protein. Try to get low fat. Like cheese sticks for snacking.
  23. Ok. So I'm 5 weeks out and now ready to use my fitness pal. I see the easy part to scan my items like Protein drink, yogurt etc. But what about the tiny amount of food I am eating. I'm allowed anything as tolerated but stick to soft basics mostly. So for example. If I fix spaghetti for my family I will get 3 to 4 oz of meat and strain the sauce so it's minimal. How do I record that. Or l make one egg with cheese and a few mushrooms. I get the one egg but what do I do about the sprinkle if cheese and couple of mushrooms. I want to be accurate but with my meals being so small with various ingredients I'm confused. What has worked best to figure this out???
  24. This is to make sure you are eating your food and not passing it through your sleeve easily along with the fluids. liquid makes it slide through quicker and you will eat more. You will feel full more accurately because only solid food is present. Lesson learned here about drinking too soon after a full meal, and it all came back up. Others who are farther out will probably add more insight.
  25. Hello. I have posted several times and love this forum but I have never posted my stats until now. Sleeved 6/17 highest weight and preop diet weight 190 current weight 167 goal 140. My decision: I knew I was self pay because of my low bmi and lack of insurance covering this. I went in thinking lapband was my only option but changed to sleeve because of the anxiety I had over fills and slips etc with the band. I had horrible labs, ridiculous high numbers in so many areas, hiatal hernia and ulcers on my stomach. My family is super supportive and they are so excited to me to get healthy and active. I have not told many that I had WLS. Wokers know I had the hernia repair. I am kind of glad the weight has not been dramatic because it can easily say I'm living healthier and the weight is coming off. I've only lost 4 pounds since June 25th. So ... Does this anger others? Is there judgement that I did something radical because I had the money. I feel it in a way. Now I look at overweight people and think, oh my god this is so life changing ... Everyone should be getting this done. What do you honestly think? Backstory for me. But 99% of people do not know: I am 43 and my husband am I have 10 kids together. He had 3 I had 2 we had 1 and we have adopted 4. We have 4 at home, 1 grown, 15, 6, 6, 5. My biological son was murdered 5/22/2011. He was 18 and victim to a senseless robbery. I have been through 2 trials and under the care of a psychiatrist with 3 daily meds to keep my life stable. And yes with all of that going on I have these small adopted children in my home. Since his death I have gained and gained with failed diet after another. I know I have to raise these kids for the next 15 plus years as healthy mentally and physically as possible. That has been my motivation. But .... If you didn't know that, which most don't, is there judgement.

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