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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 4me4them

  1. 4me4them

    Newbie to the group

    Welcome to the forums! You've come to the right place for support, information and occasionally a good chuckle!
  2. 4me4them

    Sleeved yesterday and everything went well

    Congrats and continued happy thoughts!
  3. I think it is time for some new undies...just sayin.

    1. BeagleLover


      No more granny panties. Yaay!

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      screw it....go nekkid :)

    3. ☠carolinagirl☠


      i posted a before surgery and current panty picture once..my drawers could have rose the titantic


    4. Show next comments  21 more
  4. 4me4them


    Awesome news! See you on the flip side!
  5. 4me4them

    Not losing enough weight

    OMG OMG OMG So happy for you....way to hang in there!
  6. 4me4them

    celebratory happy dance

    Awesome news!
  7. Welcome and congrats on your selection to the trial program! I asked how many procedures he had done, what the follow up appointments were like (I wanted a regular follow up for accountability). I also wanted a surgeon who had a "team" he has a nutritionist, heart dr and psych all in a team approach (it is a university teaching hospital). Last thing I'll say is trust your gut...if it doesn't seem like you will get the su you want look elsewhere. Part of why I chose the surgeon I did is that he is a rather blunt, no nonsense dude....Some people want someone who is more of a hand holder...but I wanted someone more straight forward.
  8. 4me4them

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Good luck, do what they tell you and let us know how you are doing...
  9. 4me4them

    Some unexpected NSVs have me LOLing in public. You?

    I don't have any of those yet because I haven't had my surgery yet...but I remember once standing outside and trying to figure out how it was raining INSIDE my house...turns out the washing machine hose had sprung a leak...but it was kinda surreal and I couldn't figure it out for the life of me...lol Congrats!
  10. I would say follow your surgeon's plan...it seems like every surgeon has his/her own methods for the immediately before surgery pre-op diet. Mine has cottage cheese, yogurt and v8 juice but not oatmeal or grits. I don't think the preop is all about losing weight....it is about cleaning out the system, shrinking the liver and the stomach...or so I've been told
  11. 4me4them

    My Story

    Welcome to the forums! Sounds like you are off to a great start! You'll find lots of good info and good people here...
  12. 4me4them

    So...I'm new here...

    Welcome! I would get an accordion file or big notebook with pockets because you are going to pick up lots of paper during this process...from apt slips, to results, insurance paperwork, nutritional handouts...lots of paper...lol
  13. 4me4them

    Not losing enough weight

    I was reading a book about hiking Mount Everest...and one of the chapters was titled "go backwards to go forward". On Everest this refers to the fact that they hike from base camp to camp 1, then back to base camp, then back to camp one, on to camp two, all the way back to base camp....you get the picture. I thought at the time, how frustrating that would be if you didn't really understand why...the body has to acclimate to the altitude...you can't go straight to the top or you wont make it out alive because the blood isn't capable of delivering the oxygen you need. So, what does this have to do with your situation? It seems like you are trying to fight your body instead of working with it. Take a breath, listen to your NUT (what seems like a step backwards) so that you can go forward stronger. The weight will do what it is going to do all YOU can control is following the plan and listening to the expert advice being given. You will get to the top of the mountain
  14. 4me4them

    Just getting started

    Welcome to the forums! You will find lots of good information here! I've just finished a required 3 month diet so my paperwork can be submitted to insurance. I would get a good notebook or accordion file because you are going to have a lot of papers...lol. Good luck and I'll see you around...
  15. 4me4them

    1500 calorie day :(

    I used to have on my mirror the phrase "Learn from your mistakes" but just recently, after a really rough spot in the 3 month prediet, I scratched out Mistakes and replaced it with SUCCESS. Look back at successful calorie days and replicate those for a few days...you'll readjust just fine!
  16. 4me4them


    You've come to the right place...lots of good information here with helpful people. I know I was anxious to get started too!
  17. 4me4them

    Happy Day!

    Awesome news after what must have been a stressful wait!
  18. Unfortunately my insurance company would do the same thing. The nutritionist told me at the first meeting, don't care how much you lose, just don't gain. Maybe this is only a bump in the road and things can be fixed in the next few months. I can't imagine how frustrated you are at this point...hang in there and don't give up the fight!
  19. Woo hoo...you outsmarted yourself! I like it.
  20. Hi all, I'm wondering what the collective wisdom is on attending in person support groups? Did you? Why or Why not? Did you start when you were in your 3 month supervised diet phase or wait until you were actually scheduled? Thanks in advance! Beth
  21. Finally, a weekend with no mindless eating! Yay Me!

  22. 4me4them

    New to BariatricPal...

    Welcome! You will find lots of great people with a wide variety of experiences to share. I'm 3 months in...and have about 2 more to go before surgery (I had a trip planned so surgery will be postponed a few weeks from the earliest I could have done it). The time seems to be going fairly quickly to me. Maybe that is because of all the tests/appts/stuff that I've had to do to get the insurance packet ready to go I figure every pound I lose before surgery is a pound I don't have to lose after...deep right? Anyway, hang in there and the next 3 months will go by faster than you think! Beth
  23. 4me4them

    Saying goodbye to the wardrobe today

    AHH the bittersweet closet cleaning out. I'm hoping some day I get to experience the good/sad feeling...congratulations! Your choices will go up exponentially...so that equals more shopping! Beth

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