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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About caroline40

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  1. caroline40

    September surgery

    [quote name='Notinks' timestamp= So sorry to hear that. It was one of my biggest fears as well. I had mine removed and revise this afternoon. I had my band in for almost 11 years. I'm having a lot of pain but my surgeon said it all went well Hang in there. Hi Lisa, so glad your surgery went well. Good luck for your recory. Just think, when I go for my surgery in December you will have lost heaps already
  2. caroline40

    September surgery

    Definaly great to have the band out. A bit sore now but painkilers are kicking in. At home. Need to keep my liver shrunk in the next few months.
  3. caroline40

    September surgery

    Thank you so much Boppin Bubbe. It is support groups like these that will get me through. Focus on the positive. Good luck for Wednesday, will pray that all goes well.
  4. caroline40

    September surgery

    Lying in ICU. The could not do the lapband remaval and revision in one. Too mane adhesions. Work thought I will be off for three weeks. Now only probable two days coming back in three months.What a bummer. I pray I am not gaing weight now, ugh. Please pray for me.
  5. caroline40

    Need encoragemwnt.

    Sorry for the speling mistakes. Too many tubes.
  6. Lying in ICU. The could not do the lapband remaval and revision in one. Work thought I will be off for three weeks. Now only probable two days coming back in three minths. Work does not know about WLS. What do ai tell them now. Why inly three days and whe second surgery? What a bummer. I pray I am not gaing weight now, ugh. Pleas help
  7. caroline40

    my sugery in two days - Sept. 16th

    Caroline, what time is your's on Monday. I will keep you in my thoughts. Best WishesAbout 4pm Australia time, so probably still before sunrise your time . Thank you for saying a prayer for me. God bless us all
  8. caroline40

    my sugery in two days - Sept. 16th

    All the best. Mine is Monday and I am anxious but excited. Will keep you in my prayers.
  9. Hi Polly I have the revision from lapband to rny tomorrow. A bit anxious but excited too. This has to work Good luck on making a decision.
  10. caroline40

    September surgery

    Finally, evening before surgery tomorrow. A bit anxious but also eccited. Good luck to all of you that is also having surgery this week. God Bless.
  11. caroline40

    September surgery

    Freaking out tonight. Seeing dr tomorrow for last appointment before surgery. Only managed to lose 14 pounds and dr wanted me to lose 22 before surgery. Surgery is the 15th. I only drink shakes and am trying to exercise. Managed most days for 15 minutes. I know it isn't much but I do try very hard. Losing so slow. I feel like I want to scream, "that is why I want the surgery, because it is so hard to lose on my own!". What if the dr does not want to go ahead with the surgery. I am crying because this is my last hope. I don't know how I am going to get through tomorrow. Please pray with me that all will go well tomorrow. Thanks for the support.
  12. caroline40

    September surgery

    I understand the concern about getting it done in one surgery! I have experienced a form of the "I need everything clean..." only I don't care if it isn't clean....I just wrote letters to my daughter and husband "Just in case." I felt a strange sense of relief after having done it and no longer thing I'm going to die but now I worry about having horrible complications that result in me skinny but very very ill and a huge burden on my family. Am I helping to cheer you up? Lol, our emotions are playing havoc with us. I need to lose another 5kg (about 10 pound?) In the next two weeks and it is such a struggle. I don't know if you are a christian but prayer is what keeps me sane with this whole pre op thing. We are on a massive joy ride lol
  13. caroline40

    September surgery

    That's awesome! Where do you live?I live in Brisbane Australia but luckily this site makes it possible to overcome great distances and still support people with the same issues. My biggest fear is that they cannot do the removal and bypass in one go, oh and I don't know if you also experience the "I need everything clean and sorted at home, just for incase". Don't know if it is the realisation that this is my final hope or what else but I am quite scared this time. I had my pre-op appointment today at the hospital, received my stockings and breathing thingy (to help with deep breathing). Excited and scared
  14. caroline40

    September surgery

    I am lapband to bypass too and my surgery is also on the 15th. I have a lot to lose but this is my last hope. It has to work.
  15. caroline40

    Plantar fasciatis

    Thanks LinsC, I might just see the dr. to get the steroid shot to help me exercise. Good luck with your journey. I cannot wait for the surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
