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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cherylbo

  1. Has anyone used Dr. St. Laurent? Any comments would be greatly appreciated! Just went to his seminar and I was impressed but would like to hear from others who have had the actual surgery. Thanks!:help:
  2. Cherylbo

    Financing Question

    Does anyone know of any companies that finance the procedure with less than perfect credit scores? Thanks in advance.
  3. Cherylbo

    Denied... I HATE insurance.

    Good luck to you also! Isn't it ironic that the insurance companies will shell out the money for a heart attack and all the other complications of weight but not something to prevent the problem in the first place?
  4. Cherylbo

    Denied... I HATE insurance.

    Sorry.... I hate insurance also! I was just denied by my carrier as well. The company I work for elected to have a bariatric exclusion on the policy to save money. What's really ironic is that I work for a large insurance broker that offers coverage to physicans who do bariatrics. I was so excited to have this surgery....think I'll go eat a twinkie....
  5. I've been reading the board for several weeks now. Thanks to everyone for all the great information. My seminar is tonight, excited and scared at the same time.:phanvan

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