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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. There are so many factors that determine how quickly you will lose with the band. My SIL had bypass about the same time I had band surgery. I've lost more than she has. It depends on how strictly you follow your doctor's guidelines, how much you exercise, your body's metabolism, etc. You can do this. It's hard work but I have found that I appreciate things that I had to work hard for more than the things that come easily. You have probably struggled for a long time with your weight, it wouldn't be healthy to lose it too fast. As long as you are going into the process knowing that it is a process, you will be fine. There will be ups and downs, but you can handle it. Good luck to you!:frown:
  2. Glad to see you back, I have missed your bubbly personality.
  3. StLouisGal


    I take Bariatric Advantage multi vitamins (2 per day) and Bariatric Advantage Calcium citrate (2 per day).
  4. It is truely the best decision I have made in a long time. I wasn't ready until about a year ago but it has been picture perfect ever since. The small sacrifices are so worth being able to wear normal sized clothes and fit into airplane seats and not have to inspect chairs to make sure they are sturdy enough to hold me before I sit down, and I could go on for a long time but you get the point. Hang in there, everyone still in Bandster Hell. It gets better.
  5. StLouisGal

    My Get-Up-And-Go has gone

    I can't imagine you are going too slow with four kids to take care of. That sounds like a lot of exercise to me. Good luck, school comes soon.:smile2:
  6. StLouisGal

    My Get-Up-And-Go has gone

    I started riding the bus last week (the price of parking has gone sky high where I work) and gas is another story. It's about a half mile walk to the bus stop and another half mile from the end of the train ride to my office.:smile2: My Curves is on the same bus route as my house so I hop off the bus, work out and hop back on the bus to go home. I am averaging about 10,000 steps per day (about 5 miles) and my endurance has really increased. Yesterday afternoon I decided to walk to church for choir practice instead of driving. It is about 3.5 miles and it was a hot day but I made it.:crying: I only had to stop and rest once the whole trip. I think I'll try it again next week. I didn't have to walk home because DH came for the evening service and we drove home together. Best of all, when I measured at Curves on Saturday I had lost 6 inches, mostly on my hips, abdomen, and thighs. Another plus, with what I am saving on parking and gas, I can buy new clothes.:rofl:
  7. StLouisGal

    Keeping up with clothing?!?!

    I lost the first 60 lbs pretty fast so I've changed sizes pretty quickly. I've gone from 26 to 16 in that time. Luckily I had saved some of my Skinny jeans (sizes 20 and 22) I bought a couple of pair of size 20 dockers when I had to get rid of the 24's and a few inexpensive shirts and that got me though work. I replaced them with size 16 capri's for summer. Luckily my sister-in-law lost a lot of weight several years ago and gave me a couple of nice "classic" dresses that have been my good clothes for the past couple of months. Clearance racks at Macy's, Penney's, etc are great, especially on "extra 50% off" days. I got a dress this morning that originally was $130. that I got for $40. It will get me through the rest of the summer. Goodwill and re-sale shops are great if you have time to look for just the right thing. Skirts with drawstring waists can go through several sizes before they get too big. Knit pants with drawstrings are also great for casual and can go a couple of sizes before you have to replace them. The key is you don't want to spend a lot of money on things you are only going to wear for a few weeks. By the time they come into season again next year, you will be in a whole different size range. Save the bulk of your clothes budget for that knockout outfit to Celebrate reaching goal.
  8. Oh Gibson, I am so sorry your doctor is treating you this way. My doctor is the most conservative in this area but he fills ever 6-8 weeks and says you probably won't be at your sweet spot until you are at 4-6 fills at the minimum. He doesn't even weigh us until after the fill, just asks if we can eat bread, how long we are satisfied after a meal, etc. I didn't fit the mold because I am almost over tight at 3, but that isn't the point, you know your body and what you need. 8 lbs in two months is nothing, especially if you are hungry all the time. I would definitely look into other doctors in the area and at least get a consult. This one doesn't seem to be listening to you. You might also call your primary doctor and see if he/she has any pull with him. Slow and steady does win the race but at this rate you won't win for 10 years. Good luck and hang in there!
  9. StLouisGal


    It's better if you mix half and half with Water and add a packet of crystal light. Raspberry lemonade perks up the flavor quite nicely. Good luck with your surgery.
  10. StLouisGal

    Renewing my commitments

    My doctor says 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after before drinking. The few times I have slipped up and tried drinking too soon I have BP'd so I don't have much choice. My new committment is to walk more. I am going to start riding the bus to work instead of driving and that involves walking about 3500 steps so it will force me to do it. My goal each day is 10,000 steps. Good luck to everyone in their "back to the basics" committments.:tt2:
  11. StLouisGal

    Hello halfway!

    Congratulations. It's quite an accomplishment. I am right behind you!
  12. StLouisGal

    How, How, When?

    I have had 3 fills for a total of 3ccs in a 10 cc band. I have great restriction. I am scheduled for another fill the end of this month but I may cancel that appoinment because I don't want to be much tighter than I am right now.
  13. StLouisGal

    My new bestfriend

    How much caffeine is in a regular cup of tea? I drink the peach tea all the time and it doesn't seem to be causing problem. I'm losing weight.
  14. Same thing I was told when I had mine out about 12 years ago. It was about 2 years after the hysterectomy (another factor some Drs. believe) :thumbup:
  15. StLouisGal

    30/30 Rule

    My doctor recommends 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after. Sometimes I can't drink that quickly after or it comes back up so I usually try to wait an hour. It must be working because I am losing. Try as best you can to follow your doctors recommendation. He knows your history, situation, etc. Good luck to you! The band is great!
  16. StLouisGal

    Not drinking enough water?

    The liquids are very important so do your best. I get nauseous when I drink plain water on an empty stomach too. I put Crystal light in my water most of the time. I use 20 ounce bottles of spring water. I use the little packets first thing in the morning and then fill the bottle from the jug of crystal light I keep in the frig. (Cheaper in the bigger packages) I try to make sure I drink four bottles per day, one in the morning, one when I take my lunchtime walk (I eat at the desk early so it has been an hour before I leave the building) one after I work out in the evening, (by 6 or so) and one between 7 and 10 at night. You have to concentrate on sip, sip, sip, if restriction is a problem. Keep trying, it gets easier. Welcome to Bandland, You will love it here!
  17. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    I didn't have to crush any of my pills because they were all smaller than an aspirin. I did open my prilosec capsules and swallow the contents in a spoonful of Protein shake for about a week but after that I just swallowed the capsule. My pain medication was a liquid. Every doctor has a different recommendation so it is best to follow your doctor's plan.
  18. StLouisGal

    Victory times four !!!!

    Congrats on Onederland! What an accomplishment! I have 23 lbs to go and can hardly wait! Hang in there and get plenty of rest to get over the UTI, glad the meds have kicked in.
  19. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Welcome to our group! Where are you having your surgery done? This board will give you great support. There are a surprising number of us in the St. Louis area.
  20. StLouisGal

    Post-Op problems...HELP

    After only three weeks you are probably still pretty swollen. It takes longer for the insides to heal than the outside incisions. Hang in there. I am 4.5 months out and still get stuck quite often. (Stuck means back and chest pain for me) I have 3 cc's in my 10 cc band and I have to be very careful what I eat, how fast I eat and how well I chew. I can eat pizza (tiny bites chewed very slowly I can eat about 1/4 of a personal sized pizza.) Yesterday I got stuck on deli ham because I ate too fast and topped it off with too much broccoli. It just takes practice to figure out what you can eat and how to eat it properly. I agree that you should probably give your tummy pouch a rest. It is probably irritated because it was stuck. A couple of days of liquids will calm it down. If you are drinking juice, cut it with Water since it can be pretty acidic and that can irritate also. Just remember that these first 4-6 weeks are for healing so let your body heal. You will love this band and all of the nsv's that you will have. :Angel_anim:
  21. StLouisGal

    FILL Question

    My doctor always has us drink some Water before we leave the office and make sure it goes down well. Even if they don't suggest it, drink some water to make sure everything is working before you leave. Gas is too expensive to have to drive right back. Good luck.
  22. StLouisGal

    Dang my mouth is dry

    Glad it is over for you and glad it was not anything too serious. Take some time to rest. Remember to get up and walk around some so you don't get blood clots. :Angel_anim:
  23. StLouisGal

    Anyone else eating clean?

    The only thing I eat out of a can is lima beans and refried beans. If I don't have fresh tomatos, canned tomatos are pretty good.:biggrin2:
  24. StLouisGal

    New to Board

    Welcome to our Band! You'll like it here. The dreaded PB has probably happened to most of us. Just be careful how big your bites are and how well you chew. Some days I can eat things and other's the same thing doesn't go down so well. I think it just takes a lot of concentration and practice. 38 lbs in four months is great weight loss. Most doctors don't recommend losing no more than 1-2 lbs a week so hang in there, you are right on target. Exercise will definitely help but you have to start slow so you won't hurt yourself. Start walking around the block a couple of times and build up from there if you aren't in a routine already. When I had my surgery I had been going to Curves for three years so I was already used to working out pretty hard. For someone who isn't used to it, you will just get discouraged if you try too much too fast. Try to do a little every day and before you know it you will be walking miles at a time and enjoying it. Come back again soon!
  25. StLouisGal

    Anyone else eating clean?

    I try to eat healthy but usually eat frozen veggies because I can't eat them fast enough to use the fresh ones. I throw a handful in a bag and steam them, one serving at a time. I also bake a sweet potato about once a week and eat it at about three meals. It doesn't take long to fill me up.:tt1: I am waiting patiently for my tomatos to ripen on the vines in my back yard. I tend to gravitate to higher protein foods since I really feel like I need to make sure I get my protein in every day. I usually average 80-100 grams of carb, 70-80 grams of protein, and under 50 grams of fat every day. That seems to work pretty well for me. I eat a lot of egg beaters, (lower in fat than eggs), cottage cheese, veggies, and cheese. I try to eat a banana every day. Blueberries, stawberries and cherries make wonderful snacks.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
