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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. I'm so sorry you have had these problems. Gall bladder surgery is awful but complicated gall badder surger is even worse. One of my stones got loose and they had to fish it out with an ERCP and that caused me to go into pancreatitis. Ouch! Your blood pressure is probably still suffering from the stress and trauma your body has gone through. Two surgeries in a short time is hard on you. Having your bile ducts clogged with stones is hard on you. Having your liver and pancreas unhappy is hard on you. Your poor body has been through the ringer. Give yourself a little time. Do what your doctors tell you to do. It's good you have lost some weight. Think what bad complications you might have had if you were heavier. Good luck to you!
  2. StLouisGal

    Exercise is fun!....?......

    Those are great ideas. It's so much more fun to exercise now that I am not carrying a 75 lb sack of flour on my back. Try to pick one up sometime and see how much you have actually lost. It will make you feel light all day. Have an awesome day!
  3. StLouisGal

    Let's talk booze!

    I have never been much of a drinker so I haven't tried anything since my surgery.
  4. StLouisGal

    Weirdest NSV for me

    Oh, that is too funny. Isn't it neat how our whole outlook has changed. I would have been offended by that comment six months ago but now I'm like you, I'd take it as a compliment. Thanks for sharing.
  5. StLouisGal

    Worried about Calorie intake

    That is about how many calories I was getting when I was on the "clear liquid" diet. It sounds like you are getting plenty of Protein and as long as you are getting the protein you need and enough liquids your body won't be compromised. Remember that you are still healing from the surgery and that may be what is making you feel weak. Did your doctor tell you to take B-1 and extra B-12. My clear liquids was only about 10 days and then I could add Soups and puddings. Try adding Isopure Clear to your Crystal Light to bump up the protein a little more. I found that walking helped me build up my strength too. Good luck with your first graders, I taught second grade for 12 years so I know how exhausting that first week of school is both for the kids and teachers.
  6. I am so excited. Today is my six month Bandiversary. I weighed in this morning at 213. I'm posting the pictures we took this morning, notice I'm wearing a BELT, haven't done that since about maybe high school. Those are size 16 jeans, haven't done that in twenty years. I love my band.
  7. StLouisGal

    Six Months gone and halfway there

    Thanks for all your support. It does feel good. I had given up all hope of ever being a healthy weight again. I'm not quite there but I feel good about myself again. I went to my six month check up yesterday. They thought I was doing very well. Have to have a truck load of blood tests but otherwise unless I decide I need a fill, I don't have to go back until 1 year post-op. :thumbup: I'm training for a 5K walk next month and I at least want to place, may not win yet but my goal is to finish in the top three. The last 5K I did my time was 1 hour and 23 minutes. I think I can beat that this year. :thumbup:
  8. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    They don't have any "up front" charges. I have to pay a co-pay for each fill and I had to pay co-pays for the hospital but other than that there have been no extra charges. I think I had to pay the psychologist a "paperwork fee" but insurance paid for most of her bill. I didn't have any weight related health issues either so there is hope for insurance approval. Dr. Scott requires a one night stay at the hospital. I was glad I was there, the adjustable bed was easier to get comfortable in than my bed at home. The IV fluids helped too because you really don't feel like eating or drinking much. The nurses at the hospital were great and really understood the bariatric surgery.
  9. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Glad you are here. This is a great place to go for support and to get your questions answered. A co-morbitity is a condition that is made worse by obesity, or that obesity contributes to, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, etc. With a BMI of 40 you shouldn't have too much trouble getting insurance approval as long as bariatric surgery isn't an exclusion on your policy. I am pretty parcial to my doctor, Dr. Scott at DePaul. I think DePaul has a great support system and an all around good program. There are several good programs in the STL area so you have a lot to choose from. I haven't had a lot of "extra" expenses that my insurance hasn't paid for. The Vitamins and Protein suppliments can be pricey but when you consider how much less I am eating, I think it evens out. Good luck in your search for a doctor and getting all the i's dotted and the t's crossed. It is a daunting endeavor but so worth it.
  10. Today is my six month bandiversary. I weighed in at Curves this morning at 213. My high weight was 289 so I am down 76 lbs. in six months. I have lost 63 lbs since surgery. The first two were taken about three months prior to my surgery at my highest weight. The last two were taken this morning.
  11. I didn't make it to "The Band Wagon" this week either. It is a great group but I had an existing committment for that day. Yes, I cancelled my fill because I think I am plenty restricted and still losing a pound and a half or so a week so I am really happy with that. I am shooting to be at goal by February 15 but we will have to see about that. 75 lbs in six months is pretty awesome. I love my band.

  12. StLouisGal

    Eating Habits

    The key is, you have to find out what works for you. It sounds like you are getting plenty of exercise so keep that up. I never eat solid anything before noon. I make a Protein shake for breakfast with skim milk, unjury Protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen (strawberries, cherries or blueberries) and a banana. I sip on that on my way to work. At around noon I eat lunch, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, cherry tomatos, zuchini slices, etc. Midafternoon I have a snack because I don't eat supper until after 7:30 p.m. I usually have an ounce or two of fresh mozzarella and a tomato chopped into small pieces and sprinkled with basil. drizzle a little light balsamic vinegarette for a real treat. For supper I make an omlet with egg beaters, canadian bacon, and cheese. When we eat out I eat off dh plate. I usually eat about 1000-1200 calories a day, give or take. I've only had three fills and I think I am pretty restricted but if I nibble all day I can still consume a lot. That is why I am pretty rigid about what time I eat and how much I eat at those times. Another thing you need to really watch is your Water intake, the more you drink, the less hungry you will be.
  13. StLouisGal


    Do something special for yourself like a manicure, pedicure or a massage.
  14. StLouisGal

    My first posted progress pics

    Ready, You look wonderful. What a difference 40 lbs makes. Keep up the good work.:w00t:
  15. StLouisGal

    So discouraged.... :(

    You've only been banded for eight weeks and you have lost 32 lbs. I would say that is pretty outstanding. Have you thought that the exercise you have been doing is converting fat to muscle, Muscle weighs more and can slow weight loss but still contributes to a healthier you. Have you lost inches? For the moment, forget the scale, eat healthy, measure what you eat so that you don't overeat, snack on veggies, there are lots of delicious fresh veggies out there and if you can eat them, enjoy. They will fill you up quickly. Drink plenty of Water, you need at least 64 ounces a day. You will feel better and have more energy. It sometimes takes 4-6 fills to reach the proper restriction. Remember that the band is a tool and you have to do a great deal of the work, the band just makes it easier. Don't beat yourself up when you think you have failed, just try again the next meal. You can do this! The weeks between surgery and good restriction are frustrating but they are just the beginning of a whole new life, Get back out there and exercise. It is not only good for you, it gets your mind off food. Hang in there, we've all been where you are and understand your frustration.
  16. StLouisGal

    First Post - Angry About Lap Band.

    Charles, Have you been to a seminar or support group for the doctor that you are considering. That is the best way to get a feel for how your surgeon works. Talking to others at a support group will help you understand how the band works. I did not have a pre-op diet, was on liquids for 10 days, mushies for 2 weeks and then started adding foods one at a time to see what I could tolerate. There are some foods I choose not to eat because they either cause a problem (get stuck) or I really don't crave them and why waste the calories. I find that I can eat small amounts of most of my favorite foods. This has been a great tool to help me lose the weight I have stuggled with all my adult life. The article you read has some mis-information but it did serve to help you really think about the sacrifices you will have to make if you get banded. The band is not a magic bullet, you still have to work at losing the weight. You are going to have to use the "E" word occasionally (exercise) and you are going to have to watch what you eat very carefully for the first few months until you get a feel for what works and what doesn't. If you want the band to fail, it is pretty easy, eat ice cream, shakes, a lot of juices, etc. My doctor says no carbonation or coconut forever. Let me tell you, I was a Coca cola addict. I love the stuff. Coke doesn't taste anywhere near as good as being able to climb a mountain with my family instead of waiting at the bottom for them to come back down. If you want the band to work the way it is designed you will be willing to make the small sacrifices required to make it work. Good luck in your search for the right answer for you. It is a very personal decision. I wish you the best.:biggrin:
  17. StLouisGal

    Blood Test Results

    You are looking fantastic. The only thing on you that is getting bigger is those beautiful eyes. Keep on keepin' on.
  18. StLouisGal

    Blood Test Results

    Congratulations. What exciting news. I'm glad you don't have to wait any longer to start trying to have a baby. That will shake your life up forever but it is so worth it. Good luck!
  19. I don't get my blood tested for a couple of weeks but my doctor requires additional B-12 suppliments (I take 500 mcg, sublingual daily) I also take an iron suppliment because I have a history of anemia and my hemotologist recommends the iron suppliments. I also take bariatric chewable Vitamins that have extra iron and b-12. I get the iron tested every six months because that can build up if you have too much but b-12 is Water soluable and excess is passed on through the body.
  20. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Congrats Chris, You are doing so well. I cancelled my fill appointmnet for today because I feel like I am plenty restricted and the doctor agreed with me. I go in next month for a regular check-up without a fill. I'm interested in walking also. I live near Tower Grove Park and work at Wash U. Let me know when you plan to walk and I'll try to be there. I've been trying to get in 10,000 steps a day but it's much more fun with a walking buddy.:biggrin:
  21. Congrats on the little black dress. That has to feel super. I went hiking in the mountains last weekend. That is something I would never have attempted 6 months ago. It was an amazing view from the top. We only hiked about 3 miles but the trails were steep and rocky. I am really proud of myself for going up and making it back down without any problems.
  22. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    The best way to find out about your insurance is to call the number on your card and ask. I found out after I chose a doctor that my insurance didn't cover that practice so I had to start over with an "approved" doctor. It's a headache but soooooooo worth it. I love my band.
  23. Ahhhhh 6 months from my surgery date 25 days from today . . . I would like to be solidly into size 16 Misses (right now I am in size 16W pants and skirts) I would also like to be down at least 75 lbs (today I am at -70) :eek: We have all done so well. Keep up the good work and we'll all be at our goals before we know it.
  24. StLouisGal

    I love my lap-band . . .

    I love my band more each day! I, too, have noticed that the VV's thread is a little dead right now. I think it must be because we are all out living life as it should be lived. I know I am spending much more time out walking instead of propped up with the computer in my lap. I do try to check in every day or so to make sure nothing hot is going on. Jaime and Ezma, you are both doing so terrrific. My goal for 6 months is 75 lbs gone - you are both well ahead of me on that one. I am over halfway to my goal as of last week so I am very pleased with that. This last 20# coast into Onderland will be interesting. I'm hoping to be there by mid September. (Big family reunion end of Sept.) You all take care,
  25. StLouisGal


    That depends on your doctor. Mine wanted us to start the Vitamins two weeks pre-op and on the first day home from the hospital post op. I had vitamins in my IV while in the hospital. :frown:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
