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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. Hey John, How are you doing?


    I haven't been around much lately, got too much other stuff going on but I think about you fairly often and wonder how you are doing.


    Did your wife get her band? How is she doing?


    Take care, Happy Holidays!

  2. StLouisGal

    Christmas Goals

    My goal is to hang in and not gain over the holidays. I would love to hit 199 by Jan 1, but I am not going to stress myself out to do it. I am in such a better place than I was last year this time so I am thankful for each pound lost, (all 82 of them) and looking forward to the new year. 2008 will go down as one of my best but I'm looking forward to whatever new adventures I can find in 2009. I have already signed up for the post holiday weight management class offered at my Curves. I think I need a little motivation and some getting back to the basics. I've allowed myself to slip into some bad habits and need to nix them and get back into eating more healthy. Thank you all for being there to encourage me this year. I don't think I would have succeeded without you! You are the best! Love ya!
  3. StLouisGal

    9 Month Status

    I've been out and about and haven't had time to come to the board. I am still going strong, although the weight loss has slowed to about half a pound a month, mmmm, in other words nearly non-existent. I'm not complaining, I am thrilled with my results so far and I am not gaining weight like I have after previous diet attempts. I have actually had the energy to go shopping and do other things that I have not previously had the energy or desire to attempt so that is a great NSV. Glad to hear everyone else is plodding along, We've come a long way in the last year. Happy Holidays to all. Love ya!
  4. StLouisGal

    Wanted to share some pics

    You look amazing. The transformation is astounding. Keep up the good work.
  5. StLouisGal

    NSV -- Just wanted to share

    Congratulations. Have someone take a picture so we can all see how great you look!
  6. StLouisGal

    Major victory!!!!!

    That is so Awesome! Keep up the good work!
  7. StLouisGal

    Ouch! Stuck, Stuck, Stuck!

    Advil and Motrin both come in a children's liquid that would not get stuck. I think the reason they tell us to stay away from nsaids is because of the potential for stomach irritation. At least with liquid it is not sitting in the small pouch to cause irritation.
  8. StLouisGal


    Stick to what you think is right for you. Neither surgery is an "easy" way to lose weight. You are going to have to work at it with either procedure. My experience has been that doctors that push the bypass are the surgeons who either don't do the band or don't do it well. My SIL had bypass surgery about a month after I had my band. I have lost more weight than she has. Why? because I work at it harder than she does. She doesn't exercise, eats six meals a day (actually I think she grazes all the time.) and makes poor food choices. I try to make wise food choices, only eat three meals a day, make sure I get my Protein in every day, and I walk 5-7 miles a day. There are many people who have been successful with both procedures and many people who have failed at both procedures. Do your homework and then stick to your guns about what you will or will not do to your body. For me, it has been the best decision I have ever made for my health. A year ago I couldn't walk 1/4 mile without using my inhaler. Good luck on whatever route you take.
  9. StLouisGal

    Just wanted to share this NSV

    You truly look happy and shining in this picture. Keep it up. You are an inspiration to us. Aren't new clothes fun?
  10. StLouisGal

    New2Site : Suggestions for Companies & Dr

    Our insurance is through the federal government. I work for a University here in St. Louis but we have our insurance through my dh's job.
  11. StLouisGal

    Anthem BCBS

    The is just about exactly how mine went.
  12. StLouisGal

    Should I feel guilty

    No you shouldn't feel guilty. You have to make the decision on what you put in your mouth. You can eat frozen dinners without dieting. It all depends on the whole plan. As has been said, you still need to watch out for sodium and fat grams but eating a frozen dinner as a part of a well rounded plan is fine. Sometimes it is so much easier to zap a lein cuizine than to actually pull out pots and pans and bake a chicken or a fish. They are about the right size for us and some are quite good. It also gives good variety I find that if I actually cook something I have to eat the same thing for several days to finish it. Yes, you should listen to your doctor but you also have to use some common sense too. :thumbdown:
  13. StLouisGal

    New2Site : Suggestions for Companies & Dr

    I'm in the St. Louis area. My insurance (Alliance BC/BS) paid for my Lap Band Surgery. It took them a while to approve it but so far they have covered everything but my co-pays. It depends on what your company chooses to exclude in their coverage because not all BC policies cover bariatric surgery. Good luck, I hope you find the solution and the right doctor for your husband.
  14. StLouisGal

    Anthem BCBS

    I have Anthem BC/BS in Missouri. My primary physician wrote a letter outlining my diet and exercise attempts (failures) and weight history for the past five years and gave convinceing reasons why she thought it was an excellent option for me. The surgeons office required a 5 year weight and diet history. ( gave them 30 years worth) I had an appointment with a psychologist who also wrote a report for the insurance company. Your surgeon's office should know how to fill out the paperwork so it will go through. Good luck to you!
  15. StLouisGal

    Poll: The lapband

    First of all you are not a failure! Your life has spun out of control and at times like this it is impossible to add the stress of trying to lose weight. Before you can be successful at the weight loss you have to get some other areas of your life in order. Moving, raising children, marriages, are all huge stressors. Have you considered finding a councellor to help you sort through some of these issues so that you will have a clearer path to making you stronger. If you are involved in a church, speak with your pastor for recommendations about someone who can help you. Your family doctor could possibly point you in the right direction. Sometimes just having someone else to share the load can be helpful. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now and could use some help. Good luck to you!
  16. StLouisGal

    100 pounds!!

    You look amazing, not hardly even like the same person! Congratulations.
  17. StLouisGal

    Add me to the 100 lb club WOOHOO!!!

    Congratulations, You are doing so fantastically well. I've been stuck at 78 for a couple of weeks. I'm ready to move on but my body is resisting. My goal is to be at Onederland by January 1 and at 100 lbs gone by 1 year post op (February 15) You are an inspiration. I can do this.
  18. StLouisGal

    100 pounds!!

    Congratulations, You are doing so awesome! Post some more pictures soon.
  19. John, You are looking awesome. Keep up the good work! Hope to see you on THE BAND WAGON soon. It's a great support group.

  20. StLouisGal

    Severe Anemia

    I take an Iron supplement and it goes down fine, it is a little white pill. Don't take it with your Calcium suppliment because it won't get absorbed. I think they say Vitamin C helps iron absorb. If you are taking an iron suppliment make sure you see your doctor periodically because too much iron can be toxic. That isn't something you want to mess with either. Good luck to all.
  21. I hadn't really thought about what to do when. . . I'll probably leave well enough alone unless I start losing too much (interesting thought) then I might consider having a little taken out. I am so afraid of gaining some back that it will be a long time before I make any decisions on that. I like being able to eat a normal sized meal and feeling satisfied. That never happened to me before I had my band. I plan to take very good care of it, forever.:biggrin:
  22. StLouisGal

    Just wanted to share this NSV

    Funny you should mention trying on dh's pants. I found a pair of my husband's pants in my closet this weekend and for grins and giggles I tried them on. They were too big!!!! This is the first time since the first baby was born (nearly 30 years ago) that I am smaller than him. It's a great feeling.
  23. StLouisGal

    Why am I still holding on to those clothes?

    I've been giving them away as fast as I undergrow them. I have kept a couple of shirts and a pair of jeans just so I never forget where I have been. I'm enjoying picking up new things as I find them on clearance. Now that the season is changing I'm going to have to start looking for sweaters and things for the fall. Nothing I had last winter is going to fit. What a terrible problem to have!
  24. StLouisGal

    Givin' up the ice cream

    This thread is great! I thought I was the only one with an ice cream addiction. My friends Ben and Jerry have been getting me into all kinds of trouble lately. I haven't gained any but I sure haven't lost any either. I know it isn't the band that is letting me down, it's me. It's so good to know that I have friends that understand about Ben and Jerry. Ezma, I'm parying for your husband also. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling but don't let it make you lose what you have gained over the last few months. (or gain what you have lost, whichever the case may be) Hang in there.
  25. StLouisGal

    excited about the pain

    First of all, Congratulations on the walking. Walking will really jumpstart your toning and move the weight loss along. Now to your foot. It sounds like a heel spur. I had one several years ago. They are extremely painful, especially in the morning. How it was explained to me is that I had irritated the area around the spur so it was inflamed and causing pain. You need to find a good podiatrist and follow his/her advice on how to break the pain cycle. There are exercises you can do and he my suggest anti-inflamitory medication or cortozone shots. It is probably not something you want to let go. The good news is, if this is what is going on, it is very treatable. Mine aren't bothering me at all now and I walk several miles a day. Hang in there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
