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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StLouisGal

  1. StLouisGal

    Long and Winding Road?

    Are there other surgeons in your area that your insurance does cover. I am also on an blue cross hmo and there are several clinics in our area that do bands. The first surgeon on that I contacted was not on my insurance list so I had to look for another one. Get a copy of your provider directory and look for another surgeon. Where are you located? My provider directory had a list of bariatric surgery centers that they recommend. It is worth looking into. Good luck with whatever decision you make. Just make sure it is right for you before you do anything.
  2. StLouisGal

    Hello Missouri

    Welcome Baby Ruth. I'm in the Insurance Hoop too. Waiting for the Dr's office to send in the paperwork. Where in Missouri are you? What center are you using? It's good to know that there is someone else going through this at the same time I am.
  3. I had my psych evaluation a few weeks ago. It was kind of interesting. She asked questions about my family and weight history, were my parents', siblings, normal weight or obese, that sort of thing. She asked about my history of depression, asked how I would handle situations once I was banded and went out socially where an abundance of food was available. I had to take a little test to see how much I knew about how the band works and what is allowed, etc. Be yourself and be honest and you should be fine. It really isn't anything to be scared of. I don't know a lot about the post op diet since I haven't met with the nutritionist yet, I am waiting for insurance approval then will have a day long class with nutritionist, physical therapy, pre-op testing, meet with surgeon, etc. I can hardly wait but that is what I am doing, waiting. Hang in there, we will all eventually get there.
  4. I am a 46. I hope to be banded in January. My paperwork is at the Insurance company now.
  5. StLouisGal

    judgemental people......

    The comments I love are the ones from thin folks who don't have a clue what the surgery entails who have suggested to me that I need it. They seem to think it is an easy way out and can be accomplished in a weekend. Some TV personality or the other had it so they think I should too. Needless to say I have not told them I am even considering surgery. I have only told the people I work with. They are extremely supportive of me and whatever I want to do and have accepted me as I am without condition. A few are a little sceptical that I really need it but are willing to support me because it is what I want. My DH and (grown) kids are on board with me too and just want me to be healthy and happy. The people who seem to feel that I will have more value as a thin person don't deserve to have any say in my life. Since most of them are family I can't cut myself off from them but I sure don't have to let them beat my self esteme (sp) up either. I haven't told them and don't plan to until they start worrying that I am sick because I am losing so much weight. Sorry for the long rant but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is.
  6. StLouisGal

    Doctor approval

    My nurse practitioner actually wrote my letter but had the doctor that works in the office with her sign it also. I am sure your nurse is just trying to make sure you get the best care available. Insurance companies will probably pay more attention to MD after the signature. Hang in there. It will all work out.
  7. StLouisGal


    The strawberry sorbet flavor is pretty good mixed with Crystal Light lemonade. I mix chocolate and vanilla with skim milk to help me get in my Calcium. I won't be banded until after the first of the year but I figure getting a little extra Protein in now can only make me healthier for the surgery. I have been drinking a shake for Breakfast for a week or so now. I was surprised and very pleased at how quickly it came in the mail. The sample sizes were nice for trying them out but the larger containers are much cheaper per serving.
  8. StLouisGal

    Don't save your skinny jeans...

    What a great problem to have. I swore I would not buy any more clothes until after my band, I hadn't thought far enough ahead to think about what I will wear while I was losing. Probably a lot of elastic waist skirts that can be taken in without looking obvious. I got rid of all my skinny clothes when I gave up on ever losing weight again (before I heard about the band) so now all I have is fat clothes. Do you live in a city large enough to have a "Goodwill" or "Salvation Army" store. They often sell barely used clothes for very reasonable prices to get you through to the next size. No point in spending a lot of money on clothes you won't wear but a few weeks. Good luck
  9. StLouisGal

    New Year's Resolution

    It sounds like there are a bunch of us "January Bandsters". :confused:I don't have a date yet but my paperwork is supposed to go to the insurance this week so hopefully I will be able to schedule my surgery some time in January. At the Weight Loss Institute I am going though they don't schedule your meeting with the surgeon until after insurance has approved you. I had to submit a detailed history and a letter from my PCP with weight history and diet attempts for the last five years. :clap2: I had my Psych evaluation this week. She went over all the diet changes that will be required, etc. to see that I understood exactly what I am doing. Now my file is complete :whoo:so the Surgeon's office will submit for insurance approval. After insurance approval, I will be scheduled for a day long class where they do diet session, exercise session, pre-op tests and meeting with the surgeon. Surgery will be scheduled at the meeting with the surgeon. I am starting to get to the exciting part, but still a little nervous that the insurance company will ok everything. :nervous:nervous:nervous
  10. StLouisGal

    Long and Winding Road?

    <p>I hope to join the band wagon in January also. Got my pysch clearance today. Not sure what the time line is but the center is booking January surgeries now so hopefully I'll get one too. I am currently 288 lbs and my ideal weight is 155. I started this journey because I want to head off any health issues that I know are coming because of my weight. I want to . . . go to the theater without the armrests digging into my hips . . . fly without needing a seat belt extension . . . save my joints from replacement surgery. . . you get the idea. </p> <p> </p> <p>Good luck to those who have dates set and those of us who are still waiting for final approval and a date. Happy New Year to us.</p>
  11. For heaven sakes, don't weigh yourself everyday. It will make you crazy. . . Your daily weight depends on the time of the month, how much water, etc. you have had to drink that day, the humidity outside, all kinds of things. Please resist the temptation to weigh everyday and just stick to your program, it will be worth it in the end. Hang in there, you can do it. :clap2:
  12. StLouisGal

    St. Louis People

    Ms. Jen, Did you have Dr. de la Torre do your band. I am just starting to fill out paperwork, etc. Any hints, pitfalls, advice??? I am excited and scared at the same time. Did you use the Psy. through their office? Thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give.
  13. StLouisGal


    I've been going to my Curves for over three years and love it. I have been to many different Curves locations and they vary a great deal. The one I go to has 12 machines and a stretching station. It is a very large club and many of the members have been there for years. I am not banded yet so I don't know how well it will work afterwards but for me at this point in my life it is a great workout. The weights are not fixed, they are hydralic so you are working at your own capacity, the harder you push the more resistence you get. I can see where it might be a problem for very tall women but I feel like it has kept me from weighing 400 pounds instead of 300. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  14. StLouisGal

    Results with the new AP band?

    What do you mean by 360 degrees? Don't they all go around the top of the stomach. I'm confused?
  15. :confused:I have done a lot of research for the best place to go in St. Louis only to find out that my insurance doesn't cover the program I chose, It's back to the drawing board. Anyone used the DePaul Weight Loss Institute with Dr. de la Torre? It's about 30 minutes from my work and 45 from home but I guess that won't be too bad. Any insight anyone can provide would be appreciated.:help:
  16. StLouisGal

    Surg 4-17 at Barnes West (St. Louis)

    Are you going through the Washington University Program? I am still researching it but it looks like the best on paper, and it is close to work, home etc. so not hard to go to support groups, appointments, etc. any suggestions, help, etc. would be appreciated.
  17. Has anyone used this program. I am scheduled for their seminar on October 17 and wondering if anyone has experience with them?:help:
  18. StLouisGal

    Newbie Here

    I'm new here too, I made an appointment for the required seminar yesterday. I guess we will go through the process and see where it goes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
